Ya Bro Disbanded


Haha I love how you try to insult me by saying I have done nothing in the game
rank 7 OD
that sure looks like nothing

If you want to win this world like a bitch go ahead

Lost interested a long time ago as mentioned before


Also, in this post I would like to claim victory in the war against Ya Bro in the name of Cure ! :icon_twisted:

In the name of Cure? hmm interesting, was Cure winning when it was alone?


Some stats extracted form TWStats, aTo + AMAZON are also 99% gone, so we can almost call these the final stats:

Cure VS Ya Bro - Forever
Villages taken by Cure: 3,477
Villages taken by Ya Bro: 2,087
Cure wins by 1,390

Cure VS aTo + bTo (Now called AMAZON ) - Forever
Villages taken by Cure: 220
Villages taken by aTo + bTo: 269
Cure loses by 49

S-D VS Ya Bro - Forever
Villages taken by S-D: 637
Villages taken by Ya Bro: 70
S-D wins by 567

S-D VS aTo + bTo (Now called AMAZON ) - Forever
Villages taken by S-D: 1,609
Villages taken by aTo + bTo: 125
S-D wins by 1,484
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Haha I love how you try to insult me by saying I have done nothing in the game
rank 7 OD
that sure looks like nothing

Ahahah, I love how you mention your OD rank over and over again.. Yet, you are in process of being rimmed in the future..

Well, It's true some ya bro quit right after incomings, but was there any real help given to those? The OP on Te Moja is a good example, I do have to admit you sent some support, but besides you.. Did anyone do anything to keep her alive a little longer? She was clearly not stacked against 3 huge players.. That's a mistake. One from the various mistakes ya bro did in time... It doesn't matter now, but your pretentious attitude sort of helped ruining ya bro spirit.. I can imagine those skype chats where you would mention how better than everyone you are..

Not everyone is great but putting yourself above others is just demoralising.. Learn something about team work, and OD rank is useless if the player has such a big ego like you do..

PS: sending nukes with no nobles behind won't get you anywhere to get stats :icon_rolleyes:


Some stats extracted form TWStats, aTo + AMAZON are also 99% gone, so we can almost call these the final stats:

Cure VS Ya Bro - Forever
Villages taken by Cure: 3,477
Villages taken by Ya Bro: 2,087
Cure wins by 1,390

Cure VS aTo + bTo (Now called AMAZON ) - Forever
Villages taken by Cure: 220
Villages taken by aTo + bTo: 269
Cure loses by 49

S-D VS Ya Bro - Forever
Villages taken by S-D: 637
Villages taken by Ya Bro: 70
S-D wins by 567

S-D VS aTo + bTo (Now called AMAZON ) - Forever
Villages taken by S-D: 1,609
Villages taken by aTo + bTo: 125
S-D wins by 1,484

Assuming these are accurate, well done to Cure and S-D! Those are some impressive win margins :)

EDIT: I don't expect an explicit answer in so-public a place, but I am curious if Cure will now fight S-D or not... if anyone would like to PM me some details, I'd be interested!


Devil, your stats in the war where you are complaining about are pittyfull.

You are rank 5 in the world and your score was 67-54 and the last village you managed to take was on 16th of March. That is so bad its beyond belief :lol:

And no reply about lieing about wanting to run to cure ?

@Night2, take a chill pill, I cant claim victory in the name of tribe im not in.


Don't worry Devil, you can still win the world basically by yourself


LOL anyone else want to bully me

I am yet to see any truth posted here

no one has yet been able to prove they are better than me
I never said I was better
you all seem to assume you are better than me because I am unable to prove I am better
If I cannot prove I am better with a high ODA rank and a high ODD rank as well as taking more villas from cure than they took from me (yeah that is right I said it. Stop posting bullshit about you rimming me coz I am still beating you in stats)

You are only going to be able to take my account because I gave up and am not defending.
I already offered heyoo 7 villas

Also flav aka god (apparently)
What have you done that is so good?
All I have seen you do is manipulate 4 tribes into destroying themselves for you

stop giving me shit

also the BS about showing no respect to my enemies. Maybe if you don't insult me I won't insult you. Ever thought of that?

I always get on with my enemies. I have had several decent chats with heyoo over the year.

I understand some people like to show off but reversing the situation and giving me all the negatives all the time is just pathetic
grow up


BTW thanks to heyoo for showing me this report.
Kinda proves several things


firstly the northwest people who gave me grief because I said they had an easier time than us
They faced inactives/noobs and 50k players.
OMG those 50k players must have hurt.

Admittedly a couple of active cure members put up a fight but seriously when ya bro found out how easy the north west was players started packing bags and jumping continents to get some

meanwhile flav has 100 of players stack every frontline villas with a minimum of 200k and the villas around a small cluster I had 400k the last I remembered

How are we supposed to fight against a player who could have easily had 100mill troops defending about 200 villas

I would have pushed back but tbh I have this thing called a job and don't have the time to tag and snipe

and that is another thing

You expect me to prove you wrong by being better than 10 accounts. (Apparently knocking several people down already on my own isnt enough)

I am 1 person. I don't co play like the most of you.
For example I am pretty sure flav had 5 people on his account at one point.
The fact I matched a person in villas and points while he was stacked and I had a greater OD should be a big achievement but according to you lot it just shows be to be a noob

Also for those thinking I get acc sat to get around co player (for whatever reason)


that is my acc sit long

Very rarely get acc sit
necro only sat me to help me get farming up again because I hadn't farmed since before christmas because the world got boring and I cba sending scouts to each individual villa
I started farming because I thought ya bro inactives had died out and we might have a chance

that is when I realised how lost the situation was
people couldn't be bothered to open any mail
and for those saying it was because I had a bad rep I actually got a better response than any of the council

anyway off track a bit
basically ya bro got too use to the lack of a challenge and our northern members seemed happy to noble the easy pickings while the rest of the people struggled on the frontline

when asked to target a serious player they said they didn't have the time or troops because they had another target (those inactives causing trouble again)

When I pointed out there ODA was pathetic they insulted my ODA by saying anyone can get a good ODA by sending out random nukes

For those who don't know ODA is given based on how much you kill when attacking
Having 5mill points and only 20 mill ODA is a joke
the last time I saw a report I think it was 60k ODA for a nuke killing a nuke defending
So if we assume 3 ODA per villager killed then 20mill ODA is roughly 7mill killed troops AKA 333 villages worth of troops

As for me sending out random nukes
My ODA was number 1 a long time before it came to a war with cure
as for random nukes
They where targeted at specific continents or players in order to slow them down
It seemed to work as well when it came to truff the farming slowed
and when I stopped sending he started destroying te moja

Also another point
The more oda you have the more troops killed
the more troops killed the less troops the enemy have
the less troops the enemy have the less troops knocking on your door
stick on the fact I rekt thousands of farm levels over night when I hit k66 and I think you will find that my little lonewolf distraction was productive

not that they took the bait as I wanted
They only sent a few nukes with 600 fakes
(was massively disappointed)

Anyway unless deathwolff agrees he made a mistake or either sd or cure recruits me I have given up and will only be staying to annoy players who have either insulted me or wasted my time in the past

BTW I might as well post this here as evidence for many things
As said months and months ago I don't use bashers
People call themselves my bashers but I don't use them in the same way
As anyone who could call themselve my personal basher would tell you I have cleared more for them than they cleared for me
TBH I can't remember my bashers clearing anything for me
I chose 3 bashers on this world
I choose them for many things but it is basically always when I can choose whether to noble them or let them live
anyway I chose 3 bashers
I cleared for them and protected them long enough and they decided to eventually merge
This merge is now called ARES MARS

So for the people who say I don't do well with teammate feel free to suck on that one
I won't bother to mention the many times I carpet bombed a tribe to make way for tribemates or the time I saved malik

Anyway the reason I am posting that particular thing is because I am serious about wanting to let them join cure.
I have always and will still protect them.

I know you will want to take advantage and maybe even attack because he is considered my PA but I would still like the invite for this player

consider it a gift for destroying your enemy and charging in the opposite direction :D


nor will we ever.
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As for me sending out random nukes
My ODA was number 1 a long time before it came to a war with cure
as for random nukes
They where targeted at specific continents or players in order to slow them down
It seemed to work as well when it came to truff the farming slowed
and when I stopped sending he started destroying te moja

I'm sure nearly all your points can be debated and argued as almost all of them are wrong but this is especially wrong.


this is about the time when devil attacked us, ODD increase in King!! was arturus but after that was devil. you can see that the 9th was the biggest day of devils "op"

It also happened to be one of our best farming days

i guess the definition of ruining an account and ruining our farming is one day without getting looter, kudos to you



haha my op

Do you really think you are so important I would drop everything to op you

People asked me to op you and I told them all that is what you want and you would probably get support

Then you started contacting drew trying to get info on an op that didn't exist HAHAHAH


Wow you are hurting my head this goes a while back

reading up on things and it turns out I never bothered to even launch on you

I sent a few nukes and fakes at you but I killed a lot of jibo troops


You do know there is and edit option and you do not need to post 5 times in a row? Also I am at a loss on what you have proved of yourself in the last 5 posts.

We were begging players to move to the Peter frontline to help with nobling. Why would we get people to the frontline to stack against them on an account we were rimming. Makes total sense /facepalm.


Coming from the person in the same tribe as the target we are talking about

Seriously I doubt your IQ could be lower