Where is the core


I hear many people talk about being a core tribe and rim tribes.

There seems to be a stigma attacked to the core and the rim. It seems to be the core tribes that feel their better because they're there. The rim tribes generally don't care.

But my question for debate is

"Where do people thing the core is?"

When does a tribe stop being a "core" tribe?

What makes a tribe a rim tribe? and is there anything inbetween?

My tribe I would call a rim tribe and I'm proud of that as it's just a position on the map to me. But other tribes look down upon us for being a rim tribe and I often look and think "Hmm they're also a rim tribe to me"

So where does the core start and when can someone be called a core tribe?

I would say the core is a small place currently controlled by -?-. and (-SP-) with some representation from tH, Wanted, TSoH AXE and Godly.

With the core being K44-47

down to K74-77 in a square.

What do you think?


i thought it was the 4x4 around the center 4 ks...could be wrong though. I guess its a matter of opinion


i thought it was the 4x4 around the center 4 ks...could be wrong though. I guess its a matter of opinion

K44, K55, K45, K54 are known as the inner core. The difference between these people and the rim is that all the good people start in the core and only the best survive. Thats what I think :p

K43,K53,K63,K33,K34,K35,K36,K46,K56,K57,K64,K65,K66 are known as the outer core. This isn't as intense as the inner core but therese still alot of good player.

then theres K38,K32, etc K's wioth 2's,8's, in a square these are probably the players taht all started late and finnaly theres K1,K99 these players usually get rimmed early :)


think of it as the earth´s core and the earths crust...

The way it plays out is that a world starts small and then keeps growing outwards. The core is sort of more ´respectable´ because the players in that section are generally more established, are more tested by war and normamlly have grown large - that or had to restart of the rim. Lol, keep in mind that sometimes experienced players start late on the map and thus start on the rim so to speak.

Still, because of tribe politics, alliances and such, sometimes rim tribes can be extremly crucial in the play out of larger ´core´ like conflict. The current map 15 global war is a great example.

Anyhow, that´s how I see it.

I guess I would consider the core to be from the center of map 15 moving out 2-2.5 continents...


i would believe the top 20 rim tribes deserve quite a bit more of respect then i think they get.
they start (sometimes) up to 2months later later then some core tribes,

and you can do quite a bit in 2months


The thing is, competition is much weaker on the rim. So you have large players growing and forming 'large' tribes, but they usually don't get there by defeating particularly strong opponents. Almost without exception, tribes outside of the inner 6X6 tend to suck hard this early in the round (compare to some longer-running servers where drawn out wars refine some of the rim areas).


I'm ok with the principle and and noone is really disputing my interpretation, except the inner ocre outer core thing but I've never heard that mentioned before so assume he just made that up even though it does sound good. Probably a bit like inner London and Outer london, as opposed to central london and grerater london. lol Which bit you live in depends what you call it.

What then defines a core tribe? Do they have to own an amount of the core? Do they have to have a % of their tribe in the core?

Is my analysis of the core tribes accurate?

What of the tribes that have representation in the core when do they become a core tribe and are they rimm tribes till then?


-?- is an inner core tribe, tH, L2K, SP, AXE and parts of WANTED are examples outer core tribes


To be a Core or Rim tribe, I would go with the basic theory that it's wherever the largest amount of your strength is. If over 50% of your strength is in the Core, then you're a Core tribe.

Personally Caglen, I'm ok with my designation as a Rim tribe. Gives me a flippant answer to use whenever someone tries to put ~FO~ down without an actual reason lol.



I'm ok with the principle and and noone is really disputing my interpretation, except the inner ocre outer core thing but I've never heard that mentioned before so assume he just made that up even though it does sound good. Probably a bit like inner London and Outer london, as opposed to central london and grerater london. lol Which bit you live in depends what you call it.

What then defines a core tribe? Do they have to own an amount of the core? Do they have to have a % of their tribe in the core?

Lol, it´s a term used rather often. Core and rim. It´ll develop that way in every map.

To be core you have to be at the center of the world map...

To be considered rim, you have to be on the outer layer of the world map. Generally speaking ;)


OK, now that we have that part somewhat established, at this point in the world, does being a rim tribe make you noobs? Or do you call someone a rim tribe because they are noobs?


there are both noobs and experienced players on the rim. Sometimes good players get ´rimmed´ or beat so they restart on the outer layers of the map. Sometimes they start late. Sometimes they take over a tribe´s inactive account...

That´s one of the reasons you sometimes find huge players on the rim or strong tribes rallying behind a few of those types of players.

One thing is for sure - a core tribe that underestimates a rim tribe that is organized and has good leadership is likely in for a big shock :p


I agree being on the rim is just a placement, it truly has nothing to do persay with ones ability


IMO this game has nothing to do with skill or luck or leadership or placement on the map, rim or core. It all has to do with one simple fact. Either people like you or they don't. If you are liked you live if you are hated or you piss the wrong person off, you die. .


I will argue that, BLUE is my #1 example. there are others but he ends that argument


IMO this game has nothing to do with skill or luck or leadership or placement on the map, rim or core. It all has to do with one simple fact. Either people like you or they don't. If you are liked you live if you are hated or you piss the wrong person off, you die. .

You got a point there.. but also if you are good at this game and always online! you might as well add that criteria!


IMO this game has nothing to do with skill or luck or leadership or placement on the map, rim or core. It all has to do with one simple fact. Either people like you or they don't. If you are liked you live if you are hated or you piss the wrong person off, you die. .
blah i pissed a lot of players and im prolly hated by a lot of players
im still there :p
moving troops and all that to focus on noble trains etc etc takes some ''skills''
a lot of players told me yesterday they would have freaked out if they had the same amount of atks i got
remaining calm and amused when ur faked/attacked that much takes something as well no?
being loved or hated wont change how u react to situations