Your New Mod *Sigh*



For the vast majority of you that don’t know me, the name’s Nathan and in all honesty I’m just some lowly rim noob who fails at whatever world he tries to dominate (Y). Anybody who’s attempted to research me would see that I joined these here forums only a couple of weeks ago and you might be thinking that it’s a little bit stupid making somebody this new a moderator. However…

I used to play and moderate as this guy. Last summer though I had to quit because of failing A Level results. Anyhow, the point I am trying to make is that although I haven’t been around for a while, I can for the most part remember the TW rules :icon_razz:

As far as pet hates go, I don’t have many. No chewing with your mouth open and no smoking. Both look nasty. *Gets out baseball bat and stands menacingly*

I like to think that i'm approachable so please, if ever you're unsure about something email me. I will always reply as soon as I can and am open to debate about my decisions or punishments. I am at the end of the day only human and I will sadly, make mistakes. If ever I do make a mistake though, I promise to hold my hands up and reverse any punishments that may have been given.

Tiny bit about me (to prove I’m human):
I live in London, England and am starting uni next term. My weekends are spent attempting (and for the most part failing) to get down and jiggy with teh pretty ladies. Oh and I also referee football on Sundays.

To conclude, Petn tells me that we have a good base of up and coming posters amongst us as well as some old school posters. I hope that between us all we can keep these forums enjoyable and fun. That’s about it to be honest. If ever you’re in London and fancy some ice-cream, drop me a PM.

Happy Hunting,

Don't worry, I'll remove the sticky in a week or two.
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What football team do you support?

Aldershot Town. M'dad was stationed in Lille barracks there a few years back so we went and watched a couple of games together. I wouldn't exactly say I follow them like a die-hard supporter, but they are the team I come up with when asked who I support. A tiny team that nobody knows causes few arguments :icon_idea:


Aldershot Town. M'dad was stationed in Lille barracks there a few years back so we went and watched a couple of games together. I wouldn't exactly say I follow them like a die-hard supporter, but they are the team I come up with when asked who I support. A tiny team that nobody knows causes few arguments :icon_idea:

You're always better off supporting your local, i like that


So how'd you do in your A-Levels in the end? Not that good if you've now got time to troll TW forums again :)


So how'd you do in your A-Levels in the end? Not that good if you've now got time to troll TW forums again :)

The results come out on August the 18th. I only started playing/trolling again after the exams finished. :)


Aldershot town? wow, ok this mods honest no one would ever admit to that in public otherwise lol


Failed A levels? That sucks mate, barely did any studying and managed to pass them :). Welcome tho and be nice to me :D


Failed A levels? That sucks mate, barely did any studying and managed to pass them :). Welcome tho and be nice to me :D

Err, was my AS tests at the time. I ended up getting two Bs and two Ds. Dropped a B and took the other three subjects onto year 13. Now I await the results from these three subjects :)

Man needs to learn to revise to be honest :icon_cry:


Have i said it before? anyway if i havent... WeLcOmE :icon_wink:


Erm... welcome to the team again? :D

Have you cleaned up all those Armada and lights threads yet? :O


Hi there.
Don't worry, I don't bite that hard. My bark is worse.


Erm... welcome to the team again? :D

Have you cleaned up all those Armada and lights threads yet? :O

That's effort. Ima just let them get out of control and then cry to Jirki for help :icon_idea:


Welcome mate. Hope the exam results go well for you, repeated AS levels 5 years a go myself haha


You are going to like these forums. And I imagine you will be mailing a lot of people. Have fun


howdy.. can't guarantee that modding w57 is going to be a smooth-sailing one (chuckle)

Still, welcome good luck and all the best


I would like you to know that anyone in my tribe has been granted immunity from getting banned, so if they say they are in Dream then you must be nice to them or you are gonna get grounded :/


Welcome mate. Hope the exam results go well for you, repeated AS levels 5 years a go myself haha

Thank Hazlad, hopefully I wont be needing to repeat this year or else it's hello £9,000 fees :icon_eek:

I would like you to know that anyone in my tribe has been granted immunity from getting banned, so if they say they are in Dream then you must be nice to them or you are gonna get grounded :/

Umm... Ok... Sometimes though, I err... I forget that after 4 infractions members get banned :icon_redface:

If that happens to you, I swear, it was an honest mistake :icon_eek: