Player Milestones
10k: 1st -Kanar With Damar 2nd -Sonic Empire 3rd - DieB4Me
25k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50k: 1st -Sonic Empire 2nd -Once More With Feeling 3rd -C r a z y n o o B
100k: 1st -Chaos 2nd -diehardkz 3rd -Sonic Empire
150k: 1st -Dark Conquest 2nd -Sonic Empire 3rd -diehardkz
250k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
750k : 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
3 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
4 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2 villages: 1st -BigBangYo 2nd - DieB4Me3rd - BARBHUNTER
10 villages: 1st - DieB4Me2nd - 3rd -
25 villages: 1st -diehardkz 2nd -Dark Conquest 3rd -
50 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
100 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
250 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
350 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
500 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Attacker:
100k: 1st -1 P@wned you bad2nd - HowBoutDat3rd-Sonic Empire
250k: 1st -ilikecollardgreens 2nd - FruitFilledEvil3rd-HowBoutDat
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Defending:
100k: 1st -smokefield 2nd -bulldog1108 3rd -World Farming Op
250k: 1st -Syntricate 2nd - (Loony Co-player)3rd - -Assassin
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Total:
250k: 1st -Syntricate 2nd -CuddlyPsycho 3rd - smokefield
500k: 1st - (Loony Co Player)2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd –
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
100 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Tribe Milestones
Points (40 Best Players):
20k: 1st -DurX 2nd -SnM3rd -
50k:1st -300 2nd -DurX3rd -
100k:1st -DurX 2nd -3003rd -M!LF
500k:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -BARB3rd -GloW
1 mil:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -GloW3rd -Nuts!
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -Purrr3rd -
5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
40 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Average Points per Player (Minimum of 10 members):
1k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2.5k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
5k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
10k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -AFLAC3rd -
25k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -MM3rd -GloW
50k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Purrr3rd -COC!
100k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
500k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
1 mill:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2 mill:1st - 2nd -3rd -
150 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd ~P~ 3rd -Lust
250 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -GloW 3rd -~P~
500 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
1000 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2500 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -
4000 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -Opponents Defeated Attacker:
1 mill:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd-~P~3rd -Nuts!
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -~P~3rd -Nuts!
5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Opponents Defeated Defender:
1 mill:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Barb Hunterz3rd - -HZ-
2.5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Opponents Defeated Total:
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Poseidon3rd -Barb Hunterz
5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Poseidon3rd -Barb Hunterz
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
500 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
1st -Sonic Empire
2nd -C r a z y n o o B
3rd -DieB4Me
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
First to Awards (Specific):
1,000 Plunders:Searching for a life
10,000 Plunders:Searching for a life
1,000,000 Resources Robbed:Sonic Empire
100,000,000 Resources Robbed:
10k: 1st -Kanar With Damar 2nd -Sonic Empire 3rd - DieB4Me
25k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50k: 1st -Sonic Empire 2nd -Once More With Feeling 3rd -C r a z y n o o B
100k: 1st -Chaos 2nd -diehardkz 3rd -Sonic Empire
150k: 1st -Dark Conquest 2nd -Sonic Empire 3rd -diehardkz
250k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
750k : 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
3 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
4 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2 villages: 1st -BigBangYo 2nd - DieB4Me3rd - BARBHUNTER
10 villages: 1st - DieB4Me2nd - 3rd -
25 villages: 1st -diehardkz 2nd -Dark Conquest 3rd -
50 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
100 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
250 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
350 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
500 villages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Attacker:
100k: 1st -1 P@wned you bad2nd - HowBoutDat3rd-Sonic Empire
250k: 1st -ilikecollardgreens 2nd - FruitFilledEvil3rd-HowBoutDat
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Defending:
100k: 1st -smokefield 2nd -bulldog1108 3rd -World Farming Op
250k: 1st -Syntricate 2nd - (Loony Co-player)3rd - -Assassin
500k: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Opponents Defeated Total:
250k: 1st -Syntricate 2nd -CuddlyPsycho 3rd - smokefield
500k: 1st - (Loony Co Player)2nd - 3rd -
1 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd –
2.5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
5 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
10 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
25 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
50 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
100 mil: 1st - 2nd - 3rd -
Tribe Milestones
Points (40 Best Players):
20k: 1st -DurX 2nd -SnM3rd -
50k:1st -300 2nd -DurX3rd -
100k:1st -DurX 2nd -3003rd -M!LF
500k:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -BARB3rd -GloW
1 mil:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -GloW3rd -Nuts!
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe With Many Names 2nd -Purrr3rd -
5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
40 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Average Points per Player (Minimum of 10 members):
1k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2.5k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
5k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
10k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -AFLAC3rd -
25k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -MM3rd -GloW
50k:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Purrr3rd -COC!
100k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
500k:1st - 2nd -3rd -
1 mill:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2 mill:1st - 2nd -3rd -
150 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd ~P~ 3rd -Lust
250 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -GloW 3rd -~P~
500 villages:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
1000 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -
2500 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -
4000 villages:1st - 2nd -3rd -Opponents Defeated Attacker:
1 mill:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd-~P~3rd -Nuts!
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -~P~3rd -Nuts!
5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Opponents Defeated Defender:
1 mill:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Barb Hunterz3rd - -HZ-
2.5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
5 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
Opponents Defeated Total:
2.5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Poseidon3rd -Barb Hunterz
5 mil:1st -Tribe with many names 2nd -Poseidon3rd -Barb Hunterz
10 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
25 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
50 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
100 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
250 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
500 mil:1st - 2nd -3rd -
1st -Sonic Empire
2nd -C r a z y n o o B
3rd -DieB4Me
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
First to Awards (Specific):
1,000 Plunders:Searching for a life
10,000 Plunders:Searching for a life
1,000,000 Resources Robbed:Sonic Empire
100,000,000 Resources Robbed:
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