Whats in a name....


As I look at the world and the tribes that are in it.

I was wondering how many tribes are just a shadow of their former selfs.

AXE, tH, Exile are just three of the "older" tribes left in this world.

It amazes me how a "tag" can be addictive in this game to people.

DAD is a new tribe, a new tag - why do people feel the need to keep the shadow of a former tribal name alive.......

Its an open question that I am looking for an insight into...any comments?


I think it is more the friendships that are formed under that Tag


Good topic.

Its funny, cause this was one of my big things when some people would not go to TATS because they were loyal to the 'name' of Axe or whatever.

Where as I was, and always will be, loyal to the active players I fight beside. I dont give a s*** what tag im under, so long as im fighting with friends.

But I agree, some of the tribes with the current tags resemble nothing of when they were in their peak, from the leadership, the members, the diplomacy, everything really. So its a good point, why keep the name when there is no resemblance ??
tH is getting better with the war on Axe, but are still nothing to what the original was. And now the group of Axe players are dragging the name down, so that Axe will last be remembered as a tribe of 20 inactive players getting beat by a former ally, instead of all the great things the tribe did acheive.
but at the same time I guess its completely the leaders choice as to what they call their tribe and we cant tell them what to do in that regard.

Reminds me of when Verm changed the old tH name to TWIG, as he felt the tribe no longer represented what tH stood for....


Two good points - the friendships you make are what make this game fun - but those should out last the tribal tag they are founded under (in my opinion).

I have worked with one guy since I joined, we have been in lots of tribes together, but its playing together that makes it enjoyable - plus you pick up more friends along the way!!


tags mean nothing to me as long as I can co-ordinate with friends,.


Yeah it is hard for some people to understand. Then again the basic concept of loyalty is lost on some here as well. However, what I have found is that the players who didn't form the tribe initially are the same players who usually have a hard time understanding why people are loyal to a tag. They haven't created anything themselves so they find it easy to bounce from tribe to tribe. I challenge you to find a group of core players who created a lasting tribe that had no problem leaving their mates and their tags.

Instead what happens when a large tribe fails is that its creators lose interest and just delete. They don't just bounce out and keep fighting with their friends. They get frustrated and quit. TATS is a perfect example of this. Tribe fails miserably and the creators just deleted. You can go back through the major tribes that have collapsed and find that is the truth in almost every case.
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I challenge you to find a group of core players who created a lasting tribe that had no problem leaving their mates and their tags.

I know what you are saying - but I would not say leaving your mates is the same as leaving your tag.

Loyalty to friends is very important - this I fully understand, but loyalty to a tag is different, the same group of friends should be loyal to each other regardless of the tag otherwise why be friends in the first place!


Yeah it is hard for some people to understand. Then again the basic concept of loyalty is lost on some here as well. However, what I have found is that the players who didn't form the tribe initially are the same players who usually have a hard time understanding why people are loyal to a tag. They haven't created anything themselves so they find it easy to bounce from tribe to tribe. I challenge you to find a group of core players who created a lasting tribe that had no problem leaving their mates and their tags.

Instead what happens when a large tribe fails is that its creators lose interest and just delete. They don't just bounce out and keep fighting with their friends. They get frustrated and quit. TATS is a perfect example of this. Tribe fails miserably and the creators just deleted. You can go back through the major tribes that have collapsed and find that is the truth in almost every case.

this is where we disagree.
I see a tag as nothing more than representing the collective attitudes and skills of the players that operate under it.
Just something symbolic maybe, to put it in a way.

To take those same players, founders or not, and place them under a different tag does not change the actual game play for those at all.

Which is why I think staying loyal to something so intangible is silly. And you cant bash anyone for showing no loyalty by switching to TATs, as they did show loyalty by following their respective leaders.
Because after the leaders and many players left, those tags then had a whole new meaning and definition. So why stay loyal to something that is no longer the same and probably doesnt represent the way you play?

For me, the ultimate loyalty is sticking with those that have covered your backs through the hard times. Ive always done this, I continue to do this and always will do this. :)


here we go again , in yet another topic ....

actually, im not flaming Jaffe at all. sure my post is related to his, but it is all my opinion and theres nothing in there thats negative about him or Axe.

So take your pointless annoying posts to a world you play.

Plus, all my post is completely on topic.


^ I do agree. I also talk to people who are not in AXE from TATS days (lol days :D)! My non-needed add to this thread D:


I have said for a while..that tH isn't tH no matter if their carry our old tag. They will never be tH..idc what they do. Its time for a tag change...tH is dead since verm and me and the others all quit.


(nod) tags are tags, but aslong as your with those who make the game fun for you who cares what tag your under, your with those who you enjoy playing with are active and have you covered if you need it, the rest is just bs lol
personaly if i could be in any tribe with a big account or a little tribe with a tiny account with(active players left)
mirinia(<3),gutts,bhs,rek,willow (probaly missed a few but its early so shh)
then the tiny account would win everytime, as i always have/had fun playing this world with them


(nod) tags are tags, but aslong as your with those who make the game fun for you who cares what tag your under, your with those who you enjoy playing with are active and have you covered if you need it, the rest is just bs lol
personaly if i could be in any tribe with a big account or a little tribe with a tiny account with(active players left)
mirinia(<3),gutts,bhs,rek,willow (probaly missed a few but its early so shh)
then the tiny account would win everytime, as i always have/had fun playing this world with them

thats what many did not understand about TATS...many called it disloyalty, but it was a group of friends from different tribes struggling with activity that came together looking for a little fun..did it last no, did a leader that help create it delete, yes, but did all the creators delete, NO, we have stayed with our friends even if not on the original account, right Danny ;)

and for those of us that were in TATS new friendships were formed and still carry on even though we are no longer together, i really cant bring myself to regret TATS completely, only the way it was formed maybe, but i enjoyed playing with ppl like Gutts, PMGS, Heavy, Zelfios, Matrix, and yes folks, i enjoyed playing with Sid...but the ones i do enjoy the most are Oberoi, Nolty, Bigandhairy, Jmon, and Daniel <3 you guys


maybe i should sneak in and change there tags (bandit)

(nod) TATS best thing in w15 for heavy, gave me the single most precious thing in my life =)

btw we havent talked in ages *makes mental note to message sherry at some point*


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While it is true Exile is not the Exile of old it is still Exile,in my warped mind I want to keep the Exile name alive for all the old friends I have played with under that name,many have left but still check in from time to time to see how we are doing,I would guess that it is the same with the old AXE players and the other old tribes,so yes I am addicted to our tag.


for all of you...tH is a tribe, not a player. If verm quit what?? many others quit...so what? we are enough old players from old tH to keep this name alive, and I'll keep it as much I can. tH is not a dead tribe, look at our stats and you'll see. No matter if we have new players or new owners for old accts, we are tH.
And AXE too...I really respect jaffe cause he keep that old name for his tribe, no matter if many others left us...a tribe is composed of several players, not with just 1 player.


for all of you...tH is a tribe, not a player. If verm quit what?? many others quit...so what? we are enough old players from old tH to keep this name alive, and I'll keep it as much I can. tH is not a dead tribe, look at our stats and you'll see. No matter if we have new players or new owners for old accts, we are tH.
And AXE too...I really respect jaffe cause he keep that old name for his tribe, no matter if many others left us...a tribe is composed of several players, not with just 1 player.

So it seems clear to me that the tribal tag is whats important to you too!

I think you slightly mis-understood this post!

Its about why tribal tags are so important - if the same people (for example all of tH) played under another tag would it matter as long as it was the same people with the same loyalties???


no...a lot of players from tH will quit if tH will make a merge or something like this...they play just for tH and for friends from tH. I speak about my tribe now, don't know about AXE or Exile.
I know that tH will stay a long time in this world, no matter what new players will join or who will leave, tH will remain always theHeretics :)