You know you're addicted to TW if...


So I am sure MANY of us have some... interesting stories to share about tribal wars. So lets share them with everyone. There are things like this that I've seen done before. Basically the idea is to make "You might be a redneck" jokes out of your stories. Never seen it done before and if it has I am sorry. :icon_neutral:

I'll kick it off...

You might be addicted to Tribal Wars if...

You confuse taking a nap with a NAP. (non-aggression pact)

Not all that funny, but it just happened to me, so it was an easy one to start off with.

Child in time

Well.. i have another one..

You're too addicted to tribalwars if you say hold on to your girlfriend while she's taking her bra off for you because you're timing a nobletrain.

(it happened to me once, finally the nobletrain failed because i stared at those things and i got mesmerized)


Wow Child dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would been like
"hey gurl!"


I got one you leave a sitter for you rkids and when you get home you get mad because they havent built anything yet!


Well.. i have another one..

You're too addicted to tribalwars if you say hold on to your girlfriend while she's taking her bra off for you because you're timing a nobletrain.

(it happened to me once, finally the nobletrain failed because i stared at those things and i got mesmerized)

How about you ask your GF to wait with sex for a little bit because you need to read and answer some messages... Thats what you get for being the leader of a top tribe, a pissed GF.:icon_rolleyes:

Child in time

How about you ask your GF to wait with sex for a little bit because you need to read and answer some messages... Thats what you get for being the leader of a top tribe, a pissed GF.:icon_rolleyes:

Man, been there done that.. pfew...


So I am sure MANY of us have some... interesting stories to share about tribal wars. So lets share them with everyone. There are things like this that I've seen done before. Basically the idea is to make "You might be a redneck" jokes out of your stories. Never seen it done before and if it has I am sorry. :icon_neutral:

I'll kick it off...

You might be addicted to Tribal Wars if...

You confuse taking a nap with a NAP. (non-aggression pact)

Not all that funny, but it just happened to me, so it was an easy one to start off with.

Haha for some reason, that rings a bell XD

But i got one:

Your excuse for being late to work was you were about to be nobled and you had to stay an extra hour at home to dodge the noble train and send the counter attack at him lol


Yeah.. Listen to this guy. It'll make you play better Errr :icon_confused:

The problem is that I suspect that he is right. Who cares about IRL quality if you can be an online legend?


Contributing Poster
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"10pm already? sh*t, finish yourself up darling, got nobles to launch."

Happened, got slapped, I play too much TW.


Seems to be a lot of unhappy GF/wifes around due to TW. I see money comming out of this...

"Is your husband sitting on his computer playing TW all day?
Does he not satisfy your sexual needs?
Is he planning he's days based on nobling plans?

Fear no more, we now have a new service to offer.
For a small fee Dith2 will rimm your husbands account!
Yes rimm him, he wil never feel the urge to play again!

If you call now, for no extra charge, Dith2 will even flame your husband on the forum to make sure of success."

Call: 911 xxx xxx xxxx
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Seems to be a lot of unhappy GF/wifes around due to TW. I see money comming out of this...

"Is your husband sitting on his computer playing TW?
Does he not satisfy your sexual needs?
Is he planning he's days based on nobling plans?

Fear no more, we now have a new service to offer.
For a small fee Dith2 will rimm your husbands account!
Yes rimm him, he wil never feel the urge to play again!

If you call now, for no extra charge, Dith2 will even flame your husband on the forum to make sure of success."

Call: 911 xxx xxx xxxx

lol, good one.


Seems to be a lot of unhappy GF/wifes around due to TW. I see money comming out of this...

"Is your husband sitting on his computer playing TW all day?
Does he not satisfy your sexual needs?
Is he planning he's days based on nobling plans?

Fear no more, we now have a new service to offer.
For a small fee Dith2 will rimm your husbands account!
Yes rimm him, he wil never feel the urge to play again!

If you call now, for no extra charge, Dith2 will even flame your husband on the forum to make sure of success."

Call: 911 xxx xxx xxxx

good way to make money i guess lol
but you should charge them if you ask me:icon_confused: