W68 - Searching for a CO


Non-stop Poster
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Hello All!
I am Mr Offence. Many of you will not know me as I do not get my head out a lot. However, I am hoping to join W68 and I search for a co-played or 2, that can play from 2300-0600 mainly. (could also do with someone during the day) - I am also in a strong pre-made.
If you are interested, add me on skype @ Mr.Offence

And you may be thinking, 'Who Is This Guy?'

On co.uk I am in the UKSC. With Adrian D. and Jobson1984. We win a lot.
Uk6, currently on a 12 million + account, and steadily winning a world.

Mr Offence
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I dont like this server settings As an hell team we will not join this server.