Ladies and Gentlemen of World 21,
Some of you may remember me, For all those who don't, or just plain never heard of me, I'll just pump myself up a little.
The name, Long time Ago, Is a derivative of Long after time, Which I played under for quite some time. I, along with of course MattyJ and 20ish other players moved from W19 years ago, At the start of the world. You may remember some charts that i made up, Showing growth of the top 10 tribes, as well as villages, captures, ODA and ODD. Matty started the feared tribe of Dr. No. Back in my time, there was The RON family, SRWS and countless other tribes. Now i look over the world and it is nothing like the one I remember.
Hopefully someone I know is still trolling these forums, So please, Fill me in. What happened to Dr. NO? What happened in this world?
Some of you may remember me, For all those who don't, or just plain never heard of me, I'll just pump myself up a little.
The name, Long time Ago, Is a derivative of Long after time, Which I played under for quite some time. I, along with of course MattyJ and 20ish other players moved from W19 years ago, At the start of the world. You may remember some charts that i made up, Showing growth of the top 10 tribes, as well as villages, captures, ODA and ODD. Matty started the feared tribe of Dr. No. Back in my time, there was The RON family, SRWS and countless other tribes. Now i look over the world and it is nothing like the one I remember.
Hopefully someone I know is still trolling these forums, So please, Fill me in. What happened to Dr. NO? What happened in this world?