World Tournament - Round 3


Azazel Aziz vs. Bunny Queen
tman93 vs. sdcz6
Volvol123 vs. Illuminati Puppet.
paolo83 vs. Addicted to Love.
Angacam vs. Killer Instinct.
AnotherOneBitesTheDust vs. Fabregas4


Azazel Aziz vs. Bunny Queen - Somewhat bad manners to vote for yourself, but as both Ana and Muso have felt the need to, I guess I should too.
tman93 vs. sdcz6
Volvol123 vs. Illuminati Puppet. - I've always said it, if Vol can be bothered, he's a beast.
paolo83 vs. Addicted to Love.
Angacam vs. Killer Instinct. - I think Killer might take the early lead, but Anga's resilience is impressive.
AnotherOneBitesTheDust vs. Fabregas4


Well uh...Az that was after the tournament round ended. I'll be posting up results shortly anyways, and I'll use your vote if we have a tiebreaker.

Sorry for not ending this sooner, I was dealing with various private issues.


The winners have been announced in the other thread. For good measure, here they are:

Round Votes:

[spoil]Azazel Aziz (5) vs. Bunny Queen (15) - Bunny Queen Wins!
tman93 (13) vs. sdcz6 (7) - tman93 Wins!
Volvol123 (5) vs. Illuminati Puppet. (14) - Illuminati Puppet. Wins!
paolo83 (12) vs. Addicted to Love. (7) - paolo83 Wins!
Angacam (17) vs. Killer Instinct. (2) - Angacam Wins!
AnotherOneBitesTheDust (8) vs. Fabregas4 (9) - Fabregas4 Wins! - Disclaimer: With Az's vote, it would've been a tie, but I'd have deferred to Fabregas4 in the tie anyways, if I had to[/spoil]

Eliminated Players:

[spoil]Killer Instinct.
Addicted to Love.

Brackets Merged, players ranked based on votes in last round (and record):

[spoil]1. Bunny Queen
2. Illuminati Puppet.
3. Angacam
4. tman93
5. paolo83
6. Fabregas4
7. sdcz6
8. Azazel Aziz[/spoil]

Next round is here! Click this link to vote!