Looking for a few good men(or women)


Katooden no need to explain or justify your reasons for leaving.....wish you all the best in life and give your child good upbringing..... worst comes to worst family come first.
Cio bro


So now you "probably" make more money than me and you "guess" Im the same in RL

In other words you have no earthly idea what you are talking about and choose to throw RL insults about that you are now retracting, and I'm the one with the questionable personality. Yes, you really do need to quit as you are definitely in that grey area of thinking the interweb is real

Throughout this, not one RL insult has headed your way from any Deus member, we are above that when it was so easy to do in the face of posts that start "Glynjack, you are an idiot" and then go in to personally insult individuals. We recognise this place for what it should be, a place to slag each other about a game. Seems you have entered some Tron-like Lawnmower Man alternate reality where you think your RL successes make you better than anyone else

You're wrong, and I cant say I'll be missing you for it.
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The RL assumptions made about a lot of people in this thread are bothering me. Putting people's RLs and characters down for no apparent reason? Despicable.
A lot of people are included in ^, it's not limited to Katooden or 'all the arrogant wankers in Deus that have nothing better to do'. I suggest you lot smarten yourselves up. It's a sad day indeed where Orel is the voice of reason :icon_wink:

@Katooden; Your message was horrible. Two lines citing that you were neglecting family and business in favour of the game, and thus had to quit, would have served your purpose equally well, and garnered you a lot more brownie-points. Ego-stroking and character-bashing aren't at all that popular in goodbye-posts, yanno. That said; all the best to you and your family.



Shouldn't you be out nobling barbs somewhere in K10 that you ran and hid in?:icon_razz:

I am thanks, deus seem to like the taste also, oh i held the core for years, you have always been on the rim, besides be happy if i had ran to your side of the rim you'd be like dh now.

Then again u are High class @ puckering them lips and kissing ass hehe


Kato... I wish you the best. I'll see you on facebook. It's actually quite fun to not be playing this world anymore. You soon realize how much time was wasted on here, when under attack or attempting to motivate others. I do still miss chatting to many people, but those I truly want to keep in contact with I have and other I never got their contact information from. I wish you the best Christmas with your daughter. <3 <3

The Great 1One1

I'd like to think I was a friend of Kato's for a little while in the game. He was a bit eccentric and did ask for support, but his stats have, in general, been pretty decent, even if Deus' op on him was, from their point of view, considered a success (from what I've heard).

I can't speak too well about recent events, but I agree with Cypherrr about Kato being an extremely loyal player, from what I saw of him during his time in S2ORM. An example is when he remained at S2ORM during the split, when many of his friends, including April, Fire, woody, Cypherrr and others decided to leave. He remained at S2ORM despite this, when he would have been welcomed with open arms into Ronin/Sparta. I told him that there would be no hard feelings if he left, same as some told April. And whilst April left, loved by everyone in S2ORM, including myself, left, Katooden stayed, despite every bit of logic saying he should've left.

An example of his loyalty with his friends was during the merge into Deus. He was a solid member of the final list I agreed with Rukoh and RS, who both were happy to have him in Deus initially, but Kato, with his loyalty to Sir deano, who Rukoh and RS refused to take in, Kato refused to leave Sir Deano behind (where he would surely have been left to be eaten up by Deus) and took the harder path of reforming HDR, when the easier option would have been to join Deus.

I have never fought Katooden, so I cannot comment on how good of a player he is (I don't believe you can ever tell how good a player is, even if he is in your tribe, until you fight him yourself), but he has consistently had good nobling stats during the many wars he's been in, and has never "run" from a fight.

His decision to merge HDR into TTD, whilst some thought he was looking for a safety net, was the best decision he took, considering the circumstances he and his tribe were in. HDR were the ranked 4th tribe, with very few, if any, allies. The top three tribes above them were all in alliance with each other (as far as I'm aware), and Deus were not allowing HDR to declare on Hyper, which is what HDR wanted to do. So given Kato's situation, would you not have done exactly the same thing as he did? Granted, there are some people he recruited that not everyone would agree on, including myself, but that is pure opinion.

I'm not in love with his goodbye post, but nor am I too excited about how some ex-S2ORM players in Deus have flamed him, not just since his post, but from before as well. Was he one of the best ever in W24? I wouldn't know, but last I saw, he was rank 4, and not all of his conquers have been barbs and internals. He's a fighter, more of a fighter than most who have flamed him.

I wish you all the best IRL kato.


OI PEOPLE you seem unable to read the rules here! :O

Language, I don't like it. Several posta have gone. (pooof) Several more have big red edit marks on them.
Insults, I also do not like.
Derailing threads, you guessed it, I don't like.

If you are quitting make a NEW thread about it, DO NOT hi-jack an existing one. Just because I like you guys, I won't close this but next time, well there just won't be a next time will there? [/RHETORICAL]


Any one who has the cheek to call Kato a coward is the biggest nubcake on w24.

Sure there is a bit of flamage going on in his 'Good-Bye' but the dude has got some serious stuff happening in RL and he's let that seep through as personal comments about people he's been fight with, tooth and nail, for MONTHS now. If anything this should be viewed as competitiveness rather than personal hatred as some people seem to be taking it. This PnP has turned into a bit of a d!ck measuring competition what with people earning more than other people, my business is better than you business, my dog is bigger than your dog and so on, but it should not take away from the fact that Kato has been one of the better players w24 has seen. That fact is undeniable! He is a natural leader and lets his axes deal with diplomacy.

Did he have 10k imcomings? who knows and quite frankly, who cares? Even if he had 100 incomings and needed support i would have helped gladly.
Did he have 3/4 of Deus attacking him? Well considering only 15 ppl in Deus are active it's quite probable :)lol: ok thats my only cheap shot)

@Kato - i enjoyed playing along side you and learning from you. Well played and enjoy a deserved break from TW. Spoil that little girl this Xmas!

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Was he one of the best ever in W24? I wouldn't know, but last I saw, he was rank 4, and not all of his conquers have been barbs and internals. He's a fighter, more of a fighter than most who have flamed him.

You're right gopie, nobody gets to rank 4 or higher in this world who doesnt know what they are doing...ask siimon, podge, Cypherrr or kato....oh, hold on:icon_eek:

I have never questioned his in-game ability - he has defended for a long time, but 7 weeks under attack from Deus is something I chuckle about as I went longer and am still here. I have questioned his arrogance about being one of the best ever and I have questioned why he has felt the need to sling personal insults in my direction (both of which, I personally feel, is my right to do)

Once again. it is mixing up internet persona, with RL characteristics (something you can probably testify to as you have openly admitted your forum "character" is nothing like you real self, something I can personally attest to)
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I love the fact that TTD in your own words are getting OWNED by only 15 players in DEUS :icon_eek:


This PnP has turned into a bit of a d!ck measuring competition what with people earning more than other people, my business is better than you business, my dog is bigger than your dog and so on, but it should not take away from the fact that Kato.....
Well maybe he should've re-read his goodbye post before he posted it. Because its pretty plain to me exactly where the e-peen competition got going.

As rukoh already stated
Two lines citing that you were neglecting family and business in favour of the game, and thus had to quit, would have served your purpose equally well, and garnered you a lot more brownie-points. Ego-stroking and character-bashing aren't at all that popular in goodbye-posts, yanno. That said; all the best to you and your family.
My response was purely directed at the nature of kato's post. And rightly so in my belief.

And you will notice that I did not enter into his little RL slandering. Just called him out on his complete arrogance and lies.

i made one referance to my business that i was neglecting. 1 referance that i probably make more money than u.
Well, that was one too many.

And your post about me that was deleted was absolutely ridiculous
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im glad i left and now that i know smurf is back im even happier i left. im shocked he didnt join deus to be honest. red and glyn whatever im done dont care later. they deleted my posts any way so its over. gly u insult everyone so if i insulted u so what.


Show me a post where I insulted anyone in RL and I will retract everything I said - insulting people for TW matters is EXACTLY what this PnP external forums is for. If you dont like it, dont read it and dont post here....

And LOL's at Smurf coming back...as if failing here, then failing again with Manic on W42 wasn't enough for him already
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i dislike that guy even more than u so im happy im gone 20 mill barbs thursday afternoon. i surly would of left ttd anyway as everyone knows my fellings towards him but ooohhhh well its over now. maybe if he would of joined a week ago my toon would of changed but. rl comes first in my mind. to let u and red know when i hit delete i had 700 some inc not nearly enough to make some one quit they were all labeled and dodged hours ahead. so i was prepared as a matter of a fact i sniped 2 trains that morning also. one from dice one from marshall. i have no idea how many inc u guys sent cause i havent logged in since then. so if 700 inc makes me quit then so be it. the most inc i ever had was from manic no one has ever sent that many at me ever since that. the most deus ever sent at me was like 3k no where near manic days and i might add i was a 2 mill point player back then it was over 10,000 inc from them so if i could handle that much way back when the inc u guys sent wasnt the issue the issue was the time it took to fight u guys i just dont have that anymore. u can either accept that or not either way it really dont matter cause we will never know.

18 thanks bro u know u are my friend. tgo thanks bro always considerd u a friend. i may have went on a rant and a bit of aa bash but glyn rubs me the wrong way and he brings out the worst in me so if i insulted others im sorry. i will not appologize to glyn or red if the shoe fits.

again sgtboo and faabio both have my private emails if my friends like to keep in touch mail them
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Smurf is back?? Im guessing in TTD :)

Is that how desperate it is over there??


I love the fact that TTD in your own words are getting OWNED by only 15 players in DEUS :icon_eek:

how many do you think TTD has? double:icon_eek:
and it's not just Deus triple:icon_eek:
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Pretty sure Deus+HYPER always had more members than =TTD=. Add in ~DH~ (though I'm loathe to), and you see that it's not exactly even in terms of members. Of course, that's not Deus' fault :lol:.


katooden well done mate you have a very good run...:)

To all you players out they it just a game... :)

Just wish the guy good luck in real life.