World 28 a Stalemate?


So since I can't talk about ... ahem world being at a stalemate?

Scorpio King how you doing? How is Timzabar?

Once again u think you think know everything, when you know nothing! So before you go jumping to conclusions you should try to understand what is actually going on! And if u dont know whats going on then you should be quiet! Capiche?

Going back to topic, looks like things have slowed a little bit but hopefully with another reduced price for coins coming into play things should start to pick up!
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do i really need to reply to this?

edit:Speed Rounds if you are willing we got a championship round coming up - put your money where your mouth is....I bet you duck. :eek:)

(reverse psychology sometimes works)
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if you are willing we got a championship round coming up - put your money where your mouth is....I bet you duck.

Mate speed rounds are much different to the normal worlds. It doesnt prove as much as you say. for 1 u basicly gotta be on for as long as posible to do well which is not exactly what i wanta do as it would deprive me from other worlds and doing things there.


No kidding kiddo, thats why its called speed round.

But the difference is you can't hide behind 50k+ villages in safe zones and run your mouth and launch random nukes, and noble ghost accounts (everyone is generally active)...etc.. :eek:)




No kidding kiddo, thats why its called speed round.

But the difference is you can't hide behind 50k+ villages in safe zones and run your mouth and launch random nukes, and noble ghost accounts (everyone is generally active)...etc.. :eek:)



alright ill take you up on that offer! When the next speed round is about to take place message me.


No kidding kiddo, thats why its called speed round.

But the difference is you can't hide behind 50k+ villages in safe zones and run your mouth and launch random nukes, and noble ghost accounts (everyone is generally active)...etc.. :eek:)



you very well easily can.

There is a difference with what you can do and what you shouldn't do.

Unless you plan on visiting mahajan and prevent him from running his mouth each time he tries. he can do what ever he wishes. regardless of what you say


it starts tomorrow check the tabs

You'll like it and it gets addicting, tribes are 5 players max grab some friends and join will need active players all BS aside - and if i can give yo some advice get LC as fast as possible and farm farm farm.

Gula what are you even talking about???

you very well easily can.

There is a difference with what you can do and what you shouldn't do.

in regular worlds if you are 300hrs away from someone its easy to stack up get support in this you are 10 min away try it out join up - runs from sat-monday
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I was just trying to lighten the mood.

you seem stressed

or something, you keep on arguing


lol... i really enjoy speeds round except they aren't as big as they used to be because its the same players dominating all the time and wont attack each other (starting to turn into w28 in a way lol) - thats why you need new blood - i always try to persuade players in this world to go play but doesn't normally work. ;o)
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I've played two. first one i was rimmed by a tribe mate while read a mail from him.
second one I was at church while my co was at school. got rimmed by top player


well we are playing right now, i slept through the alarm and started 2 hrs late - but thats not the best part...I was finally starting to grow when a larger player started to noble me off and who comes to the rescue....yup mahajan540 supported

Good stuff - i guess i can`t chirp him for a while :eek:)


interesting, though knowing how speed worlds work, wouldn't you be better off focusing on that?