w88 Tribal Ratings and Reviews


Seeing as Raavna may be MIA I figure i'll start another tribe review thread of my own with the intention of keeping it updated. I'll be rating each tribe out of 100. I'll have 10 categories and score each one out of 10, because simple math suits me.


The Good Fellas
Points: 10/10
No. 1 tribe in the world with a 100k lead over AM family and nearly double the points of the rank 5 tribe. The numbers speak for themselves. Not much to comment about. Good work guys.

Position: 6/10
Not a great position or spread pretty bunched up in k45. While it's important to secure your k getting stuck in the core and gangbanged from all sides is never a fun time. It's definitely something that could happen lest they start heading towards the rim or get some friends back there pretty soon. Being number one is a just having a nice big target on your back.

Enoblements: 8/10
Impressive nobling. Very few barbs and internals. They've only lost one village so far to another tribe that wasn't recaptured. Only one tribe is beating them in villas captured so far this month.

Oda/Odd: 8/10
I've never been a huge fan of od in particular the less of it the better imo. They're no. 1 in oda and 6 in odd showing they've been doing a lot of beating up on other tribes while getting a fair share of it back in retaliation. They have the highest odd of the other top 5 tribes at 290k and nearly 3 times less then the rank 1 tribe in odd. Pretty good numbers considering.

Diplomacy: 6/10
Personally if i could i'd never get into a relationship with any tribe if i could help it. Hugging, nap's, alliances, coalitions, family tribes,etc.; Never had captivated my imagination. While i can see the importance of them and respect the people who can wheel and deal in the diplo department it's just not my style. Although with the tribe limit being only 25 members diplomacy will play a major role in w88. As far as i know Fellas has no diplomacy that i can speak of. While i can get behind that i can also see if it stays that way they will have a hard time before too long.

Coa/ Profile: 6/10
Soso for the coa/ profile gets the job done. That's about all though. I guess i like a little more showmanship enticing players.

Reputation: 7/10
Recognize a few players from previous worlds. Not much presence on the externals which isn't always a bad thing. Being rank one always helps your rep.

Recruitment: 7/10
4 players in the top 10. Birds of a feather flock together i guess. Like i mentioned before not a huge fan of the spread which could be improved if they recruited for position rather then rank as it looks. Still you can't argue with the current results. They have the 3rd highest tribe changes for the top 5. Considering they're not a premade it's to be expected. Can't fault a tribe for the comings and goings of players.

Tribe Appeal: 8/10
It's the number one tribe with some top ranked players that are growing well together, what's not appealing about that. Seriously though from the outside looking in it seems like they have things going in the right direction and plenty of people would love to get an invite.

Potential: 7/10
Going from past experiences it's pretty rare that the no.1 tribe from start up has what it takes to win a world. It's a long way off and we just got this world started. Overall though Fellas have definitely set themselves up on the right foot to give it a good run. With a bit of luck and some well placed diplomacy who knows what could happen.

Total Score: 79/100

The dukes of Fellas have been kind enough to answer a few questions for me as well:






How many ups and downs could Fellas had since the world just started? :| strange...

And if u feel the need to add there "we will stick together till the end"...u sure know there might be some problems :X

Good luck dealing them, tho ;)


The biggest problem fellas is facing atm is the Cody said he was going to interview me about my favourite animals but didn't ;(


It goes
1. Unicorns
2. Tigers
3. Lions
4. Doggies
5. Ponies

Ligers would obviously be top but I thought they would be too op to go on a list.



AM Family
I'm going to be mostly focusing on the main tribe of AM in my analysis but the family will be included too.​

Points: 8/10
770.659 for the main tribe at the time of writing. 200k less then the number one ranked tribe with the same member count. Also according to twstats AM was started 4 days prior to Fellas as well. It's still early enough in the where 4 days still can make a difference. Unlke further down the world as it gets older join date matters little.

Position: 8/10
Quite a good position to start fairly spacious not too compacted like Fellas and not blocked in by a dangerous tribe such as God. So it's almost just right. Setting them up to take the top left quarter of the pie.

Enoblements: 6/10
Not the best nobling I've ever seen. About 30% of all villages nobled so far are barbs, internals and villages lower then 2k. Not to imply there's anything wrong with noblbing barbs and such it's just a bit early still imo to waste nobles. While there's always exceptions when nobling 30% of subpar villages is a rather high number at this point in time.

Oda/Odd: 7/10
As i already previously mentioned i'm not a huge fan of od.. Judging by their stats they're almost working as hard as Fellas for their villages with nearly as much push back.. For example 17% of 1984's total od comes from odd while 26% of AM's od comes from defending with Fellas at 29%.

Diplomacy: 6/10
Not privvy to the inner workings of the tribe unfortunately i'll be sure to bring up diplo in the interview section. We all know they're a family tribe. Those have been the butt of jokes for years and years. They're also a world winning tribe and smart diplo plays a huge part if you ever inted to make it anywhere near the closing stages of a world. So i'll give them the benefit of the doubt. and rate it positively.

Coa/ Profile: 7/10
Meh nothing wrong with the coa a nice picture reflecting the tribes name. Profile has the contact info. Business like and sleek. Nothing bad about it.

Reputation: 10/10
Personally i've been away from TW for a few years, so i hadn't heard anything about the kreigers or AM. It didn't take me long to hear about them though. Everyone with the similar ign and most ranked decently well.. The ign's is enought to draw most peoples attention but also having a world win under their belts definitely helps thier cause.

Recruitment: 6/10
They have the most players in the top 20 out of the top 5 tribes but also have the 2nd highest tribe changes. Considering they're supposed to be a premade that seems relatively high to me. Plus there's the deal with their family tribes. I understand how they're supposed to work as teaching tribes and academy's etc. Mostly seems like they're being used as fodder and easy noble targets for the time being. I'm sure there's plenty of people that got their tw start in family tribes though so i hope this is one to help new players and just not take advantage of them.

Tribe Appeal: 8/10
Ranked number two and won a previous world, what's not to like. Only problems i could see joining would be fitting in; may be hard for some. You have people that've known each other for quite a while and have already formed pretty solid relationships. Always hard jumping in to something like that. Plus if you're apart of the other tribes you may not feel real comfortable as no one likes being on the b team.

Potential: 8/10
Having already won a world and with their spread and growth rate so far i'd say they have a solid opportunity at making a repeat of a world win. It aslso paints a target on their back. Sometimes secrecy works just as well as notoriety.

Total Score: 74/100

For this section of the interview we have two players that played for AM in their previous world, but both have opposite views of the tribe they once supported.


