wtf? Forum disaster...


Why was the Tribal Forums changed? They look like a damm hurricane hit them! Everything is so sloppy and mushed together with borders on top of borders and everything has a border to it making it very unpleasent to the eye. Everything stands out except for what the person actually writes in their post!! Look at a couple posts of a few 3 sentence responses and everything looks like it's all mushed together. Better yet try reading a post where somebody quoted someone else and you have to get your face right up near the screen to read it (on my screen anyway)... Did you guys also change the size of the font? I'm not impressed....

I don't think it is easy to browse through the forums and trying to navigate through your villiages is another nightmare! Why were the arrows to toggle through your villiages taken away? You could easily check the barracks and stables in a matter of seconds, but now you have to back all the way out just to go to your next villiage. It just leaves more room for mistakes and confusion. It was so much better when it was easier to navigate through the game...

Am I alone here or do these changes appeal to the masses?


For a second I was thinking only T/W would care because we're a bunch of forum whores. Good to see someone else agrees


T/W should be very happy actually. There have been quite a few features added that make it possible to keep some organisation in the forum.

(edit: well, there we go, I've now figured out one thing why everyone was upset. The update did screw up the browersettings a bit and everything was all over the place (I guess, I didn't see it). We've fixed that and things should be better now.
As for the ads, yes, that might not be very comfy, but needed. I have said this lots of times before. There are lots of good and completely free forums out there that you can use. We encourage you to use those forums!
The ingame forums are meant for tribes that are new, are just getting set up, or don't use the forum as the main communication medium.)
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Yeah, the forums are too condensed. There needs to be some spacing added.


The update did add a few very nice features although I liked the overall aesthetic layout of the old forums better.


The old one wasn't so hard on the eyes but there are some nice features now


lol, coming from the person who cant even post a sig properly. Sloppy to say the least.


Roch2001 said:
lol, coming from the person who cant even post a sig properly. Sloppy to say the least.

I wonder who?? :icon_rolleyes:.


Roch you ever think I might like my sig the way it is? It's too big, but I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that...:lol:


FalseMyrmidon said:
The update did add a few very nice features although I liked the overall aesthetic layout of the old forums better.

I seem to recall a certain somebody offering a full post nuke site/forums but Oh no! We would lose too many in the transition
