Sweet coordinated revenge. (Ori: watch and learn)


The point is that Ori should learn not to brag about taking one village, as others can top them by ten


The point is that Ori should learn not to brag about taking one village, as others can top them by ten

You do not want them to start comparing Scorpion and Dodoow, do you?

Because, although they were bragging they were also full of praise of their opponent,
describing how hard it was to take even just one village from a top/elite player,
and how that it took major effort from a not-so-good a tribe to do that, and so on.

While here, you are describing how several elite players from several top tribes,
working together to take down a not-so-good player, member of not-so-good a tribe,
who has a not-so-good defense, and sat by not-so-good player,
whose points, while huge was attained by cheap-underhanded-snipering tactic.

It might be a big accomplishment for 5 years old to count 1 to 10,
but it is not that big of a deal for a 15 years old to count 1 to 100.

The two threads might not start this way, but it sure does turn out to be, with the flaming/spam/comments and all.

So really, I'd rather not compare the two if you ask me.

Defeating a good player is a much better accomplishment than defeating a bad player (good-bad as in game-play, not good-evil).
Making your defeated opponent looks bad, while it's fun, will only make your victory less than it should be.

Take down the #1 player. (1)
Now that, is a BIG accomplishment, capitalized and bolded, worthy, perhaps, of the players involved in this coalition,
as they are legendary (or well-known) players spanning several worlds themselves.

Note: (1) Not suggesting this, rather, it is only an example due to lack of imagination on my part. :)


umm, go to TWPlus and look up Dodow(Player) and GLORY(Tribe).


You do not want them to start comparing Scorpion and Dodoow, do you?

Because, although they were bragging they were also full of praise of their opponent,
describing how hard it was to take even just one village from a top/elite player,
and how that it took major effort from a not-so-good a tribe to do that, and so on.

While here, you are describing how several elite players from several top tribes,
working together to take down a not-so-good player, member of not-so-good a tribe,
who has a not-so-good defense, and sat by not-so-good player,
whose points, while huge was attained by cheap-underhanded-snipering tactic.

It might be a big accomplishment for 5 years old to count 1 to 10,
but it is not that big of a deal for a 15 years old to count 1 to 100.

The two threads might not start this way, but it sure does turn out to be, with the flaming/spam/comments and all.

So really, I'd rather not compare the two if you ask me.

Defeating a good player is a much better accomplishment than defeating a bad player (good-bad as in game-play, not good-evil).
Making your defeated opponent looks bad, while it's fun, will only make your victory less than it should be.

Take down the #1 player. (1)
Now that, is a BIG accomplishment, capitalized and bolded, worthy, perhaps, of the players involved in this coalition,
as they are legendary (or well-known) players spanning several worlds themselves.

Note: (1) Not suggesting this, rather, it is only an example due to lack of imagination on my part. :)

Dodow was ranked 17th in the world when we began taking him out. So are you saying that only taking out players outside of the top 15 counts?


He makes a fair point I think.. scorpion has the support of a good tribe and was very active at the moment of attacks, also the attackers were not as good as the attackers of Dodow. Dodow was being sat by someone else at the time of te attacks and was planning to quit anyway? so I read at least..

Of course taking down the ranked 17 player is still a nice accomplishment don't get me wrong.. but this
The point is that Ori should learn not to brag about taking one village, as others can top them by ten
is something completly different.


You do not want them to start comparing Scorpion and Dodoow, do you?

Because, although they were bragging they were also full of praise of their opponent,
describing how hard it was to take even just one village from a top/elite player,
and how that it took major effort from a not-so-good a tribe to do that, and so on.

While here, you are describing how several elite players from several top tribes,
working together to take down a not-so-good player, member of not-so-good a tribe,
who has a not-so-good defense, and sat by not-so-good player,
whose points, while huge was attained by cheap-underhanded-snipering tactic.

It might be a big accomplishment for 5 years old to count 1 to 10,
but it is not that big of a deal for a 15 years old to count 1 to 100.

The two threads might not start this way, but it sure does turn out to be, with the flaming/spam/comments and all.

So really, I'd rather not compare the two if you ask me.

Defeating a good player is a much better accomplishment than defeating a bad player (good-bad as in game-play, not good-evil).
Making your defeated opponent looks bad, while it's fun, will only make your victory less than it should be.

Take down the #1 player. (1)
Now that, is a BIG accomplishment, capitalized and bolded, worthy, perhaps, of the players involved in this coalition,
as they are legendary (or well-known) players spanning several worlds themselves.

Note: (1) Not suggesting this, rather, it is only an example due to lack of imagination on my part. :)

Dodow had 20k more points that scorpion does now, let alone when Ori attacked him.

GLORY Was ranked 6 at the time.

Dodow sniped one village from DFB

Let's look at his OD rankings, shall we?

As Defender: 12 dodow 85.677

As Attacker: 25 dodow 97.707

Overall: 4 dodow 183.384

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that show that he was/is an aggressive player, at the very least? just because he sniped one village doesn't mean he sniped them all.

DFB chose to take him out because, as they list in their profile, Sniping is an act of war. Dodow what their target and their example, to show everyone that this is what happens to anyone who goes to war with them.

D.A. chose to help, because Ender_Wiggin had been attacked by Dodow at an earlier stage, and he wanted revenge.

Between the two tribes, enough long range fakes, nukes and clearing forces were sent to confuse even the most active of players, and enough attacking forces were sent to wipe out a 10k/10k/10k defense in each village. he lost most of his villages in less than 12 hours.

Now, which do you think is more of an achievement:

just about managing to take 1 village from an 80k point player with support after a long struggle

Bringing a 100k player from 100k to 16k in 12 hours, with enough troops to take out 30k pop of defense in each village

I think the facts speak for themselves

And Triplex, you saw how "proud" Ori were when they took one of scorpion's villages. maybe they should try something like this. I think Ender suggested GLORY's 2nd best player?


They could try.. and will fail probably just because Ori players are not as good as DFB/D.A. I assume. I'm just saying that anyuser makes a good point saying that you can't compare both actions because circumstances are totally different.

Your achievement is more impressive though, if that's what you want to hear:) :icon_wink:


Well duh. what's the point in bragging otherwise? :icon_biggrin:


It is strange how ppl only make stupid remarks...
Anyway that our 2nd best player got frightened also and now he left for a "stronger" tribe..Actually i am glad that the cowards left the tribe...in the first moments they saw that Glory was almost going to war they left the tribe
I will name them for you if you like:

Harmony Darkmoon

I am not here to judge someone but i will wait to see when they will leave their new tribes(probably if/when Pks/new tribes will not be ranked 1)
I do not know if they are point whores but cowards i know for sure they are.


He makes a fair point I think.. scorpion has the support of a good tribe and was very active at the moment of attacks, also the attackers were not as good as the attackers of Dodow. Dodow was being sat by someone else at the time of te attacks and was planning to quit anyway? so I read at least..

Of course taking down the ranked 17 player is still a nice accomplishment don't get me wrong.. but this is something completly different.

well, i wasn't much active to be honest at the time of those attacks which coincided with my exams else i would have made it more harder for them to take that village and possibly Ori might have failed even..


It is strange how ppl only make stupid remarks...
Anyway that our 2nd best player got frightened also and now he left for a "stronger" tribe..Actually i am glad that the cowards left the tribe...in the first moments they saw that Glory was almost going to war they left the tribe
I will name them for you if you like:

Harmony Darkmoon

I am not here to judge someone but i will wait to see when they will leave their new tribes(probably if/when Pks/new tribes will not be ranked 1)
I do not know if they are point whores but cowards i know for sure they are.

Ironic... we tell them to attack Glory's second rated player, and he leaves. That's pretty funny, actually.


Something else is funny here...how that "you tell them?" are you their boss, their God or something like that?


Yes of course!!!:D Please tell me what are you doing and how do you manage to make people listen to you