Worst End-game Ever


I'm just going to point out that W2V have gained respect from me, and from literally everyone I've heard speak on the matter that was not one of their enemies this world. There aren't a lot of tribes that have won two worlds under the same tag; no two worlds are the same and to win multiple worlds indicates an impressive ability to adapt to different circumstances.

Thanks for the kind words Mr DaWolf :icon_redface:

But lets not forget that this world is not won yet.. You never know everyone in the world could gang up on us and they would be the same size of us as we only just have over 50% domination.

But really the only thing that can really beat us at this stage is boredom..

P.s If you could have a word with the in game mods and get us cheaper nobles we would Love you forever and ever :icon_wink:


But lets not forget that this world is not won yet.. You never know everyone in the world could gang up on us and they would be the same size of us as we only just have over 50% domination.

Let's be realistic, that is neither likely to happen, nor likely to result in W2V failing to win this world.

Also the in-game mods have their rules for how and when to give cheaper nobles, and I can't make any difference on that front.


Heh, inferior players crying about how evil and unworthy of winning W2V is. Never gets old. Contrats on the win, gentlemen. I regret having had a bit of a personal crisis and being unable to finish with you.

I'll catch the next one. ;)


Pfft. Finish a world? Who's crazy enough to do something like that? You did the right thing James. :icon_cool:


rim since w31... HAHA not at all... i don't stay on rim unless i join late, otherwise i stay strong in the middle... im an iceberg, small on top but a mountain under the water... you declared war on us and we are going to give u a war, plus we took first blood so don't be to quit to say its a cake over win


Hhahahahhahahahahaha oh god it is quite entertaining to say the least :D:D:D:D:D


It is better to get the merges done early because sometime at the end one of the allies might decide not to merge and you end up with a long unnecessary war. Been there done that.

When did that happen?