Worst luck ever?


haha that must have been so annoying

not as bad as mine i started nobling some one got the loyalty down twice they dodged both then attacked me demolished my acadamy got support and killed my noble

then got their tribe to farm me.

would have a new village and 2 acadamies if my tribe had been online



Or if you had a little more skill and bigger army.

lol than i could have beat him if he was on his own he only had attacking troops

it was all his tribe mates that did the blow.

if i had mine on i would have won


maybe you should wait with attacks til your tribe is on mext time


maybe you should wait with attacks til your tribe is on mext time

lol didn't want to wait that long

also that would mean over 8 hours because my main member went into sleep


My luck got even worse i had to go out and i got attacked and my sitter didn't dodge it and i lost my nobleeeeeeee

next round ill be back as normal



Couldn't help but see this thread, but I've literally seen the worst luck imaginable. On W19, I was sitting a person who was under attack by a full noble train (by full noble train, I mean 4 nobles). Luckily for him, all four nobles reduced loyalty by only 20 each :icon_razz:


I swear that village is doomed with bad luck. First train: loyalty at 1.

Second train (waited long enough loyalty was back at 100): nobled in 3 nobles, 4th one attacked the third wave and nobled it again.


What he said. Why are people so hooked on how they are better if everyone played solo?

Expecting everyone to play solo is silly, but it's a fun challenge to go solo. But no bitching about losing. That's increasing the difficulty of a game and knowing the risks, and complaining about something you could have avoided. If you get ganged up on, no complaining if you lose. Fine line between testing skill/strategy and just trying to hog glory.