Most Feared TW Player


If arthas join Aten, and help us kicking LoL ass, i got nothing against it, a pain in the ass less for me.
i really would come back in w2, but problem is free time, i even have coplayer in w42 where i am only 64 villas big...anyways, just checked w2 where i have spent 3 years of my free time, and forums are still "PISSING COMPETITION", i havent noticed that before, but when i read w42 pnp, dang there are much more things then just "piss" , "diss" and "whos cock is bigger" battles...

anyways,modesy is always right!!!! :icon_evil:


Congo, you know how to start a fight big time :D

I like to burn bridges.

I like to build bridges... then burn them again.

I like to utilize my bridge-building skills on a continuous basis.


... but when i read w42 pnp, dang there are much more things then just "piss" , "diss" and "whos cock is bigger" battles..

Oh yeah... :icon_rolleyes:

Somehow, one world has more intelligent players than another.


lol.....i hate it when people just make stuff up

first off, lets just settle this part about jumping out of aten to attack scholsy.

AtenCE WW|E 07th September 2009 - 16:00:01 5,608,460

LoL MPX-E 19th September 2009 - 19:00:02 11,362,788

As you can see, i left 2 weeks prior to scholsy coming on board to that should stop all of the thoughts that i left only to hit scholsy

As for joining aten in order to save my thats funny! Ive taken on TW both solo and as a leader of the area and never ran, never deleted, never did anything EXCEPT face the now im going to run from this?!?! LMAO!!! No attacker is better than Gibbomd.....and i fought him for almost a year.

Im not too concerned about Scholsy attacking me.....

Grim.....Hooch knew. I wrote her the moment she accepted scholsy into the tribe. I also let Babs and Mikeys know even though i was no longer in aten anyways, but out of respect. Now, if she didnt communicate that with you all.....thats her deal and not mine.

hooch....i dont know why you would assume i wouldnt follow through with what i said being you never responded to my message and we hadnt had contact since...

As for enemies.....they are who they are. In this game enemies are pretty much destined....TW has been an enemy for a long long time, basically all of my fighting hes now an ally? are you kidding me? As ive said before.....have him HELP the alliance....then hes an ally, otherwise hes just an enemy who has access to the alliance's inside workings....

And the past hurts? nah....its a war game. 1 by 1 all the enemies in my area have been cleared out. To take out that much villages and that many good players takes time. He was chosen to be the last in line because he chose to just stack his k58 vills and not he was a non threat which allowed us to focus on other players.....but it doesnt mean his turn doesnt come up....its just moved to the back of the line....well we are now at the end of that line lol


AtenCE WW|E 07th September 2009 - 16:00:01 5,608,460

LoL MPX-E 19th September 2009 - 19:00:02 11,362,788

he didn't left LoL for MPX to fight against you even if he could do it in that tribe instead, but to show to his ex-familly tribe, what they've lost because of some insults and other problems they've got. i'm sure he already forgot you (1 year is a long long time) and i think he even didn't have any intentions with you...but yes, as some others already wrote here...when he'll get back, i'm sure he will not be happy :icon_wink:


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
So one need to ask oneself now... Why did Aten take in a player who is attacking one of their allies. Can this be taken as anything but a clear signal that Aten don't care what MPX thinks?


So one need to ask oneself now... Why did Aten take in a player who is attacking one of their allies. Can this be taken as anything but a clear signal that Aten don't care what MPX thinks?

lol.......thats a good stir of the pot....too bad everyone knew....


So one need to ask oneself now... Why did Aten take in a player who is attacking one of their allies. Can this be taken as anything but a clear signal that Aten don't care what MPX thinks?
pathetic try Jirki...:icon_sad:


he didn't left LoL for MPX to fight against you even if he could do it in that tribe instead, but to show to his ex-familly tribe, what they've lost because of some insults and other problems they've got. i'm sure he already forgot you (1 year is a long long time) and i think he even didn't have any intentions with you...but yes, as some others already wrote here...when he'll get back, i'm sure he will not be happy :icon_wink:

Um....i think you got your wires crossed....who said he left to attack me?

I can care less what he thought of me.....i had a master plan of who to take out and when dated about this time last year. The plan became a reality once HOT joined in on Jan 1st this year and the great op that i coordinated and ran against TW4 was commenced.

Now, things really got accelerated once Congo came back to the game....and from there we have been able to pick off one by one all the people on that list i initially made (and then some)

Was a former war leader......sometimes as a war leader you have plans....


If they knew, then what's the signal? That MPX willingly sacrifice a member because Aten asks them to?

It has nothing to do with Aten or MPX. It had to do with me and scholsy. MPX knew of the plans to attack scholsy in a major campaign 1.5 months prior to him coming to MPX, and once those major plans fell through (due to some internal stuff) i was still planning on doing it myself.

I then left aten due to some disagreements. I didnt like a few things that were keeping me from being able to follow through with my plan to attack him.....and then just by chance a couple of weeks later he shows up in MPX

The moment that happened i let everyone knew my disappointment and my intentions....and the rest is history

If anyone has any FACTS that they can add to this or dismiss anything i have said as not a fact...then say it....otherwise it was quite clear from day 1 what was going to happen.....


So one need to ask oneself now... Why did Aten take in a player who is attacking one of their allies. Can this be taken as anything but a clear signal that Aten don't care what MPX thinks?

I was just thinking that! lol

Like I said in the shared alliance forum...I'm curious as to whether Aten would leave you out in the cold if MPX requested it now.


I was just thinking that! lol

Like I said in the shared alliance forum...I'm curious as to whether Aten would leave you out in the cold if MPX requested it now.

Well, if they be it. Doesnt really matter to me....but it makes no sense to do so.

Had i been in Aten when i attacked him, and he had been a real MPX player, not some sudo Alliance wannabe.......then i would agree to boot me

Again, why did he get booted? A drunken stooper is a horrible excuse, cause even when drunk, it takes a reason to send a person packing, especially someone who is so great to the tribe (lol). There were definite other reasons why he got booted. Maybe what ive said is true? ;)

Bottom in aten again, i still consider MPX friends, and im still continuing to take villages off of scholsy

all is good in the world


I'm curious as to whether Aten would leave you out in the cold if MPX requested it now.

If TollxBooth had been attacking a Legitimate member, I would be the first to boot him and join in the fight against TollxBooth.

However, Scholesy2005 is not an innocent member of MPX-E. He was an active member of TW. He took villages against us as a member of TW and Bunny. He has Atenian Blood on his hands. We are merely taking, without asking, the villages in the K58 Region.

Just because the tribe, the tribe that has been responsible for so much death and destruction of our Atenian Members, was dysfunctional and fell apart, does not give him a pass or a pardon to his guilty actions. Do not turn coat and call me friend when I have friends that have died.

He should feel so fortunate that the K58 Region is all we want.


Recaptured for Toll (833|505) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-13 10:54:40
Recaptured for Toll (836|506) K58 10,082 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-07 08:53:39
Recaptured for Toll (834|507) K58 10,064 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-07 06:42:07
Recaptured for Toll (832|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 07:01:03
Barbarian village (834|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 06:12:32
Kingdom of Hell (837|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 05:59:51
Recaptured for Toll (833|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 05:42:16
Kingdom of Hell (834|506) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 03:34:50
[New Babs (839|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 03:25:32
Recaptured for Toll (838|508) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-05 02:53:14
Recaptured for Toll (837|506) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 11:42:43
Kingdom of Hell (832|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 09:06:08
Recaptured for Toll (838|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 08:40:17
Kingdom of Hell (834|501) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 07:58:36
Recaptured for Toll (835|506) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 06:29:38
Recaptured for Toll (836|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 06:23:53
Zeus (831|501) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 04:35:56
Kingdom of Hell (838|501) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-04 03:44:17
Kingdom of Hell (829|501) K58 10,391 manabouttown [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-22 18:34:01
Recaptured for Toll (829|500) K58 11,756 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-22 13:00:39

Recaptured for Toll (830|504) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-22 08:14:12
Recaptured for Toll (824|500) K58 10,033 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-22 06:42:59
Recaptured for Toll (825|502) K58 10,073 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-22 04:59:52
Kingdom of Hell (827|500) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-21 12:34:38
Kingdom of Hell (825|500) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-21 06:16:32
Kingdom of Hell (830|505) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-21 05:03:18
Recaptured for Toll (826|501) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-21 03:12:43
Recaptured for Toll (827|501) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-19 05:30:32
Kingdom of Hell (826|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-19 00:55:32
Recaptured for Toll (824|502) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-16 13:15:42
Kingdom of Hell (825|504) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-16 12:36:21
Kingdom of Hell (827|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-16 11:56:02
Recaptured for Toll (828|504) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-16 11:10:54
Recaptured for Toll (830|508) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-13 11:11:47
Recaptured for Toll (828|507) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-10 10:34:55
Recaptured for Toll (823|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-09 15:05:01
Kingdom of Hell (830|507) K58 10,279 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-09 12:19:52
Recaptured for Toll (830|506) K58 10,031 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-09 12:13:48
Kingdom of Hell (827|508) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-09 08:19:47
K58 Norts Persia (823|502) K58 10,073 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-09 06:13:02

K58 Village B (824|509) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-07 21:38:23
K58 Village A (826|509) K58 10,094 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-04 21:35:47
K58 Village B (824|509) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-04 19:48:31
K58 A3A (828|509) K58 10,279 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 09:16:48
Recaptured for Toll (829|508) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 08:21:26
Kingdom of Hell (821|506) K58 10,151 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 06:09:00
Kingdom of Hell (819|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 05:33:36
Recaptured for Toll (824|507) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 04:10:10
Kingdom of Hell (817|503) K58 10,023 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-02 01:51:20
Recaptured for Toll (824|508) K58 10,315 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-01 23:33:26
Recaptured for Toll (827|510) K58 10,315 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-01 23:32:50
Recaptured for Toll (824|503) K58 10,082 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-26 18:18:15
Recaptured for Toll (828|508) K58 10,082 TollxBooth [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-26 17:15:20
Kingdom of Hell (817|513) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-10 04:02:21
Kingdom of Hell (810|500) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-09 16:04:18
Recaptured for Ghetto (817|500) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-09 09:32:18
Recaptured for Ghetto (830|517) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-09 03:09:53
Recaptured for Ghetto (816|500) K58 9,953 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-08 22:40:22
Kingdom of Hell (813|500) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-08 06:36:31
Recaptured for Ghetto (811|502) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-08 05:58:20

Kingdom of Hell (814|502) K58 9,953 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 23:03:19
Recaptured for Ghetto (821|512) K58 10,343 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 13:42:52
Kingdom of Hell (814|501) K58 9,953 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 13:01:51
Recaptured for Ghetto (814|503) K58 9,953 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 07:55:43
Recaptured for Ghetto (828|516) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 07:48:20
Oops (830|516) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 04:52:49
Kingdom of Hell (829|517) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-07 04:32:26
Kingdom of Hell (815|505) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-06 20:41:09
Recaptured for Ghetto (813|505) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 07:31:47
Kingdom of Hell (812|505) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 07:10:08
Recaptured for Ghetto (815|507) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 06:29:47
Recaptured for Ghetto (816|507) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 02:35:34
Kingdom of Hell (815|504) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 01:57:56
Oops (810|505) K58 9,975 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-05 01:15:52
-Yikes its a spider (816|506) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-04 15:42:20
Recaptured for Ghetto (816|508) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-04 14:12:28
Recaptured for Ghetto (816|509) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-04 13:30:39
Recaptured for Ghetto (826|515) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-01 02:46:25
Kingdom of Hell (828|514) K58 9,671 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-01 02:42:18
Recaptured for Ghetto (814|508) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-30 10:16:10

Kingdom of Hell (816|505) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-30 04:12:01
Kingdom of Hell (824|514) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-30 03:06:59
Recaptured for Ghetto (814|506) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-29 22:08:27
Recaptured for Ghetto (824|513) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-29 09:04:08
Recaptured for Ghetto (818|508) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-29 04:22:44
Recaptured for Ghetto (822|508) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-27 06:03:48
Kingdom of Hell (822|509) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 06:22:32
Kingdom of Hell (821|508) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 02:19:11
Kingdom of Hell (826|511) K58 9,697 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 17:12:07
Recaptured for Ghetto (824|510) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 07:19:50
Kingdom of Hell (826|510) K58 9,719 ghettosmack [AtenCE] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 01:50:13



Kingdom of Vendetta (780|697) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-29 03:47:38
Kingdom of Vendetta (778|697) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-29 03:08:44
Kingdom of Vendetta (767|692) K67 10,156 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-27 06:55:14
Kingdom of Vendetta (770|692) K67 10,414 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-27 06:42:05
Kingdom of Vendetta (775|693) K67 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-27 05:37:32
Kingdom of Vendetta (780|699) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-27 03:04:52
Kingdom of Vendetta (764|694) K67 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 02:46:45
Kingdom of Vendetta (763|695) K67 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 02:44:31
Kingdom of Vendetta (764|695) K67 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 02:20:08
Kingdom of Vendetta (765|696) K67 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-26 01:32:07
Kingdom of Vendetta (768|695) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 05:20:17
Kingdom of Vendetta (767|695) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 05:12:33
Kingdom of Vendetta (774|694) K67 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 04:59:44
K67.024 (769|697) K67 10,353 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-25 04:49:05
Kingdom of Vendetta (771|689) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-24 06:23:30
Kingdom of Vendetta (775|683) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-23 13:47:15
Kingdom of Vendetta (776|685) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-23 12:36:22
Kingdom of Vendetta (772|689) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-22 19:17:26
Kingdom of Vendetta (772|690) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-22 18:42:03
Kingdom of Vendetta (772|691) K67 9,744 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-22 18:07:15

Kingdom of Death (794|717) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-21 12:10:50
Kingdom of Death (796|714) K77 10,307 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-19 14:09:37
Kingdom of Death (797|717) K77 10,307 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-19 14:03:07
Kingdom of Death (797|716) K77 10,307 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-19 13:48:19
Kingdom of Death (797|714) K77 10,307 antonisgr [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-19 13:22:22
Kingdom of Death (780|700) K77 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-18 08:58:16
Kingdom of Death (782|701) K77 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-18 08:30:30
Kingdom of Death (781|703) K77 10,238 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-18 07:24:53
Kingdom of Death (778|702) K77 10,230 webbo-archangel [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-18 05:14:28
Kingdom of Death (794|716) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-17 15:22:27
Kingdom of Death (793|717) K77 9,599 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-17 15:12:38
Kingdom of Death (793|718) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-17 15:08:36
Kingdom of Death (792|709) K77 9,599 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-14 15:43:10
Kingdom of Death (789|717) K77 9,323 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-14 08:49:44
Kingdom of Death (795|709) K77 9,684 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-14 08:24:12
Kingdom of Death (793|709) K77 9,680 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-14 07:32:10
Kingdom of Death (790|714) K77 9,599 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-14 01:01:03
Kingdom of Death (792|711) K77 9,616 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-13 13:21:29
Kingdom of Death (794|713) K77 9,087 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-13 10:03:09
Kingdom of Death (793|711) K77 9,450 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-13 09:47:40

Kingdom of Death (793|712) K77 9,619 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-13 09:12:06
Kingdom of Death (793|713) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-12 16:15:22
Kingdom of Death (792|713) K77 9,958 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-12 10:51:59
Kingdom of Death (791|713) K77 9,613 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-12 10:29:00
Kingdom of Death (789|714) K77 10,135 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-12 09:44:38
Kingdom of Death (785|708) K77 9,415 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-12 05:48:57
Kingdom of Death (789|708) K77 9,599 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-11 12:26:33
Kingdom of Death (788|715) K77 9,958 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-11 10:35:50
Kingdom of Death (789|710) K77 9,599 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-11 07:39:25
Kingdom of Death (785|710) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-11 04:37:19
Kingdom of Vendetta (767|691) K67 10,197 Tritram [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-09 18:16:03
Kingdom of Vendetta (766|691) K67 9,913 Tritram [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-07 14:13:20
Kingdom of Vendetta (766|690) K67 10,168 Tritram [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-07 13:31:36
Kingdom of Death (788|712) K77 9,411 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-01 10:03:54
Kingdom of Death (782|716) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-01 06:37:34
Kingdom of Death (787|711) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-01 06:28:17
Kingdom of Death (787|712) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-09-01 06:24:54
Kingdom of Death (784|710) K77 9,411 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-31 08:07:02
Kingdom of Death (787|709) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-31 04:01:41
Kingdom of Death (786|707) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-31 03:18:38

Kingdom of Death (784|715) K77 9,091 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 16:35:16
Kingdom of Death (784|709) K77 9,077 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 09:27:04
Kingdom of Death (787|710) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 08:56:21
Kingdom of Death (785|711) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 08:39:34
Kingdom of Death (781|709) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 08:05:14
Kingdom of Death (783|710) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 07:48:27
Kingdom of Death (783|715) K77 9,411 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 06:54:58
Kingdom of Death (783|714) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 05:06:29
Kingdom of Death (783|711) K77 9,401 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 03:28:45
Kingdom of Death (782|709) K77 9,067 klara [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-30 02:23:58
Kingdom of Vendetta (739|689) K67 9,810 Faelynn [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-15 12:19:48
Kingdom of Vendetta (738|689) K67 10,153 Faelynn [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-14 22:50:14
Kingdom of Vendetta (738|688) K67 10,179 Faelynn [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-14 21:34:13
Kingdom of Death (777|707) K77 9,808 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-04 01:49:48
Kingdom of Death (775|706) K77 9,362 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-04 01:20:26
Kingdom of Death (775|707) K77 9,744 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-04 00:52:43
Kingdom of Death (773|705) K77 9,753 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-04 00:52:41
Kingdom of Death (774|706) K77 10,610 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 23:38:44
Kingdom of Death (771|708) K77 9,104 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 21:23:56
Kingdom of Death (772|706) K77 9,235 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 14:31:21

Kingdom of Death (770|708) K77 9,476 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 11:18:54
Kingdom of Death (776|708) K77 9,733 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 07:07:48
Kingdom of Death (773|706) K77 9,770 boxsg1 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-03 06:42:01
Kingdom of War (503|657) K65 10,132 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-07 15:30:59
Kingdom of War (523|668) K65 10,440 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-07 12:03:54
Kingdom of War (510|659) K65 10,440 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-07 11:04:35
Kingdom of War (510|658) K65 10,414 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-06 19:40:40
Kingdom of War (506|661) K65 10,132 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-04 18:03:48
Kingdom of War (505|658) K65 10,504 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-04 17:48:17
Kingdom of War (507|660) K65 10,281 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-04 17:13:12
Kingdom of War (507|661) K65 10,124 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-04 16:32:23
Kingdom of War (509|654) K65 10,281 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-03 16:56:42
Kingdom of War (512|656) K65 10,171 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-03 16:28:15
Kingdom of War (511|655) K65 9,938 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-03 14:31:39
Kingdom of War (509|659) K65 10,440 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-03 05:31:42
Kingdom of War (511|656) K65 10,414 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-03 02:14:05
Kingdom of War (508|656) K65 10,079 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-02 21:24:02
Kingdom of War (507|658) K65 10,485 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-02 18:56:41
Kingdom of War (506|658) K65 10,485 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-02 18:50:37
Kingdom of War (507|657) K65 10,414 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-02 18:33:23

Kingdom of War (508|657) K65 10,307 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [TW] 2008-04-02 17:20:35
Kingdom of War (526|662) K65 9,947 psyco246 [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-06-05 02:17:41
Kingdom of War (526|670) K65 9,947 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-06-01 14:35:17
Kingdom of War (530|670) K65 9,947 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-31 13:51:42
Kingdom of War (529|669) K65 9,947 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-31 12:19:43
Kingdom of War (531|668) K65 9,947 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-30 20:52:53
Kingdom of War (529|670) K65 9,953 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-30 18:52:35
Kingdom of War (529|671) K65 9,953 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-30 14:38:28
Kingdom of War (527|666) K65 9,947 wolvenshad [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-30 06:55:04
Kingdom of War (526|656) K65 9,953 Ruby Dragon Queen [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-22 10:25:56
Kingdom of War (528|654) K65 9,953 Ruby Dragon Queen [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-21 02:37:07
Kingdom of War (525|656) K65 9,953 Ruby Dragon Queen [AtenJW] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-05-19 01:16:18


Kingdom of Vendetta (773|690) K67 9,936 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-17 00:29:04
Kingdom of Vendetta (774|689) K67 9,680 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-16 22:51:56
Kingdom of Vendetta (777|683) K67 10,304 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-16 18:22:15
Kingdom of Vendetta (774|683) K67 9,893 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-16 17:03:28
Kingdom of Vendetta (774|685) K67 9,936 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-16 15:42:37
Kingdom of Vendetta (772|686) K67 9,666 Smilez [AtenRX] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-16 14:13:48


Kingdom of War (575|686) K65 12,099 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [Bunny] 2009-05-11 08:07:39
Kingdom of War (576|687) K65 12,099 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [Bunny] 2009-05-11 07:49:44
Kingdom of War (578|685) K65 12,099 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [Bunny] 2009-05-11 07:33:45
Barbarian village (577|686) K65 12,099 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-29 10:11:03
Kingdom of War (576|686) K65 9,770 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-29 09:40:45
Kingdom of War (574|674) K65 10,627 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-28 17:13:45
Kingdom of War (587|670) K65 10,440 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-28 07:29:57
Kingdom of War (586|666) K65 12,099 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-28 06:58:51
Kingdom of War (570|669) K65 9,951 yany [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-27 10:53:32
Kingdom of War (571|669) K65 9,829 yany [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-27 05:57:51
Kingdom of War (578|661) K65 10,723 yaron_il [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-27 02:14:37
Kingdom of War (579|674) K65 11,764 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 22:55:08
Kingdom of War (583|670) K65 11,354 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 21:27:45
Kingdom of War (569|653) K65 10,631 yaron_il [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 21:06:08
Kingdom of War (586|670) K65 10,440 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 11:49:14
Kingdom of War (572|670) K65 10,063 yany [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 10:14:46
Kingdom of War (571|671) K65 10,100 yany [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 07:53:20
Kingdom of War (571|670) K65 9,930 yany [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-26 04:06:58
Kingdom of War (569|674) K65 10,556 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-25 10:17:31
Kingdom of War (578|679) K65 11,623 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-25 04:06:45

Kingdom of War (579|675) K65 11,623 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-25 03:17:27
Kingdom of War (578|675) K65 10,256 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-25 02:43:39
Kingdom of War (569|672) K65 10,440 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 21:57:12
Kingdom of War (574|673) K65 11,623 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 09:45:48
Kingdom of War (573|673) K65 11,623 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 09:11:23
Kingdom of War (584|668) K65 9,663 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 07:43:43
Kingdom of War (578|670) K65 10,204 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 06:56:42
Kingdom of War (578|672) K65 10,414 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 06:52:00
Kingdom of War (584|665) K65 10,050 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 06:38:36
Kingdom of War (580|672) K65 10,414 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 06:14:08
Kingdom of War (583|665) K65 10,320 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 06:10:28
Kingdom of War (581|664) K65 11,397 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-24 04:53:34
Kingdom of War (571|654) K65 10,581 yaron_il [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-23 00:42:34
Kingdom of War (581|670) K65 11,103 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 16:39:37
Kingdom of War (579|670) K65 10,414 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 10:56:16
Kingdom of War (579|669) K65 10,414 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 10:14:06
Kingdom of War (582|668) K65 11,331 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 09:53:07
Kingdom of War (574|669) K65 9,846 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 08:44:45
Kingdom of War (573|667) K65 9,863 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 07:12:28
Kingdom of War (574|668) K65 10,244 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 06:02:50

Kingdom of War (572|667) K65 9,842 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 05:00:00
Kingdom of War (583|668) K65 11,146 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 03:44:11
Kingdom of War (582|667) K65 11,333 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 01:53:45
Kingdom of War (583|664) K65 10,652 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 01:33:42
Kingdom of War (577|668) K65 9,937 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 01:19:38
Kingdom of War (576|668) K65 9,925 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 01:12:04
Kingdom of War (575|668) K65 10,138 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-22 00:14:28
Kingdom of War (574|667) K65 10,261 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 22:23:40
Kingdom of War (575|667) K65 10,038 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 17:50:20
Kingdom of War (570|674) K65 10,581 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 16:26:55
Kingdom of War (571|664) K65 10,916 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 11:12:05
Kingdom of War (574|670) K65 10,458 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 09:58:34
Kingdom of War (580|668) K65 12,082 issaga [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2009-03-21 09:43:27
-Yikes its a spider (811|509) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-12-18 12:22:40
Kingdom of Hell (812|512) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-14 03:16:56
Recaptured for Olderthandirt (813|512) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-14 00:07:45
Recaptured for Olderthandirt (815|511) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-13 20:12:09
Kingdom of Hell (813|511) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-13 13:00:12
Recaptured for Olderthandirt (823|513) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-04 01:13:52
Kingdom of Hell (818|507) K58 12,247 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-04 00:52:46

Kingdom of Hell (812|511) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-03 22:19:47
Kingdom of Hell (815|510) K58 12,202 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-03 21:34:14
Recaptured for Olderthandirt (814|510) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-11-03 16:03:52
Kingdom of Hell (817|510) K58 12,099 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-22 09:11:45
Recaptured for Olderthandirt (819|511) K58 12,107 olderthandirt [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-22 08:28:41
N - 34 - Scholesy 01 (513|338) K35 9,950 Tazoslo [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-10 07:19:45
N - 41 - Scholesy 02 (512|343) K35 11,623 Tazoslo [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-08 08:27:43
N - 85 - Scholesy 03 (511|344) K35 11,623 Tazoslo [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-10-03 16:12:35
Kingdom of Death (780|725) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-13 02:40:35
Kingdom of Death (779|726) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-12 10:54:15
Kingdom of Death (776|732) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-12 06:10:34
Kingdom of Death (779|723) K77 10,464 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-12 01:29:33
Kingdom of Death (783|725) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 22:44:22
Kingdom of Death (774|728) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 12:12:21
Kingdom of Death (776|729) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 08:26:50
Kingdom of Death (774|727) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 07:11:27
Kingdom of Death (777|727) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 07:07:23
Kingdom of Death (777|731) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 03:22:18
Kingdom of Death (776|728) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 03:17:00
Kingdom of Death (776|731) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 01:49:13

Kingdom of Death (776|727) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 01:30:20
Kingdom of Death (777|730) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-11 00:11:16
Kingdom of Death (773|728) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-10 22:18:41
Kingdom of Death (777|728) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-10 16:34:21
Kingdom of Death (772|728) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-10 15:12:35
Kingdom of Death (775|731) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-10 14:38:38
Kingdom of Death (776|730) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-10 12:40:11
Kingdom of Death (775|722) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-06 00:21:55
Kingdom of Death (775|725) K77 10,414 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-05 07:59:47
Kingdom of Death (773|722) K77 10,670 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-30 05:29:12
Kingdom of Death (773|725) K77 10,670 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-29 10:19:14
Kingdom of Death (770|718) K77 10,670 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-29 04:53:33
Kingdom of Death (772|718) K77 10,670 yongda [Aten|E] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-28 23:07:34


Kingdom of Death (782|713) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-31 07:08:44
Kingdom of Death (780|717) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-31 04:37:35
Kingdom of Death (773|717) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-24 09:43:15
Kingdom of Death (786|729) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-23 09:38:38
Kingdom of Death (785|727) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-23 07:34:52
Kingdom of Death (771|729) K77 10,865 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-23 06:02:35
Kingdom of Death (780|728) K77 9,666 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-23 04:12:02
Kingdom of Death (777|720) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-23 03:33:38
Kingdom of Death (770|713) K77 11,111 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-18 07:51:34
Kingdom of Death (771|716) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-18 05:37:30
Kingdom of Death (772|716) K77 10,896 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-18 04:10:27
Kingdom of Death (781|722) K77 11,111 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-08-15 17:15:30
Kingdom of Death (782|728) K77 9,809 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-23 04:20:05
Kingdom of Death (770|720) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-22 23:48:49
Kingdom of Death (784|726) K77 9,640 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 16:44:40
Kingdom of Death (781|724) K77 9,533 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 11:59:50
Kingdom of Death (787|728) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 10:18:47
Kingdom of Death (771|717) K77 10,905 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 06:17:37
Kingdom of Death (773|724) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 05:52:40
Kingdom of Death (783|726) K77 9,546 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 04:52:08

Kingdom of Death (772|722) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-21 02:47:24
Kingdom of Death (782|724) K77 9,639 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-20 20:41:48
Kingdom of Death (769|718) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-20 17:51:44
Kingdom of Death (769|710) K77 11,111 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-20 17:49:39
Kingdom of Death (771|720) K77 10,855 Cpt_jack [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [LoL] 2008-07-20 14:54:14
Kingdom of War (565|636) K65 10,182 iulianthegreat [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-08-19 12:31:07
Kingdom of War (552|645) K65 10,642 iulianthegreat [Aten|W] Scholesy2005 [XiG.2] 2007-08-16 15:10:21


Again, why did he get booted? A drunken stooper is a horrible excuse, cause even when drunk, it takes a reason to send a person packing, especially someone who is so great to the tribe (lol). There were definite other reasons why he got booted. Maybe what ive said is true? ;)

it's seems you missed one jakka's post on second page.

and you're now in Aten...and now you think it's all ok?


"he had been a real MPX player, not some sudo Alliance wannabe.......then i would agree to boot me"

...thats not your call to make. To anyone outside of MPX, unless informed otherwise, he was a real MPX player as he was a member of MPX. If you had such a problem with him why didn't you talk with the Aten HC who cleared him joining MPX in the first place. The issue should have been firstly with your own house.

Fair enough you left Aten to attack him. jakka did go a little mad (and he also kicked other people, namely myself, lol, for reasons which are beyond me).

However if your issue is his Aten conquers, how the hell can you fight alongside HOT at all?


However if your issue is his Aten conquers, how the hell can you fight alongside HOT at all?

Uhhhh.... good question. :icon_smile:

We are human. We get to pick and choose who we wish to forgive, can we not?


Grim.....Hooch knew. I wrote her the moment she accepted scholsy into the tribe. I also let Babs and Mikeys know even though i was no longer in aten anyways, but out of respect. Now, if she didnt communicate that with you all.....thats her deal and not mine.

hooch....i dont know why you would assume i wouldnt follow through with what i said being you never responded to my message and we hadnt had contact since...

Actually Toll, my sitter knew. I heard a little while later. I believe there was some messed up communication where my second in command told my sitter how to reply and the sitter thought he'd replied direct. I was away from the game for nearly a month thanks to some cowboy internet outfit. A blackberry is fine for the forum and msn, but useless for