What is... The Perfect Tribe?


Hello World,
What is the perfect tribe, to play this game?


Perhaps if we can all agree on what the perfect tribe would be, we can instill that in the hearts of the noobs... *Face Palm* :icon_rolleyes:


Leadership: Two barons, one duke... Duke being main leader.
Forums: small.. skype based mainly
Size: big as possible but circle shaped spread
Members:40, hate huge tribes... much prefer small base of strong players. If your going for a perfect tribe, then all co-played so the counts run 24/7)
Diplomacy: 2 allies both in different k's along two borders, leaving room for expansion in two directions..
Tactics/techniques: strong leadership in organized wars involving every member, hit em hard and hit em fast
Personalities: descent people so you can work with them, though all aggressive players; makes the game so much more fun
Style: ... not sure what ya looking for their
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For the perfect tribe, it would have to be based on OA (Oblivion Awaits) in world 4... if any of you here have been playing long enough to remember them.

Led by vpar2 with members such as openeye and shadowcaste; it was most likely the highest standard of tribe .net has seen so far. vpar2 led the tribe with two barons and there was a maximum of twenty members, yet they were always in the top 5 tribes. It took the top 3 to work together to remove them, (and I'm proud to say I was a part of that).

Sadly, it would seem that close knit quality, regionally based tribes are becoming a thing of the past.


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Leadership- knighthood
Forums- gentility
Size- 40-50
Members- all for one and one for all
Diplomacy- polite but restricted
Tactics/Techniques- obedience, unity, aggressiveness
Personalities- loyal, discoursive (hope this is rigt word), cooperative
Style- rule the area, rule the continent, rule the world

there is much more beside this, but in shot lines this is it...


Sadly, it would seem that close knit quality, regionally based tribes are becoming a thing of the past.

I dunno theres still a few about, though unfortunately not many in this world... Envy would be a gud example if their spread was a little better..

BLOOD have a nice setup so far.
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I dunno theres still a few about, though unfortunately not many in this world... Envy would be a gud example if their spread was a little better..

BLOOD have a nice setup so far.

How is our spread not good lol?

We cover one of the biggest if not the biggest area in the game lol...


Just my opinion, if it works for you guys thats great.

I much prefer localized groups, being spread across a number of k's means more enemies... either that or more hugging. Prefer settling on one k and hitting out from there personally.


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Just my opinion, if it works for you guys thats great.

I much prefer localized groups, being spread across a number of k's means more enemies... either that or more hugging. Prefer settling on one k and hitting out from there personally.

main thing is to make core and to expand, but tribe must be organized so players from core noble villages on edge of tribe area and that way whole tribe is involved in every (war) action. it is not good if players noble just around themselves, that ruin farm opportunities and make hard to cooperate with players on edge of tribe area, and it make false security for core members and make edge members under constant attacks.


You can't really say what the 'perfect' tribe is as it really depends on the situation however in my opinion I think the 'perfect' tribe should look similar to this:

- 1 Duke, there is no need for any other leadership unless the duke does not have the skill to run a tribe himself. There is no need for a diplomat or recruiter either, however it can make running the tribe slightly easier. I personally like to get to know the other tribe or player personally.
- 3 to 7 council member, usually the most active or experienced players should get council positions.

- Forums are nice bet can get messy, I prefer skype over the forums but forums are great for talking with people that are not online during the time you are.
- Forum activity is great, even if you do not post a lot you should be reading the forums.
- The forums are great for co-ordinated support and attacks, but I prefer circular mails or mailing players individually.
- There shouldn't be many topics in the forums as it just gets annoying reading them all.

- 10 to 30 members and no higher.
- I like tribe's based in 1 solid continent, but not all in the middle and I don't like being clustered together. So a spread of 1-3 continents early in game is ok.
-Eventually though I'd like to be controlling 5 or more Ks.

- Again 10 to 30 members and no higher.
- Every member should be recruited before the start of the world and hand selected (personal opinion).
- With only 10-30 members it is so easy to run the tribe and get to know each other.
- Preworld recruitment also stops spies from entering the tribe (usually).
- The members should be opposite server times (so 1 player is online while 1 is asleep) for account sitting purposes. Every player should be willing to account sit as well, and be good at it.
- With the small member count everyone knows each other and it is easy to communicate and much easier to take down larger tribes.

- I would say at maximum 1-2 allies.
- NAPs are useless, everyone knows that.
- Enemies should be kept under 5 to stop extreme gang banging as that just gets annoying, although it is much easier to defend because the attacks are more disorganized.

- Opposite online times, as stated earlier.
- Experienced players with excellent troop builds and village builds.
- Good account sitters so the account can farm 24/7 and the player knows what is being done while they are offline.
- Co-ordinated attacks and support often.
- I won't go in detail about the tactics/techniques as they are usually private and can vary in many situations.

- I like aggressive players, but not overly aggressive.
- Joking players are always fun to play with.
- Intelligent players are great for tribal wars, you would not believe how many stupid people play this game... Repinski....
- I like their playing style to involve a 24/7 active account. I won't go into style much as it depends on the situation as well.


Leadership - Communist country. 1 duke with 1-2 barons. maybe 2 extra councilmen. Your word is law. If someone interferes with your process, kick and farm/noble.
Forums - Use Skype mostly, and maybe forums for announcements. Make every member get skype.
Size - 30-60 members. 60 is a little much, but it all depends on your area and world. I would usually get a set council before joining a world, and some members as well. Not all of the players that you knew beforehand have to be in the council.
Members - Read size.
Diplomacy - No more than 3 allies. No more than 3 NAPs. I would say no more than 5 of them combined. No point, it only stuns your growth.
Tactics/Techniques - Co players set for every player. I've never tried this, so someone might correct me, but you could get a group of players together, find out the times they're on, and then mix and match them according to their online times.
Personalities - Aggressiveness. This is a game though. Have fun players that don't take the game like it's depending on their life to succeed as well.
Style - Aggressive, never have allies or NAPs in the same continent. NEVER have a family tribe. (Unless your in a world like 34 where the member limit was 20.)


Leadership: Two barons, one duke... Duke being main leader.
Forums: small.. skype based mainly
Size: big as possible but circle shaped spread
Members:40, hate huge tribes... much prefer small base of strong players. If your going for a perfect tribe, then all co-played so the counts run 24/7)
Diplomacy: 2 allies both in different k's along two borders, leaving room for expansion in two directions..
Tactics/techniques: strong leadership in organized wars involving every member, hit em hard and hit em fast
Personalities: descent people so you can work with them, though all aggressive players; makes the game so much more fun
Style: ... not sure what ya looking for their

I agree with everything except for the allies. Yes allies are needed but the skill of the other tribes and how willing they are to help you and their personality should decide your allies and not their location.


I agree with everything except for the allies. Yes allies are needed but the skill of the other tribes and how willing they are to help you and their personality should decide your allies and not their location.

Tru.. I suppose it comes back to what oscar said, quite a lot depends on the situation. I usually aim for at least one strong allie in a neighboring k. That way limits your competition, gives a chance to concentrate your efforts in a particular direction; main reason i ain't keen on tribes with a big spread and little core to them....


What about them?

Leadership - I usually have my tribes set up with one duke and two barons. Seems popular.
Forums - IMing is good, but I tend to stick to the forum built IG.
Size - 30-60
Members - Experienced, skilled members. Maybe a newb or two.
Diplomacy - 1-3 allies. Maybe a NAP.
Tactics/Techniques - Account sitting whenever someones logged off. Like making partners. Or CO's. Either way works just fine.
Personalities - Aggressiveness, easy to get along with.
Style - Aggressive.
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