War In The Northwest - Noobo E Noobo


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You may be wondering who on earth I am and why did I bother writing such a long post.

The reason: because it's fun. When I played years ago people used to do this a lot; you should try it sometime.

Oops, I forgot to answer your first question! Well, I am Pyrodyce from the small tribe Two Old Noobs from the Northwest corner of the map.
Myself and my friend made our way in the world, me being a local spy working to take down my hapless tribe once they kicked my friend.

Yes, quite nefarious beginnings, but here's why you can get behind us, my dear casual observer: That same tribe was home to the infamous PP lover ULTRAFUSE. Along the way we made him ragequit and turned him into our farm. Yes, we are truly heroes of the highest order!
So now that you're back on our side, I'll continue with our story. We made a tribe of two so we could support each other in our quest to grow. Of course, we were looking to be picked up by a bigger tribe at some point.

We wanted to join ELR, as positionally it made a lot of sense. That desire began to fade as soon as they recruited Nikkox/Superhatt.
So we recruited a couple more players. We were a simple tribe with a simple way of life:

Screenshot 2021-02-24 123224.png

I came into this world optimistic about the tribe size of 15 players. 15 players, it sounds great! Lots of small tribes to make up for the lack of players these days. Close-knit brotherhoods where every last member counts.

What I found was world with a tribe with 4 academies from the word go, with no opposition whatsoever nearby. That tribe was the inspiringly-named "Black".
Since then we have found:

"They are everything we hate about Tribal Wars,
Merges, backstabbers and internals galore!

They have internalled their way to the top, and now since their merge has effectively blocked us off from any food, we, their allies, are next on the menu.
Let us not forget the skeletons in NSFW's closet, either. Nobling their top player as soon as he was unbanned, relentless barb nobling (they didn't have enough academies to internal) and letting their ally FUBAR get rimmed while they stood by and watched them take the bullet.

Gone are the days, however, when they would be admonished on the forums, to restore a sense of balance. Public opinion would shift against them, but alas, there is no consequence anymore. Until now.

A big shout out to YTPM, who are unfortunately the Ned Starks of this world, the honorable protagonist who dies too early due to naivety.
They managed to rim FUBAR before NSFW even realised their allies were at war, and are fighting valiantly still. To the death, to defend their corner.
As will we.
Let us not forgot the entertainment they have provided us. In these days with no forum activity it has been a welcome insight and use of PnP (I am successfully biased in your favour, good job) that has been sorely lacking from the game for so long.

Now anyone with a bit of foresight can predict the inevitable outcome of this world: "Norse", formerly "Black", led by "Evil Omen" will fall on their ASCII swords once Goocci and EICHEL come to town. That is if the tribe lasts that long: I really am an optimist!

I implore all those tribes out there who respect tribal wars players, not internal wars players, to mobilise against them. They lack a community, mutual respect, trust and crucially they lack war experience. I'm talking to you EICHEL, I'm talking to you Goocci, I'm talking to you Succor. (And all the others ones, but you know rule of three and all that) The legit tribes who fight enemies, not themselves. This is a fight worth fighting for the future of good tribal warfare.

So who's with us? Who will take down this monstrosity? We will stand with YTPM, fighting until we die.
We will stall them.
We will troll them (this is a good example).
And we will have fun doing it, as we will be playing Tribal Wars.

If you are looking for one more nail in the coffin to solidify your distaste for this poor excuse for a tribe, here it is: They are the first tribe in TW history to commit double regicide, which occurred when they kicked the man their tribe was named after, KingRegi, to their academy.

So with all that, we officially are terminating our alliance and declaring war. And we suspect that any tribe worth their salt will think twice before working with "Norse" in future.

Yes, we are over 10 times smaller.
But what we lack in sticks and stones, we easily make up for in words, as you can see from this lovely mess of a post ;)
And in the end, words have a lasting impact. Let us return to the better times of keeping Hug-To-Win/push tribes in check by calling them out in public.

Hence, I will leave you with a rather fitting poem, which will mark the beginning of the disintegration of "Norse":

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me.

Pain from words has left its scar, on mind and heart that's tender.
Cuts and bruises have not healed, it's words that I remember.

- Evil Omen Ruby Redfort
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New Member
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PS: Except sazerac, he is a chill dude

As a bonus I will leave you with a nice example of the aforementioned trolling. This is a lovely conversation I had with smithythefitter, who is being internalled as part of the merge and will join the Lady Kathrine account. This is what you're up against folks, I'm sure you'll all be quivering in your boots ;)

smithythefitter Mar 04, 19:09
If my village gets nobled you will pay for it along with your friend


Pyrodyce Mar 04, 19:14


smithythefitter Mar 04, 20:11
Hey Smithy - why do noobs think it's smart to vulture villages when a large players merges into a top 5 account? Do you think we are forgetful/benevolent? Or are they just too lazy to do research and end up over their heads?

<3 Toastie

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 20:43
Hey Barracks - why do noobs think it's cool to write weird angsty teenager rhetorical questions solely in italics? Do they not realise that it makes them look ridiculous?
Do they not understand the village they nobled was a poor choice, and would have been taken regardless of whatever was happening with their account? Did they not look at the map and do their research?

<3 Bread

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 20:43
Also, if they are a noob of course they have not done research mate

smithythefitter Mar 04, 20:51
Hi toastie
I don’t think these guys realise that these guys have claims on there villages now,and won’t be around for long to enjoy their spoils of war,
Never mind that they won’t be here for long on this world,

We will keep an eye on these guys from Tim’s account


smithythefitter Mar 04, 20:59
I forgot to say toastie,

Tim has put a claim on this village 008 and we can take it back later once these guys start losing their villages, and with claims on them it won’t be long

Can’t believe these inexperienced players think it’s ok to take on players much bigger than themselves

Still they have to learn the hard way


Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:02
Umm I think you are trying to send these to someone called "toastie". Not sure why you keep sending them to me. Hope we got that sorted, you're welcome :)

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:05
No it is meant as it is, I am sending the mails were I won’t them to go and so is toastie

We are both experienced players we know how it works


Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:08
Oh, ok, my bad. So you want me to forward them to this toastie fellow?

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:11
Butt out Pyro. I'm trying to have a conversation with my co here.

<3 Toastie

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:19
What a coincidence fellas. me too

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:21
Jeez Pyro, you think these guys could take out a 5-man tribe a tenth of their size that they completely surround on the map?

;) Dyce

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:23
Hmm Dyce, idk. They'll probably try to merge us. Maybe if we gave them directions away from the merge button towards the attack button they could do it.


Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:24
Don't forget Pyro, if they find they attack button we'll be ready with our special surprise. They'll never see it coming!

;) Dyce

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:28
Smithy should we tell them that we know the special surprise is the delete button?

<3 Toastie

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:29
Hey toastie man, bit of respect in front of the lady please

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:34
I told you to butt out. Just me and Smithy talking here.

<3 Toastie

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:35
These guys can’t see what coming,

There special weapon is not as good as ours,

Pity Tim can’t explain to these 2 what’s really going to happen

But time is short for these guys


smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:38
So what do you want to do? Start with this guy? or save him for last after we noble the rest of his friends? Want the easiest solution - I like squashing bugs, but don't like getting my shoes dirty

Pyrodyce Mar 04, 21:40
Cheers fellas, but to foresee the inevitable conclusion of your discussions, we're going to have to say no to any merge offers.

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:56
So potential target list, largest to smallest:

[player]el chacal[/player]

I think first move should be rysheen. They started this with scouts and unlikely to have much. Can pretty much ignore evend, but may be an in for information on where support troops are headed. Thinking we do some fanged faked targeting smith levels to slow their already slow growth. Either that or pits

<3 Toastie

smithythefitter Mar 04, 21:57
Sent pyro a friend request so we can monitor on-times. Let's see if they're dumb enough to accept

smithythefitter Mar 04, 22:01
Can’t believe these 2 keep interrupting our conversation, thought they could leave us to talk with some privacy

Nukes R Us

Reaction score
It goes to show how much you really dont know. Im not going to waste my time on here with a troll that is less informed than a donkeys butthole. You know absolutely nothing, but what you have seen from outside the curtains.

We dont fight we only internal? Lmao please. If you must know something, i might add here is some salt for your wounds. Everyone has came to us and contacted us to be friends and contacted us to merge with us. We have not backstabbed no one. There is a 15 member tribe limit, there is dead weight, weak links, noobs, and inactivity in EVERY SINGLE WORLD IN EVERY SINGLE TRIBE. So stfu and actually get some facts infront you. Before you embarras yourself again.

Second thing.. if we hugged our "whole way" why do we have some of the best players in the world in our tribe? Why do half of us have higher ODA than most of the world not to mention we are #3 tribe ODA.. so go tlk your s...at the end of the day... we have been fighting our whole way. And we will continue to fight until the very end. We were NEVER premade tribe , where as gooci EICHEIL and a few others were all premades. For us to make it to this big and not having a premade from the start is a good achievment in itself and its not because we have internalled our way i can assure you that.. Yes half of it has been due to alot of players merging accounts to form 15, 24/7 super active accounts WHICH WE NOW ALREADY HAVE. We dont eat our allies we have honoured all of our allies since day 1. WE HAVE NEVER once broke an agreement with any other tribe. We are loyal asf bunch. You clearly dont know tribalwars because you will know some big names are in our tribe, and some really experienced top tier players are in our tribe co playing on accounts you wouldnt even dream of them playing...

You have no idea who is behind these accounts. We are all multi world winners mate so talk yourself up more. Winning doesnt mean shit aslong as you work hard, and you fight til the very end its the pride at the end that matters, not being the egotisical maniac who thinks your a god at TW after you got carried for 1 world or then thinks everyone else around you is automatically hugging because THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU. Dont hate the player ,hate the game. FYI this game died along time ago...

I aint gunna waste my time no more on the "forums" big mouth hero. Actions speak louder than words. See you on the battlefeild noob.Goodluck.
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Deleted User - 7943673

Mmmh. somebody seems really butthurt.
Unfortunately there is something called tw stats, and this shows mucho interns and tiny barbs, but I guess the stats are all wrong.
I iz curious about the best tw players ever in your tribe. Please enlighten me

Evil Omen

Well-Known Member
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Sounds like you've been brainwashed by edgars lies. If anyone has backstabbed anyone, it was edgar lol...

Probably Not Ginge

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Mmmh. somebody seems really butthurt.
Unfortunately there is something called tw stats, and this shows mucho interns and tiny barbs, but I guess the stats are all wrong.
I iz curious about the best tw players ever in your tribe. Please enlighten me

I did join the other day on one of the accounts in NSFW (just picked any random tribe to play I don’t know anyone personally) so I can vouch that he is right about that

thanks @Nukes R Us so kind

no Fear Ginge is Here

Nukes R Us

Reaction score
Lol classic stats. You have never played a HP or classic world before then..

You do realise stats will show from previous classic aswell as new? Do your homework see/look up how accurate TWStats are for Classic...

Also on externals i do not have to say anything to you. Like i said big mucho , wanna be nerd tw legend. You know where i am, what tribe im in, you know what account im on. You gotta problem let your troops do the talking for once aye. And funniest part of all this. Im not the one butthurt, the guy that made this thread is butthurt cause he couldnt "HUG" the way like rest of us. Like you know we totally hugg everyone but just missed him and only this guy on purpose you know.. lol cool story bro :)

Oh PS. Anyone can post up some stats FYI. Its easier to hide behind milestones that are not yours right? Like i said. Actions speak louder than words. Can tlk s... on forums all day trying to prove who the better man is at the end of the day we both losers for wasting our time over a dead arguement on externals that is clearly going nowhere but in circles.

This world has only just began for us ;)

Deleted User - 7943673

Your Duky with 11 interns:

An Omen (478|445) K447,968great747Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-05 05:52:15
An Omen (491|458) K444,000Xer0Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-04 09:10:50
An Omen (490|457) K447,851Xer0 [WLRT]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-04 03:21:40
An Omen (480|463) K443,852rowzica [YTPM-S]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-02 00:23:19
An Omen (485|461) K447,598TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 21:49:32
An Omen (486|461) K446,260TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 13:58:30
An Omen (485|464) K443,865TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 08:02:48
An Omen (485|464) K443,865Evil Omen [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 08:02:48
An Omen (477|454) K449,294yttik [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 00:42:05
An Omen (475|456) K4410,160yttik [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-28 22:55:48
An Omen (494|458) K444,940great747Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-25 04:45:13
An Omen (494|467) K445,019great747 [P2]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-25 02:15:57
An Omen (495|464) K444,478seraph12345 [Punish]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-24 07:14:30
An Omen (492|456) K447,852great747 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 23:35:53
Find (510|454) K453,946Evil Omen [Norse]kuldk2pp [~HUSH~]2021-02-23 17:32:08
An Omen (494|456) K441,760xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 02:41:20
An Omen (497|463) K442,468jjy5045 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 01:32:54
An Omen (489|460) K446,441xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 23:47:15
An Omen (489|459) K445,303xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 20:07:16
An Omen (497|462) K446,955jjy5045 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 12:35:59

Probably Not Ginge

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I thinks Nukes English is better than most dyslexic people so I approve of his English, straight forward, to the point

A* well done

Probably Not Ginge

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Your Duky with 11 interns:

An Omen (478|445) K447,968great747Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-05 05:52:15
An Omen (491|458) K444,000Xer0Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-04 09:10:50
An Omen (490|457) K447,851Xer0 [WLRT]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-04 03:21:40
An Omen (480|463) K443,852rowzica [YTPM-S]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-02 00:23:19
An Omen (485|461) K447,598TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 21:49:32
An Omen (486|461) K446,260TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 13:58:30
An Omen (485|464) K443,865TriplesecEvil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 08:02:48
An Omen (485|464) K443,865Evil Omen [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 08:02:48
An Omen (477|454) K449,294yttik [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-03-01 00:42:05
An Omen (475|456) K4410,160yttik [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-28 22:55:48
An Omen (494|458) K444,940great747Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-25 04:45:13
An Omen (494|467) K445,019great747 [P2]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-25 02:15:57
An Omen (495|464) K444,478seraph12345 [Punish]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-24 07:14:30
An Omen (492|456) K447,852great747 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 23:35:53
Find (510|454) K453,946Evil Omen [Norse]kuldk2pp [~HUSH~]2021-02-23 17:32:08
An Omen (494|456) K441,760xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 02:41:20
An Omen (497|463) K442,468jjy5045 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-23 01:32:54
An Omen (489|460) K446,441xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 23:47:15
An Omen (489|459) K445,303xmonkeyx [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 20:07:16
An Omen (497|462) K446,955jjy5045 [Norse]Evil Omen [Norse]2021-02-22 12:35:59

can 100% say, they are not internals, the people who he nobled actually unfortunately passed away, all of them, just randomly, so he nobled them in honour

these were there final wishes before they passed, it was in their WILL

Deleted User - 7943673

I think that Nuke is from eastern europe. Atleast the way he writes his English seems that way. His IP address also gives a minor hint in that direction


New Member
Reaction score
It goes to show how much you really dont know. Im not going to waste my time on here with a troll that is less informed than a donkeys butthole. You know absolutely nothing, but what you have seen from outside the curtains.

We dont fight we only internal? Lmao please. If you must know something, i might add here is some salt for your wounds. Everyone has came to us and contacted us to be friends and contacted us to merge with us. We have not backstabbed no one. There is a 15 member tribe limit, there is dead weight, weak links, noobs, and inactivity in EVERY SINGLE WORLD IN EVERY SINGLE TRIBE. So stfu and actually get some facts infront you. Before you embarras yourself again.

Second thing.. if we hugged our "whole way" why do we have some of the best players in the world in our tribe? Why do half of us have higher ODA than most of the world not to mention we are #3 tribe ODA.. so go tlk your s...at the end of the day... we have been fighting our whole way. And we will continue to fight until the very end. We were NEVER premade tribe , where as gooci EICHEIL and a few others were all premades. For us to make it to this big and not having a premade from the start is a good achievment in itself and its not because we have internalled our way i can assure you that.. Yes half of it has been due to alot of players merging accounts to form 15, 24/7 super active accounts WHICH WE NOW ALREADY HAVE. We dont eat our allies we have honoured all of our allies since day 1. WE HAVE NEVER once broke an agreement with any other tribe. We are loyal asf bunch. You clearly dont know tribalwars because you will know some big names are in our tribe, and some really experienced top tier players are in our tribe co playing on accounts you wouldnt even dream of them playing...

You have no idea who is behind these accounts. We are all multi world winners mate so talk yourself up more. Winning doesnt mean shit aslong as you work hard, and you fight til the very end its the pride at the end that matters, not being the egotisical maniac who thinks your a god at TW after you got carried for 1 world or then thinks everyone else around you is automatically hugging because THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU. Dont hate the player ,hate the game. FYI this game died along time ago...

I aint gunna waste my time no more on the "forums" big mouth hero. Actions speak louder than words. See you on the battlefeild noob.Goodluck.

I am glad you chose not to waste any time with the big-mouth forum troll ;)

"egotisical maniac who thinks your a god at TW". Bit of projection perhaps? I never once claimed that I was good at this game; there is a reason for my tribe name. I played on one world when I was 12 years old, the most villas I ever had was 30. Just 10 minutes ago I didn't know that heavy cavalry traveled slower than light. I returned to this game during self-isolation from COVID-19, to pass some time. So yes, I am a noob, and proud to be. But even I can see that there is something wrong with how your tribe approaches this game.

What joy and honour is there to be found in recruiting two backstabbers who join to immediately war against their former tribe? Real loyal bunch you've got there alright. To see the greatest threat in your continent, and merge with them? Not only two tribes, but 5 more academies counting the internals, merging into just 15 accounts? Lovely underdog story. If you had your way all 4000 players would be sharing 1 account by the end of this world. Sounds fun. And you truly honour your allies deeply, which must be why you nobled two of our claims.

So yes you could probably destroy me quite easily, but as I never expected to even get two villages this world I must say I have nothing to lose. I play this game for a bit of fun, which I am having a lot of right now. So the game still has some life for new players; take responsibilty and don't use "the game is dead" as a meagre excuse for your actions.

Also, I accept your point that internal noble targets do have some troops. Good job on the ODA.

Deleted User - 7943673

There are 6 peeps on that 3 year old account, and I cannot stop thinking about which 1 of them will ragequit first. I think that Slavian dude on Cengaver is on there too, so my money is on him.
Perhaps we can have a poll?

p.s. lets hope he does not reply again like a 3 year old

Deleted User - 7943673

ooh dear o dear. now they iz all butthurt and haz a fake script. I think I quit

Nukes R Us

Reaction score
Im the account owner ELJAY and sorry all my 6 cos are actually very very dedicated, and they follow me through every single world mate. Wheres your cos at?