World 140 Strategy


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Hi, I am new to tribal wars I played a bit in world 139 and now that world 140 starts I wanna try hard it. Whats the best way to get to the top? is it farming barbs to get as fast as I can to LC? is it scavenging? is it just rushing for academies? whats the correct and best gameplay?


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Although there are quite a few things I can give advice on knowledge is only 1/5th of the things you need.
The other 4 are
* lots of time/and motivation
* Intuition/ strategic thinking
* external factors like luck who is next to you what tribe you join/make ect although a lot of those things you can shape to your will when you have the knowledge and connections but there always will be some external factors.
* and well on worlds like this money although you could farm up premium points on worlds to spend on the world you really wanna play or join any of the none pay to win worlds.

That being said for the world like it is now you should probably focus on resource income first.
This will be mines / spear for scavenging (600 to 1k sp) / and LC for farming like you already mentioned yourself.
often you start with mines to something like level 12 than move over to spear for scavenging and than fully transition into LC.
This is based on a active account that can farm basically 24/7 if you feel like this will be hard to archive focusing a bit more on mines and scavinging might be the way to go.

After that you still keep doing all of the above but you start building your army.
For any player with the intention of having a good and strong start you will have to start making full nukes. (nuke = full off village)
You start with having your LC production going non stop so you can at the same time farm more resources.
If you manage to keep your que going you add axes to that and start to increase your attack buildings.

At this point it might be good to mention that farming in the early stages is best with single LC attacks as so many people will be farming the same villages attacking them once every 20 mins or so with 1 LC will yield you the most.

once your nuke starts to take form you can start with upping the buildings that you need for your aca and move towards nobles.

After that comes the task of choosing your first victim.
Often the best targets are noobs that just spend a lot of money on a big village with high mines (resource producing buildings)
But here is where that luck factor in combination with experience comes in can you find a nice target that you can take out.

Of course this is just a general sum up of the start there is still a lot of min maxing to do but that is so hard to type out because it is depending on a lot of different things and is basically knowing what cards to play in every situation.

I left out the part where you spend a lot of money but if you are willing to do that you could buy up res from the market and buy buildings cheaper and half them ect.
But keep in mind that you will become that nice target that other good players are looking for so keep the focus on troops and if you keep track of your neighbors and you see some one starting to move to a aca try to be first and take them out before they take you out.

Also on this server they like to use cats so you might get that thrown your way as well.
I normally like to start solo so I can take out everyone in my neighbor but on servers where they use cats you might wanna join some tribe to have some backup.
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Lady Madelina

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Is there a script for scraping the goods in the premium market? I ask as clearly one is being used.. for all three items to disappear in the exact split second, well, the odds of three people doing that simultaneously are slim to none.... either post the script for all to use, or ban it, please.
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I can tell you there are probably over 10 people at all time during the day spamming the refresh button to snipe all the goods of the market.
I have been on teams where they took shifts so every min. was covered.
Its kinda stupid I agree but definitely no scripts involved.
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