Worlds most Failed..


What he says.

I admit, it was pretty low, but he was busy telling me what he would like to do to my sister and my mother...
The reason he started insulting them, is because I merely pointed out that I was able to noble one of his villages 70 houres out.

i lol sorry, you do make me laugh:lol:
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I didn't lie to him.
He's just pissed at me, because I told him to stop acting like a muslim terrorist. I guess he's a bit sensitive about it, makes you think though.

i didnt say you did lie, i was just saying so what if you did lie, he needs to get over it


What he says.

I admit, it was pretty low, but he was busy telling me what he would like to do to my sister and my mother...
The reason he started insulting them, is because I merely pointed out that I was able to noble one of his villages 70 houres out.

thats more than fair enough then, he talked about 2 members of your family who cant defend themselves here, you merely commented on what he is acting like :icon_biggrin:

whereas you talked about him personally

dont worry booza i got your back ;) :lol:


I merely pointed out that I was able to noble one of his villages 70 houres out.

Meh, I have a number of caps off TNH from 140-170 hours out. Noble trains from k73 to k25 FTW!! :icon_twisted::icon_twisted: