W90 Champ New! Round 2


I dont think there is someone that didnt notice lack of teamwork in tea. But from this to throw shit on tea east players in favour of west is long way... As west has and had good players that coordinated, same happened in east. If it was more drama in east doesnt mean all players in east were cocky, rubbish and all things he is puking there...

I am a player that played in East side. I wont let this guy throwing shit on me or on some of my ex mates that did their best. We coordinated very well and did all we could and lot of times sat eachother. Bip was better? Yes. Enough said...

Now, stop comparing east with west and say in East we were shit, cocky, lazy .... Both sides had and has good or bad players. We are same team, same tribe...


I play on Adrift. You know exactly who I am Ara.

I didn't say the West didn't have shit players or that the East didn't have any good players, I just explained why the East collapsed long before the West did. In my opinion Delete has already lost, so there is no harm in explaining why they did.

Don't have anything against anyone personally, I'll call a spade a spade though.

Lost One

Im really surprised MW is saying Devil bunny is DELETES best player though, Best internaller ?


I play on Adrift. You know exactly who I am Ara.

I didn't say the West didn't have shit players or that the East didn't have any good players, I just explained why the East collapsed long before the West did. In my opinion Delete has already lost, so there is no harm in explaining why they did.

Don't have anything against anyone personally, I'll call a spade a spade though.

You only sat in east side few times and you barely have an idea about east because your attention was focused on west where u actively played. I do have a lot of respect for u as player and no, i had no idea it was u who posted this. You are far from being objective, tho... you praised west too much and make players in east look bad for who knows what reasons...i just cant agree with it.

Im really surprised MW is saying Devil bunny is DELETES best player though, Best internaller ?

Where did i say that?

In my opinion, Trex was best account Tea had and biggest lost for our team. Wish they were more solid than this :/ (trex, Jake and Lennox)
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I sat the East every single day when I was actually playing, often multiple players at the same time.


Yeah, i saw you even mentioned me as example. I was one of those 3 examples.

Let's have a look:


So, a lot on my account, which was one of those 3 examples..: 2 nights.

Don't get me wrong, i know u sat people, but sitting an account under fire that had villas hammered already and support messed up doesnt make u entitle to say we sucked on East, u know? It doesnt give u any right to talk if we had a good group of players here, either. U just sat and defended for a temporar time. If i sat few accounts in west i wont know better than u, Vaia or Omar who is trash there or not or if all of u are.

And i return to what i said in first place...wished we didnt had this throwing with mud between our players and better focus only in game. You are not tea or delete but u were...and your attitude now shows what broked us as team. Too much individual self easteem and completly underestimate the rest of your own team...and this was on both sides, east and west...

Good night..u are probably bored or drunk, i wont continue this useless polemic with you.
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I was just using one of many an example, ofc I didnt sit you often but I saw your account yea. I sat other people every night. If I had only sat you and said that for sure, but you werent one of the most common people to be sat on the front.


Mezonis - Kixo
XAbbadonX - sweetmisery
DeAdMaX - Kreiz
The Gay Land Pirate - Lost Ones
Ang3l - Ernestoxx
Awzrocks - F.K.A
war-peace - King Banana
MaJeSTee - xMachineZ


Well, this is interesting!!

Bitter blood and a contrarian just stirring the pot?

Good to have a distraction as the world seems to be winding down to an end. Something to do while we wait for the party in Oslo?


Mezonis - Kixo My mentor and god. No one above, only peasants under him. Clearly the most worty TW-Champ of all!
XAbbadonX - sweetmisery Done overall much better in w90 than the other.
DeAdMaX - Kreiz
The Gay Land Pirate - Lost Ones Too close. Cant decide.
Ang3l - Ernestoxx Hmm, hard, but i'd say Ang3l cos of his overall team support which no one can match in w90 IMO (in BiP)
Awzrocks - F.K.A Korean Sniper
war-peace - King Banana
MaJeSTee - xMachineZ Beard Power!