A little, yes. But you can't stab a man in the back then take the knife out and say "I fixed it."
CRUNCH shoulda have just honored the alliance with SPEXIT and defeated CICADA together. Then CRUNCH v SPEXIT end game. You guys folded and betrayed long time allies in less then a week when a few CICADA guys said we quit, can we join you?
Just so we're on the same page... I'm for all the CICADA guys leaving CRUNCH. Draw this out another 4-8 months, see where it goes.
This is far from the truth, ill be honest peoples opinions of Crunch dont really mean anything to us in council because without being a member of the Crunch council for the duration of this world its hard to really know the amount of time and effort we all put in... I mean the core council have barely ever defended a single op where they were only looking after their own account, 95% of the time council had to defend their own account, whilst sitting multiple accounts, whilst also sniping through lists of 1000 + trains... So for people to judge the decisions of the core group of Crunch that put in the bulkload of the work and kept everything going to the point where we were able to win this world is kinda dumb....
After everything we did to help and work with spexit imagine finding out that their duke is throwing you under the bus, so you confront that person who was supposed to be your friend/ally and they lie to your face, for 3 days, when you know they are lieing and im pretty sure they knew we knew aswell but they decided to continue lieing and deceiving us... At this point us in crunch council thought meh were done here... were tied of being underestimate and under valued when the work we have put in all world is not always the best but its consistent...
Me personally, I wanted to rim TSE and Googly all world, it was the only thing that kept me motivated in playing TW.. But honestly after all the fighting/arguing im not disappointed in any of the decisions me or the crunch council took, we have always rewarded those in Crunch that worked hard and put in consistent time and energy into getting this win and despite it all, I like the cicada guys now
Im not sure which account lord ward is/was on, but if Crunch are the worst tribe to get a world win, im ok with that.... Crunch council are ok with that..... We stood strong all world and everything that world 112 threw at us, we threw back 10X harder
In regards to DA/Rasher/Thait and Thait being picked, DA was told a week(s) before he was kicked that it was likely he wouldnt get a spot in the final 20, he wasnt just kicked, and after i went through all the nonsense about King, the openly admitting to cheating etc of the world chat me and the council decided that its unacceptable behaviour despite the crazy amount of help king provided... but we couldnt just re-invite DA because he was previously in the tribe? We had to look through war stats / ODA gains / Op timings / consistency / sits took / and all the other things that actually play a part in winning a world to decide which account had put in the most effort and was therefore more deserving of the winning achievement,
Good game though everyone, 112 was a great challenge for us with lots of fun fights so thanks for that