

Got ya attention? ..

Well STOP and go back to the Decide thread its ALOT more interesting.

But BEFORE you go!

After doing a fun and enjoyable Smoke-Screen war with Die to make them move their Defense all over the place .. and basically have Zub keep his D at home in the fear that ED is going to unleash on him... All the while Phoenx chews through Die like a toothless hillbilly chewing through a chocolate covered fried banana!

We have decided to actually MERGE with a Tribe! Just without their Knowledge and acceptance...

So sadly .. since we dont have either .. We are just going to have to merge their Villages with ours!

Who the £ek Am I talking about, you are asking?

Why the Heck are you still going on and on Tempz?

Its Simple .. to keep you Away from the Decide forum!

So after much hard thought and effort to think of Hundreds of Photo's and a well thought out Comical and witty Declaration... I have instead said bugger it .. and instead going to go and play Pick up 52 with some cards!

But for all you people that still want some more " Infoz " Into what is actually happening .. Well .. Have i got a Declaration for you!

Now you know me .. i dont exactly believe in Honor or friendship or teamwork in a VIDEO GAME! ... I have a close niche of people that I chat to, but outside of that I prefer to be left alone.

Nor do I actually believe in a well thought out witty and comical Declaration on a small opponent, But due to this Tribe being such a public figure ... I just had to care a little!

So When Bad said dude .. you are sitting on your food! .. And i thought about this and realised .. the Lizard People LOST in " V "

And by god .. that cant be good!

So Instead I think this time .. we will NOT be " FREE'ing " the people from their captivity .. noooo we will be Eating them Up and moving onto the next Area for some better food.

Of course .. there maybe the odd recruit for the lack of mouths to feed. After all .. you can only eat so many " FREE " Mice that run around!

So Where does that leave us?


And not instead commenting on the Decide forum ... Hello WAY more interesting!

Now being that we want some ODA and stuff .. Im giving these " FREE " *V* Styled Mice some heads up .. you know when the Aliens came into Independance day and flames and stuff was in the sky and all .. basically saying sup .. we coming to eat you.

Except this time .. Yeah we brought all the ships and alien mates with us .... you know .. that giant mother alien ship with heaps of aliens left aboard .. and you were in the movie .. and saying WHY THE HECK DIDNT THEY SEND ALL OF THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?!?!?!?

Well we are! :D

So umm .. Engarde Free!

We wanna expand .. but we love our " V " Styled Food!
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tomas torquemada

Anybody wish to translate for me as I have no idea what I've just read.


He's declaring on FREE. Is it really so hard to understand?


Non Kiwi / Aussie Version is this

" ED is going to War with Free! "



Put the combatants in the title - otherwise neutrals wont be bothered reading it.

Best of luck ED.


Yeah would Parm .. but seriously this isnt a war .. everyone knows this in that area...

That Conan isnt Conan ...

Tabisher isnt the Same Person ...

Heard DTA isnt the same person either.

So either way .. its a war against inactives or sitters who should not of been given sits!

Personally for me .. this Declaration is just a laugh at how we all predicted 6 things before in the previous post ..

And one was ... LOEN and M51 .. Merge or war.

well Neither! :p

Thanks for the backing though mate!


Lol! Great declaration Templarz! I have to go with ED on this one.


:/ Really? That's unfortunate. It seems we have such bad timing.


Good luck ED especially against Conan of FSJ he may eat your inactives for you will be interesting to see what happens when he comes under proper fire.
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But for all you people that still want some more " Infoz " Into what is actually happening .. Well .. Have i got a Declaration for you!

you lost me something around there or even before.


Couldn't you just say "ED is declaring war against FREE"? It would have saved my simple minded brain cells the head ache.

BTW go FREE! :icon_cool:


lol, I read it, about 4 times before I had a picture and understanding of what you were talking about.

Go ED.