World Over: Hugging Prevails.continued

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Since the the last thread was closed i thought we could carry on here in a more civil manner.

My personal opinion to this is that although 3girls has the vast majority in points, that winning the world won't be a walk in the park for them. Aside from internal issue and players not knowing each other well, looking at the updating map it can clearly be seen that 3girls is extremely spread out through the world, basically the tribe in theory act as separate tribes since members across the world wouldn't be helping each other. I therefore believe that 3girls' size is very misconceiving because they are so spread out. Other tribes who are more densely populated could take advantage of this by attacking in their own areas, possibly making it hard for a new tribe trying to get to know each other to be able to defend itself. Even if the merge lasts I don't think it will be too easy for 3girls to win the world, but only if the other tribes take action as some are.

Just my thoughts.




Congrats to those who chooses to be on the 3Girls. And Goodluck to those who didn't or didn't have any opportunity to join. :(


It would be fun if the 2nd 3rd and 4th tribes had some fun with them. :)


well id love to see everyone try to attack 3 girls but most tribes in this world have proven to be incapable of cooperating with each other soooooo i doubt anything big will happen and if it does i still think 3 girls will win

leafy dragon

Get over it all and just attack them. You whine about them being huggers, yet don't doing anything about it.
To be 100% honest, I am not sure what is worst. Whiners or huggers.
At least huggers are trying to win, even if it is a @#$% method of doing it.


Get over it all and just attack them. You whine about them being huggers, yet don't doing anything about it.
To be 100% honest, I am not sure what is worst. Whiners or huggers.
At least huggers are trying to win, even if it is a @#$% method of doing it.

Lol its true there all winning on public fourms and sucking up to us in soon as base fell apart people mailed me propoganda as soon as i joined 3 girls they mailed me again for basher or pa status

leafy dragon

Lol its true there all winning on public fourms and sucking up to us in soon as base fell apart people mailed me propoganda as soon as i joined 3 girls they mailed me again for basher or pa status

Well. I can promise you one thing. I won't be PMing you to be a pa.
I was on W35 and was a member of a tribe called BaseET, and eventually APOC. Together with other tribes, we took out a Family hugging tribe called !?! which controlled at that stage a good 40-50% of the K's. I look forward to trying it again.
See you on the battle field
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Look forward to warring with you :D
pm me in game so i know who to look for :D

leafy dragon

Look forward to warring with you :D
pm me in game so i know who to look for :D

In time my friend, in time. I am just a one villa rimmer atm. Only started about a week ago

What is your in game name?


I'll be doing my best to insure 3girls fail. By the sound of their "leader" shouldn't be too hard. On that day I shall quote all the cocky comments here from the huggers,and publicly shame them....word is there's already a "crack". Time will tell.
But best of luck to all and remember to Have fun.


When I lock a thread, the thread is locked for a reason. If you want a thread unlocked, then PM me. Do not, however, repost a closed thread.
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