I believe this should be closed now.
yeah last announcement 2011,November 26th, 05:40 last update i cant even remember really is a shame:icon_sad:
I believe this should be closed now.
You inquired? What does that mean? You don't really inquire... You apply. I won't give you the link because if you can't find the link to the application thread yourself, I think you'd have an incredibly hard time as a blogger. :icon_neutral:I'd offer to do it, but last time i enquired about it on another world - i never even got a reply...
Ref this happening a lot with Bloggers- yes far too many do it a bit and then give up.... meh- no staying power these youngsters :lol:
Right. This post below?If you must know- i had a question relating to the prescibed application procedure itself.
As i never got a reply - i subsequently didnt apply.
My general impression however is that if they are over-hauling or updating the Blog staff - or whatever is "going on behind the scenes now" then good!
It happens far too often with Blog staff losing interest.
Best, Blue
Morthy has way too many things to deal with to bother telling every person who mails him that they need to follow the procedure and go talk to the proper person. As I've already said, go find a head blogger. It should be easy as one just posted in this thread.Not as such, no
I mailed an application to Morthy though- it was he who made the post i was linked too.
I also posted my reasons for not wanting to post it publically
anyway- world is too old now... not much point blogging it really in all truth
Blue, who exactly have you talked to about the blog?
And I apologize to all. I'm not sure what's going on with Kayg
I don't know who Lonestar is. It just irritates me when people can't follow clearly stated instructions and use relatively common-ish sense.
He's the guy asking a similar question on the thread on w37 that you quoted.
Yes i understand your point, however i still have a valid question ref the procedure, which in fairness it is not unreasonable to expect a reply to.
I have pm'd Jurasu yesterday, as you suggested- and hope to get a reply. None yet..but i'll give it some time
It irritates me when you spend time mailing and have a valid question- and no one has the common decency to reply. That's in general btw.
Ref Jurasu, maybe he hasn't had enough time to read it yet- not an issue.
I look forward to a reply, hopefully, and to actually applying this time.
Blue, who exactly have you talked to about the blog?
And I apologize to all. I'm not sure what's going on with Kayg
i think blue is saying he "knows" he can blog well and not only that but has also indicated he has the stamina to stay at it. Blue has my vote (sorry Blue, it doesn't count for much)
At this point, I'd be ok with anyone doing this. I just want something to read :lol:
I vote for Blue.
hmm, I came here to read about this world. I guess this is the wrong spot to blog about W59
Why don't blogging staff ever reply to pm messages!
Well mate...any reply is a step forward... even just for courtesy's sakeI ll let Justin know and tell him to reply