you know i don t always time my stuff like awesome. it depends on the target. when i don t need to. i don t. but i hope i showed him that he needs to try harder for me now. if i send crapy trains its cause i think the target is too : inactive /newbish to defend it. seeing those on me is insulting.
and stop the spear nukes
if i get nobled i dun wanna get nobled by something like this when i decide to go to sleep for a change :
Attacker: lord shadow152
Village: village of lord shadow152 (99|460) K40
Quantity: 3357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 0 0 1
Losses: 3357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 0 0 1
Your gonna hate me when i start nobling you.
It will all be Spear nukes or Swords... And the timing will be so poor that it will work. :lol: