Warning about Kahlaan


Don't believe what he says, he is delusional. In my time as his co-player I unmasked all the tricks under his sleeve, which is why he booted me in addition to his ban.

A warning especially to DSy4 not to trust him, he has his loyalties strung to Infect, especially since he is xXLordWardXx's little prodigy and views him as a role model, and would do anything for him. Do not be surprised when he betrays you DSy4, don't let Infect take advantage of him and get to you.

He will do anything to make it seem like he is a friend of yours, btu apart from a few players he trusts and views as friends, his only real intent is to win the war but with the right people, in his view Infect.

You have been warned.

celtic rage

I am starting to think this is becoming one of the most popular false accusations in world 70 lately.... either that or everyone is an infect spy :icon_idea:

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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Threads like these tend to appear fairly frequently in this game, sad to say. Whilst you have the right to your personal opinion, I personally have 100% faith in Kahlaan and so completely disagree with your warning.

Whilst I will openly say that Kahlaan and I haven't always seen eye to eye (which he and I have spoken about in the time since I recruited him to DSy4), I will also openly say that he's shown promise, commitment and a dedication that I have much respect for. I don't see him ever being a traitor to a tribe he has given so much to already; maybe that's me being naive but I am confident in my views :)

Regarding his ban, from my understanding that was the result of a communication error between you and he when sorting out an account ownership - and not something that is within the forum rules to discuss.


Fully agreed. For me, this is just trash talk trying to stir the pot a little right now.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
yes Kahalan is little curious but that's all.He is one of the most committed player in our tribe without a doubt


I smell butthurt, he was booted for the ban he caused

What are you on about? Get your story straight before coming here.

and as you can see Infect has no idea who I am, I do not associate with them in any way.

It's just a game, I would rather die fighitng with DSy4 and my friends than string to Infect and abandon/backstab my tribe mates, Winning the world is not a priority that I would betray my tribe for, winning the pp and the reputation means nothing.

Please so explain, who you are. Cause im having the feeling, that im completely wasting my time here. If you got some hard proof for your claims then speak up, if not be forever quiet...


I shall discuss this with the tribal leadership, this be an outrageous claim he has no idea what he's talking about, someone delete this please...



...it's not like the loyalty is exactly over-egged tho, is it....LOL :icon_rolleyes:

Things change, but not by my consent, LGN fell but not because I wanted it to, there may come a time that winds change again, I am strung to the present not the past and hold no affiliation to LGN anymore, but this kengtang player thinks I do which is meant for him to see IDGAF about LGN anymore


Things change, but not by my consent, LGN fell but not because I wanted it to, there may come a time that winds change again, I am strung to the present not the past and hold no affiliation to LGN anymore, but this kengtang player thinks I do which is meant for him to see IDGAF about LGN anymore

it was more the "Loyalty as a movable feast..." suggestion that raised my eyebrows but nuff said from me


Threads like these tend to appear fairly frequently in this game, sad to say. Whilst you have the right to your personal opinion, I personally have 100% faith in Kahlaan and so completely disagree with your warning.

Whilst I will openly say that Kahlaan and I haven't always seen eye to eye (which he and I have spoken about in the time since I recruited him to DSy4), I will also openly say that he's shown promise, commitment and a dedication that I have much respect for. I don't see him ever being a traitor to a tribe he has given so much to already; maybe that's me being naive but I am confident in my views :)

Regarding his ban, from my understanding that was the result of a communication error between you and he when sorting out an account ownership - and not something that is within the forum rules to discuss.

And you are one of the DSy4 dukes? No idea which one as Abb has a different user...


me and kahlaan have been neighbors on K38 for ages and I have seen nothing from him, other than being active, friendly and reliable.

Michael Wittman

kahlaan does my laundry on fridays. i can assure you he is a stand up guy