World 21 - Milestones


Tribe Milestones

Opponents Defeated Defender
150 mil
1st - 47Ronin , 2nd - TESB , 3rd - Process of Muffination!

Puffin has never reached 150M ODD. I should have the exact number in my archives, but it was roughly 140M.

150M ODD milestone is either PnP or Dr. No.

scarlet ash


Well homerkemp is a -JEDI- player, so =BCB= is officially at war with the as yet non existent Shadow Warriors for recruiting refugees :)

I also think this is a W21 Milestone - =BCB= are the first tribe to declare on a tribe that doesn't actually exist yet :)

You heard him. ;)


another milestone (fireborne is legend): =BCB= are the first tribe to declare war on a tribe that doesn't exist yet....yay.

scarlet ash

are people actually still taking note down of the records, because if no one is I would feel pretty happy to.


are people actually still taking note down of the records, because if no one is I would feel pretty happy to.

Trying to get another reason to not grow your account? :icon_razz:

Me and you might one day have to join a new world or something so me and you can have our own lil k and kill everybody! :lol:

scarlet ash

ummmmmmm.... Shhhhhhhh!!!! :p. They'll catch on :D. But FYI I have been growing >:|, not the best form of growing but it has to be done :|. Anyway go on skype. Also I was being serious.


ummmmmmm.... Shhhhhhhh!!!! :p. They'll catch on :D. But FYI I have been growing >:|, not the best form of growing but it has to be done :|. Anyway go on skype. Also I was being serious.

Good to know your growing, I've been bugging you for how long about that now? :lol:

Sorry, I can't go on skype, I'm kinda busy atm.

scarlet ash

you'll regret being busy chad. You'll regret it indeed. I had pre planned what our conversation was to consist of and how much humor was to be in it and it was truely going to be a good laugh but your loss which is also now my loss :(. You wouldn't have to bug me though, you were the one who originally had to do the more growing :p.


you'll regret being busy chad. You'll regret it indeed. I had pre planned what our conversation was to consist of and how much humor was to be in it and it was truely going to be a good laugh but your loss which is also now my loss :(. You wouldn't have to bug me though, you were the one who originally had to do the more growing :p.

Damn, now I'm curious, I'll get on now and just not call my girlfriend like I planned to do. :lol:

True, however, you had more potential of growing since you are PnP, and I was the GA, I could only grow into certain specific areas, you could grow into wherever the hell you wanted. ha.

But now I can grow into more area on my new account! so woohoo! :D


Damn, now I'm curious, I'll get on now and just not call my girlfriend like I planned to do. :lol:

True, however, you had more potential of growing since you are PnP, and I was the GA, I could only grow into certain specific areas, you could grow into wherever the hell you wanted. ha.

But now I can grow into more area on my new account! so woohoo! :D

I hope you realise that you're breaking the rules by playing on an account, whilst your own is still active in this world.


Not if the password to his original was changed by a new player from another world - or someone else deleted their acc here and tehn took over and changed pass.

Then he would have no account on this and it's perfectly ok for him to take a new one