We are Bizarr! Just smile and wave boys.

  • Thread starter ProfessorLayton
  • Start date


We are Bizarr!

If you'd like to join our ranks we have a few requirements. If it was easy it wouldn't be worth it.

First location
Go to the following url (don't worry it's twstats it's safe) http://www.twstats.com/en36/index.php?page=map
Fill it in as follows

If you see the color you picked for yourself congratulations you are one step closer. If you don't see your village lower the zoom level. Depending on your location we may still be able to help. We are also always expanding so check back often.

Second Troops
If you don't have an army and are above 100 points get one then contact us. We don't require sitting you a simple attack report is fine. Everyone is different so if your troop count is low it may be you are rushing LC's or you just lost a lot of troops on a stacked village. We are friendly bunch but we do want troops not just points.

Third Active
You may have the troops and be in the right location but if you go inactive you will be left out. However we have active and willing sitters in our tribe so we can work with you and hopefully you with us.

Last but most important Team Player
We are a tribe. We help those who need it and we coordinate attacks on those who attack our own. You are also expected to help you fellow tribe mates.

If you think you'd like to join please message ProfessorLayton, The-Unholy-1 or tszkwan in game. We are happy to talk to you. We also look for input from all our members and are looking to fill leadership roles, though don't expect to be given such roles until we get to know you.

Fun side notes
We started competitions with prizes. We will try to have a new one at least once a month if not sooner.


Well this looks like a fun tribe to be in ;) I do wish i was close enough :/


This tirbe actually looks decent.

Thanks! :lol:

BTW we are starting our next contest. For those who feel left out i'll just give you an idea of what we do and if you'd like to post your results you are welcome to. However don't expect to get anything as the prizes are only for players in our tribe...

Our competitions

Mostly a way to train your TW skills, get things our tribe needs and to have fun oh and of course get prizes.

  • Our first was to get the best train or 4 you can with the least amount of milliseconds between each attack. (warning if you try this don't go below 200 miliseconds don't need to get kicked)
  • Another is to create a sig for our tribe members (this has a first and second place prize)
  • Then we have snipping contests where i send 4 scouts (as support) to your village and you need to snipe between whichever one i tell you at :swordsman: speed. (we setup a scout tripwire so why not have some fun when setting up the tripwire)
  • Soon we will be having the most improved ODA (slight formula to make it fair for those with less points)
  • Also we are going to have an attack speed challenge where you need to have all the different speed units hit a village as close as possible in the order i give you.
  • Also i've been playing with the idea of contest for getting new members...

I'd love to hear what other tribes do so i can enhance my own tribes contests.



If only i stayed in the tribe. I'd have to wait hours to make each unit speed land at the same time lol


I will make a sig, though I am not in the tribe lol. I want a reward.