Sweet beginnings, bitter endings.

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"Retarded" isn't a bad word when you use it right: It means slow to learn. Exactly what I mean. I'm trying to get across a point and still IP doesn't admit it or wants to learn thus why I used the word :) Ergo why I said: Never knew it was an insult to call a retard, well retard

You honestly expect me to believe you meant it as in slow to learn? Grow up, you meant it in a derogatory manner and we both know this. The entire tone of what you wrote had insult written all over it.
No matter what you say, or what i say, i can't prove you meant it like that. But you know, and i know.

Not that is matters, but if it is any consolation, I was played. Zell didn't know what was going on until he was filled in later.

Oh, and for the record:
–verb (used with object) 1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object) 2. to be delayed.
–noun 3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine. 4. Slang: Disparaging. a. a mentally retarded person. b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard. 5. Automotive, Machinery. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.

Don't try and be smart with me. You know full well that the word 'retard' is used in it's derogatory slang form. With political correctness being so prominent, the word retard has been completely removed from common language - except by use in slang, and those who discriminate.
No person would ever, ever, on TV say the word 'retard' meaning that they are slow - and you know this.
Stop it, stop it now. You offended me, you offended others. And we won't stand for this kind of language, especially used in that manner. I would prefer a mod to remove the post altogether.


All I've seen from you are edited Skype conversations. The same type of Skype conversations that you say Flabber constructed.

Well, it's your word against his.. And from the talks I've had with you I know who to trust.
Noobish Peace Lover on 24.06. at 19:03
I see that you are merging with VOID?
Why weren't we informed about this? Or have you already talked with Incoming Problems about this?

Xelloss on 24.06. at 19:14
we aren't merging with them. We are taking their top members and I just informed you.

You simply invited some of their members.
Then some from another tribe.
Then suddenly decided to change name and give duke status to a bunch of people.. Aaah, I see.. No merge.. Ofcourse not.

You have guys have constantly lied on the forum without giving a shred of proof of anything.

Hmm, I was pretty sure that we did give proof, but we can do it again if you would like. Now please pay attention this time, because the first time you apparently didn't.
Please let me know if you need proof for more, because I've kinda lost track on what you think is a lie and what not.

We did inform you about Flabbers ways before he made an ass of himself on the forum. Also we informed you that he would be considered a refugee and that we would attack him.

The Proof:
Incoming Problems on 20.06. at 13:01 wrote:

This is just to pass the information to your tribe that Flabbergastic has been dismissed by dShokR and is now a target. He's not only a target for us but he's a target for anyone who feels like having some fun in k45.

I know a few tribes were after him already so just taking the lead in letting you know the move we made.

This is also to make sure that no matter what threats he'll send to you (because we expect he will), he wont be supported by anyone in dShokR.

Obviosuly, with the amount of people who are after him (already 2 tribes excluding us), taking him in would deem him a refugee. I know we wont stop our attacks on him until the job is completed.

On a side note, I expect quite a few rumors being spread around in the following days. For those wondering whats what, simply mail me. Flabber has a knack to manipulate or attempting to.

Flabber has an history of pulling these tricks and is known in TW for this actually. He's famous for having it done in 2 Worlds already.

Author wrote:
Jun 20
11:42 Flabbergastic has been dismissed by Incoming Problems.

Posting also that he was dismissed since I'm sure he'll soon say he left on his own (knowing him). If you want a screenshot of our tribe overview, feel free to ask.

We figured going thru some days of hassle fixing his mess would be best than dragging it for months.

Sincerely, Mark and the whole dShokR leadership.

What did you decide to do after this?
Did you contact us about the rumors? No, you didn't did you?
Did you not invite flabbers account? No, you didn't did you?
You decided to use the situation to backstab your ally - by inviting flabbers account and contact every tribe around us, to get them to merge and have a go at us.
Well flabber is in your tribe, so no proof needed for that and also:
hotlips30 on 20.06. at 16:24
We are having a skype meeting with the leaders of the major K45 tribes tonight....
Can you and your co-leaders attend?

Please add me...Hotlips301

Thinking around 5-ish server time...may be subject to change...
We have some things to discuss

Thanks :)

mikeburns67 on 20.06. at 16:31
Whats the general gist of what the focus for the meeting will be?

hotlips30 on 20.06. at 16:33
How to screw over the major threat of this K.

Have some very good intel and we need to work together to get rid of them ASAP

But now that we are talking of proof.. I would very much like to see the proof of our NAP with KARMA that you talk so much about :icon_wink:

I have a mail from KARMA about us being at what they called war with them from their diplomat at that time - but none about any NAP, so I'm confused. Do you think the color red is NAP? :icon_surprised:

brumbaugh on 15.06. at 18:35
well sorry we have our own dictionary...and it says if or member is attacked (whether he is dead weight or not) its an act or war

Oh, and all this is in game material so if anyone have any doubts, simply mail me, and I'll forward :)

scarlet ash

Wow you really lack the intelligence to dicern what's directed at you and what's directed at someone else.

Lol, you've failed so much at this. You contradict yourself so much.

Yeah Incoming hit #1 in ODA bravo to him. He's cleared now doesn't have any troops of his own except outside support which should also be cleared soon enough.

Nuke has already explained this.

You've been claiming his cleared for so long without showing proof and et incomming has still been going up in ODA ranks.

I don't see how you can actually post this crap when you know absolutely nothing of this war. Especially when you're calling Risk a tool in w39. Whatever Risk did they did on their own and weighting the Pros and Cons.

Everyone has been able to see this apart from you and som other RISK members.

I bet if Hill Berries came on here again he would claim he used you as a tool as he finds pride from such things.

I have yet to see what you mean by saying Risk posting very badly. You're obviously a shocker partisan if you were even slightly less of an arse you would realise that Risk post's haven't been more insulting or degrading than the shockers if as you state they were.

Actually yours has consisted of more direct insults than anyone elses insults or other people that insult you back is because you provoked them from your insults.

dShokR only came on the forums with quite a huge lapse of silence because they had taken enough BS and since no one was opposing it, viewers simply absorbed it for being true when its not. So hence dShokR came popping up after a little while.

If I see someone posting a retarded comment or writing stupid speculations I'm going to call him on it. Never knew it was an insult to call a retard, well retard.

You honestly think people are stupid enough to believe that.

No offence to some people who may have handicaps in some form but retard has often been used for an insult when not aimed at someone who is not handicapped in some severe manor. You would have used noob or stupid if you didn't mean it in such a harsh way.

Most of my message was meant for the entire community to read and not for your simple egocentric self :).

Obviously not. You have nearly always directed it at a quote from a player and if you meant all the community you would simply use retards not retard.

This prooves how low and how much BS you make up.

You're entitled to your opinions that's for sure. However it's clear here that your not contributing anything to this thread.

Oh... and you are????

honestly you are my most hated PnP voice and ruin much of the forum for me.

All your posts anoys me and many others in many ways.

You are misinformed and constantly agressive in your post without giving a shred of evidence of what you bring forth.

So you do actually realise what many people think of you...

sadly though you don't realise its yourself that causes such problems and irratations.

In this case calling Risk a tool. I think the leaders of Risk are aware of what was going on and what happened.

No, You obviously arn't if you are the leader.

As if you would ever mean such a thing when it follows a post like that.

Just another lot of BS you can add onto your 20 page odd list. (you get the point.. best just say that before you call me a retard for it.)


Not that is matters, but if it is any consolation, I was played. Zell didn't know what was going on until he was filled in later.

Oh, and for the record:
–verb (used with object) 1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object) 2. to be delayed.
–noun 3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine. 4. Slang: Disparaging. a. a mentally retarded person. b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard. 5. Automotive, Machinery. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.

Oh so you can c/p from dictionary.com? Impressive. I looked it up too before posting, to double check my facts.

It doesn't change the fact that it is a word that can cause offense and is an insult by the very terms of the definition - something that your tribe mate denied, saying he was just calling a 'retard a retard'.

Anyway, whether its politically incorrect or not, there's plenty of other words you can use an alternative, that are much more imaginative, and don't have the same loaded meaning.
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Agreed with Clur, see - i'm not the only one who finds your all too common use of that word offensive.


I actually have had a lot of time for Zell's posts in the past. They are usually to the point, intelligent and often amusing. That's part of the reason I don't like whats he's said. Plus, after you was asked not to call you a retard, he continued.

It doesn't represent your tribe well Zell. Not the best PnP by any means.


I actually have had a lot of time for Zell's posts in the past. They are usually to the point, intelligent and often amusing. That's part of the reason I don't like whats he's said. Plus, after you was asked not to call you a retard, he continued.

It doesn't represent your tribe well Zell. Not the best PnP by any means.

Wanna know why? He's in the wrong and he knows it and he's trying to save the face, salvage his reputation and not lose the respect of all the k45 tribes and most important, his members.

Game, set and match.


Wanna know why? He's in the wrong and he knows it and he's trying to save the face, salvage his reputation and not lose the respect of all the k45 tribes and most important, his members.

Game, set and match.

I hate liars, hypocrites and I'm disgusted at how someone like you can actually stand himself.

I haven't lied in any of my posts. People that have asked me to provide proof in game have received it.
I lose my temper in front of hypocrites like IP. He takes Skype conversations out of context, Edits pictures with big white rectangles to hide what he's written. He's only manipulating everyone in here.

Needless to say 90% of people replying in this thread are DshokR under aliases :)

I may have been in the wrong to insult him, but I felt he deserved it for being such a hypocrite. He's just the kind of human being that's the scum of the earth.


Zell if you are going to insult him, do it in style then! Make me howl with laughter with it. Seriously, I much prefer that - plus it just looks like you've run out of the smart witty retorts I know you can do.


xellos if you posted a screen shot of your hidden forums i'm sure that you would have a big white rectangle after all it is the hidden forum.

you claim not to lie and you state above that 90% of the players who posted in this thread are in dshokr well it's a lie about 18 players posted in this thread meaning that 2 players which posted are not in dshockr.

i am surprised i never knew that nuke,darkx, clur, and bellerion are in my tribe.
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Zell honestly believes he's right, so, no point arguing with him. Anyone who is prepared to examine the facts a draw a real conclusion? other than those who have and found their conclusions matched dShokR's

scarlet ash

xellos if you posted a screen shot of your hidden forums i'm sure that you would have a big white rectangle after all it is the hidden forum.

you claim not to lie and you state above that 90% of the players who posted in this thread are in dshokr well it's a lie about 18 players posted in this thread meaning that 2 players which posted are not in dshockr.

i am surprised i never knew that nuke,darkx, clur, and bellerion are in my tribe.

Im not in dShokR :|


He takes Skype conversations out of context, Edits pictures with big white rectangles to hide what he's written. He's only manipulating everyone in here.

You sure about that? You know, the more you keep going, the worst you look. The "edited picture with big white rectangles" was sent to someone who asked for it last night ;)

I left everything but like 2 lines in the initial post. Hard to say its edited, really. I suggest you stop trolling.

Speaking of which, if you knew HB history, you'd know he was caught editing Skype logs in the past and posting them in the pub. He did that in w26 and got caught right away. Members of Random and ID here can attest to that.

You simply got caught. Dont blame the World.


This whole thing is a bit priceless.

I don't talk much on here as it is nothing but lies and trash talk. RISK is a good group that doesn't have to communicate with lies. To sum this whole thing up. I would say that there was some "disagreement" on what a refugee is. I personally always see a refugee as a player and never been in the situation where it was the village. That was a new one for me. When Dshokr marked him as a refugee, they didn't want flabber joining any other tribes. With him gone, we openly came forward to tell our allies (that since admitted to have had plans from the beginning to backstab) that we had the account and had a new player in it.

If they are such men of their words and communicate so clearly, they would have said right there and then that they wouldn't budge on it. Yes, we "discussed" for a bit, but I assumed it was closed as with (flabber) was out of the picture and his village was in the hands of an ally.

From there were talks if the alliance was still good. I thought both sides agreed it was, till we find out that they (once again) were moving behind our backs. At this point we knew them for the liars and trash they were. Like I said earlier, RISK doesn't have to play by trying to screw over tribes they call friendly. We have been open, honest and upfront until we realize that we were wasting our time trying work WITH them.

One other thing I would like to point out is how often Dshokr has admitted to their "plan" of making the smaller tribes do their work for them. Well, that they have succeeded in and you smaller tribes that think they are on your side are being punked. Mark my words.....you will be hozed and laughed at.

So....cheers to Dshokr! You have convinced many in the K that you are a sheep in the herd and they are so blind that they can't see your wolf tail sticking out. You seem to be hanging on still considering your jump start on the rest of the K (as you are very active), yet you still have to cheat with sat and dead accounts, some of which are not even in your tribe.

Oh, I'm sure many will flame away, but on a personal note, TW has turned from groups of people battling each other out (as it was in prior worlds) to more of scum bag, cheat, hoze, back stab, lie......and then go brag about it. It seems people no longer have honor which sucks.....

Also, I too am not afraid to say who is leaving the message unlike many of the cowards that hide behind a fake name.



This whole thing is a bit priceless.

I don't talk much on here as it is nothing but lies and trash talk. RISK is a good group that doesn't have to communicate with lies. To sum this whole thing up. I would say that there was some "disagreement" on what a refugee is. I personally always see a refugee as a player and never been in the situation where it was the village. That was a new one for me. When Dshokr marked him as a refugee, they didn't want flabber joining any other tribes. With him gone, we openly came forward to tell our allies (that since admitted to have had plans from the beginning to backstab) that we had the account and had a new player in it.

If they are such men of their words and communicate so clearly, they would have said right there and then that they wouldn't budge on it. Yes, we "discussed" for a bit, but I assumed it was closed as with (flabber) was out of the picture and his village was in the hands of an ally.

From there were talks if the alliance was still good. I thought both sides agreed it was, till we find out that they (once again) were moving behind our backs. At this point we knew them for the liars and trash they were. Like I said earlier, RISK doesn't have to play by trying to screw over tribes they call friendly. We have been open, honest and upfront until we realize that we were wasting our time trying work WITH them.

One other thing I would like to point out is how often Dshokr has admitted to their "plan" of making the smaller tribes do their work for them. Well, that they have succeeded in and you smaller tribes that think they are on your side are being punked. Mark my words.....you will be hozed and laughed at.

So....cheers to Dshokr! You have convinced many in the K that you are a sheep in the herd and they are so blind that they can't see your wolf tail sticking out. You seem to be hanging on still considering your jump start on the rest of the K (as you are very active), yet you still have to cheat with sat and dead accounts, some of which are not even in your tribe.

Oh, I'm sure many will flame away, but on a personal note, TW has turned from groups of people battling each other out (as it was in prior worlds) to more of scum bag, cheat, hoze, back stab, lie......and then go brag about it. It seems people no longer have honor which sucks.....

Also, I too am not afraid to say who is leaving the message unlike many of the cowards that hide behind a fake name.

But dShokR has a point. The agreement of the alliance was that new recruits were to be discussed with both parties, which RISK broke.


Meh, i'm not in dshockr and still think zell is an idiot, sorry :(.


Grino31 - stay out, ok?

You have tried to spin it, and you keep saying that we kept stabbing you in the back - evidence please? Where's this 'back stabbing' that we took part in?
You mean the posts flabbergastic made about his plans? Nope, that doesn't count as evidence. The issue was that the second he did what he did he was a marked man and every tom, dick and harry knows this. When someone tries betrays and tries to ruin your tribe - most people would agree that you want him out of the picture right? Well we did want this, and you're beloved tribe for some odd reason recruited the traitor of your ally. The fact that you recruited his account at all was a breach of the agreement. You didn't ask, you told. That breached the terms.

So the issue starts right there. Ignore anything that happened afterwards, RISK breached the agreement first, when they recruited him without consulting us about it, when you had agreed to do just that.

Now, don't tell me about how we were 'plotting to take you down' because their is no evidence for that as we all know and the 'preemptive strike' doesn't stick around here. So back off and accept that RISK stepped out of line and tried to pin it on us.



I have NOT tried to spin it. I realize and said that there may be some "miscommunication". But, you are so clear on this yet I don't remember you being there during the actual conversation.

You can blame what you want on flabber, yes, he is a card carrying idiot. But you all admitted to agreeing with his plans.

I agree with you that this issue started with the flabber village. I wish you all would have been open instead of just dropping the issue.

When someone tries betrays and tries to ruin your tribe - most people would agree that you want him out of the picture right?
I assumed that with flabber out of the picture, you would have been pleased. One less threat and a village in the hands of an ally to work together with.

I do not want to be digging up old convos and posting them all over this forum. I will if I must but I was there......and YES you were plotting to back stab. I have more than one skype convo where it was admitted by your leadership. Also, with the changes in leadership in your tribe, we were willing to half let that go. At the time we took the flabber village, there was a lot that was thrown out in public about how you didn't take our alliance seriously. This was all talked about openly and we didn't know exactly where we stood.

I look at this whole thing and say, "how foolish". The better players in the K are hammering each other down as outside tribes grow with little resistance. Could there have been a different approach? Probably, but in Dshokr's words in the alliance, there needs to be some give and take. Incoming Problems is impossible to talk to and I had to block him eventually as he appears impossible to work with. I try to see both sides of the coin and find mutual agreements. That is what allies are to do. But when trust is broken.....it gets a bit ugly.

So, respectfully, don't ask me to "stay out". I was there.

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