[spoil] soberknight made a sober suggestion,,as wasting time choosing to read someone's posts seems to pale to the idea of wasting time thinking up and posting replies , so the genius of blocking your tender eyes from my posts, and saving your tender brains the amygdala surge to reacting with wasted , empty comments,, is the best course here. My comments need not be seen by those who are so easily flustered, for i stoop low to bother with these types and find its not them i am usually commenting to anyways) but i would also doubt the sincerity of a TW addict on the subject of ''time wasting'' concerns, naturally. [/spoil]
*(Whats all this mention of my posts being illuminating? i wonder where that came from? ,, anyways,, )
Well, regardless of the Alb.'s claim of having no time , ( nice effort by the way,, you put in some time on that,, i am honored). And regardless of mr. bog , with the belching of whatever comes to his mind ,,wishing the world could be cut just so, in a neat way that suits him, and people conformed to his undefinable ideal. And regardless of the occasional chattering upchuck of ayuss and his infantile thrills for casting verbal abuse. (heheh,, ayuss abuse)
(and regardless of the lovely,, scented,, facepalm. . { Eau de sangre?})..
,, and regardless ... that i call GHS a noble tribe..
..i want to mention my compliments to the noble ODA tribe, and its members , especially about 5 of you who are worthy of swoon or a manly respectful nod, for capturing my heart and imagination from posts i have admired through unfolding time, that showed wisdom of character and performance and an insight with respectful grace. But the whole tribe is comprised of noteworthy and able characters who have beat the odds in this go, and that cant be done without sound leadership, and an active lively crew.
i have walked these finely carved forum halls for the fine mutton souffle and ale of its refreshment lounge, and enjoyed the chamber of dancing harlots more than i should, but in the spirit of revelry and jubilation , i raise a cup and toast the ODA !
Thrice by ODA folk i have witnessed dignity and reasonable treatment of some of my old tribemates back in the days of k sharing ( firm, but fair) , and for that and other reasons of my own, i offer honor to your 'core' , and say so because i now have that opportunity to do so.
" 'Tis a thing of beauty when a group of people can work together for a cause, all tribes would be best to heed it so , for its the truest key. "