Yet another idea


Quick idea, im not going to sell it to you too much, just discuss it.

Tutorial Subforum

A place where peopl post their favourite tuts. How do we expect people to get better if we dont provide them with any way in which to do this ?



I think it would be useful but the one on the UK section is dead.


Sometimes, people need to stop comparing this forum to the UK one (generalizing this comment for everyone).

Yeh a tutorial sub- forum is necessary.


So long as all the tuts have had permission from the creators of the tutorials then this could prove to be very useful :)


Tribalwars doesnt care wether you have permission.
I believe ( goes off to check rules )


The tutorial owners might care if they have limited the availability of the tuts to certain sites. we had to be careful of that in voodoo, so I would have thought that we should do the same here.


Ripping is ok according to masterfire. I of course completely disagree with him. If you're going to post a tutorial, make sure you give credit, or just link it to the place where it was originally posted.


or at least make an effort to ask the creator to post it somewhere. its really easy to ask the creators on dA.


I wasnt condoning ripping, just saying. On the rules side of things, tribal wars is fine with it. Im checking now though :p

If you start restricting members on how they post tutorials, they wont post tutorials :/


yeh but its not like they will anyway.. who in this forum is VERY serious about GFX despite some 3-4 people. those ones are probably going to be the only ones posting tutorials anyway. Sometimes, some tutorials strictly mention to not post them somewhere else, hence then an effort should be made to take permission for posting the tut.


Were going offtopic anyway, back to the actualy subforum, good idea or not.


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Ripping is ok according to MasterFire (capital M and F dudeson). I of course completely disagree with him. If you're going to post a tutorial, make sure you give credit, or just link it to the place where it was originally posted.

I'd like to see where exactly I said this. Though I would most certainly say this because honestly, you can copy paste something like a tutorial/joke/etc (about whatever, TW or playing Tetris) here from anywhere you like as long as it's conform with our forum rules. Just as long as you're not breaking any actual copyrights that is, so posting an entire book that you would normally have to pay for would be an example of something that's not allowed by law. But lets not get into that. If you're ripping off some tutorial written in a different language and just translating it, there is nothing in the rules that says you can't post it. But it's common decency to put in a source or at least give credit to it.

Asides that, lets keep it at discussing whether it's a good idea to have a subforum like this or not.


I like the sub forum idea, I keep going to GimpTalk looking for signature tuts and would love to be able to just go here.

+1 for me


I know, there are those who are keen not to associate .uk and .net, but we tried this on .uk and for the first few weeks a few good tutorials were being posted. After that: Nada.

Sure, if there are a few people around who are willing to regularly add new tutorials, it might work, but I suspect here it will be no less of a "5 minute wonder" than it was on .uk.


This is the post I was talking about MasterFire(got it right this time). You pretty much said that you wouldn't do anything to stop people ripping and that we should ignore people who do so, and if we do point out, we will be punished. Of course, there are moral issues to ripping which you are ignoring. But anyway, this isn't the place to discuss ethics so I'll end this post here.


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But it's common decency to put in a source or at least give credit to it.

Ignoring them?

And yes, in that instance I said if people would start posting "STOLEN!" in a thread then I would go in and clean up and find matching punishments if they hadn't understood that it doesn't come to the good of a forum to only make posts like that. Sure, you can discuss the moral issues behind someones copy/paste, but honestly, if you want to discuss that, there's only one person to discuss it with and that's the guy posting the post you have moral issues with. And you can do that just fine in a PM as far as I know. I'm not ignoring them, I'm saying that it's not against the rules unless it's under copyright.

Added an asterisk to the post to specify on the punishment bit for people saying something was copyrighted.
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I'm going to bed now (but I'll read it in the morning).

As for the subforum, anyone ever thought about just making a thread where people can post their tutorials in and then they for instance could get edited in the original post (mind you, neatly and categorized). Would be an entirely user based activity, personally I'd give props to the person doing that.