Guys, it's hard to resist time to time to pay 10 for half the time. It's great time to time, but shit - It can ruin a war so fast. Imagine your account you put down 500hours on now go to war & it's so even its unbelieble, but the other tribe has "richer" players...
Sucks to be in the poor tribe, you ain't going to win cause you got better skill. (I mean, sure you can do some avanced move and so on - But in the end you won't win) It's "alright" if noobs did it, but when good players use it on you in war - Not as fun anymore.
Making 2 worlds would not solve the issue, for innogames i mean - How many would enter a rich mans game lol? It's overtime they earn on these feutures.
Nah, i sure hope it stays away from .net i sure do hope so.