What will you do after world 2 ?


There are some awesome players from both sides in World 2. Would be a shame to not come together somewhere and KILL.

agreed...would be so hard for me 2 leave...but i mean so many thousands of hours and things i missed doing and didnt do bc of this game...i dont think i can do it again...i will probably quit...although...depending on how many players we could get 2 start a new world and tribe..then id consider it...but def be way less addicted (at least try):icon_eek:


Its not so easy these days to jump on a new world. Seems like every player out there has two or three co players and then they want to talk trash about how good they are....lol.

I have tried newer worlds and tried to establish allies with several people but I was always talking to different people playing the same account...lol.

we'll probably all miss the boat because we'll be playing w2 still but this no hauls world that morthy was talking about sounds absolutely brilliant. i think its the single best idea for tw that i can think of, itll really push tribalwars culture in the right direction. co players and soloers are on a much more even playing field since theres no farming anymore.

waht im heading towards... if w2 ends and a no hauls world opens soon after i would be very keen to join phillers supersquad if he would be ok with having me that is. if the supersquad is to play on a hauls world you can forget it, farming is the single worst thing in tribalwars

edit: important to note, there will be very few co played accounts on a no hauls world because there would be next to nothing to do. I'm quite confident that there would be more than 99% solo accounts. talk about a eutopia....

edit again for those who like to argue: when i say almost no co accounts, i mean early game
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Well, i thought i wouldnt go past w2, but then i ended up on w11. Then i thought i wouldnt go beyond w11, and i ended up on w46....then 51.....so extremely established on one world (11), feeling pretty good on another (46), and just about to get my feet wet (51)....while still playing w2 (deleted my account a year ago, so playing a different account)....so as much as i try to leave the game, i tend to get sucked in even more :)

btw....have never had a co player....


I'd like to think I'd quit. But a new world (especially the no haul one that walleye is referring to) does sound extremely fun. Would require less time on line as well, which always frustrated me - if I had a busy few days at the beginning of a new world, everyone just jumps ahead because they farm like mad. Would probably join just to keep in contact with people anyway, don't know how long I'd last though. :/


mm sounds good to me, no hauls sounds particularly interesting, i've never co-played either and totally agree with the above posts on farming, i never could be bothered to farm as it was !


agreed took to much time and a no farming world would b fun


Well, i thought i wouldnt go past w2, but then i ended up on w11. Then i thought i wouldnt go beyond w11, and i ended up on w46....then 51.....so extremely established on one world (11), feeling pretty good on another (46), and just about to get my feet wet (51)....while still playing w2 (deleted my account a year ago, so playing a different account)....so as much as i try to leave the game, i tend to get sucked in even more :)

btw....have never had a co player....

may i ask your new ingame name?


retiring from tw
so w2 will be my last

Exactly. If this world ends before World 1, I'm done. I'll check in on World 1 and see what's going on, but it will be casual playing. I am pretty much burned out on this game. The quicker World 2 ends, the better.


Exactly. If this world ends before World 1, I'm done. I'll check in on World 1 and see what's going on, but it will be casual playing. I am pretty much burned out on this game. The quicker World 2 ends, the better.

The fact that you're around says otherwise.


I will probably try to get as many as you W2 guys together and all decide on a new world to join. If we got 20 or 30 quality players from here we could blitz a new world.

You should gather those players now, quit W2 and show them new worlds how it's done.


If possible, I still have my youth so I would be up for playing again with some veterans and being active. especially if it's the no Haul World. I'll still play on the ordinary be online 25/8 farmign worlds, just won't do as good :p

If 20-40 players out of the couple hundred left joined under the one roof I think we'd be the best pre-made to come about (course I know very few pre mades heheh)


Not a chance in hell philler. I'm done after W2, and there's only one way to change that. Besides, I really don't like most of the people who play this world, so why would I join them in a new one?


Not a chance in hell philler. I'm done after W2, and there's only one way to change that. Besides, I really don't like most of the people who play this world, so why would I join them in a new one?

its true, pizz hates everyone, even santa. this one time when pizz was 4, he shot santa in the knee cap because he brought him a blue bike when he wanted a red one. pizz also brass knuckled the easter bunny because one yaer the easter bunny only brought pizz white chocolate eggs and no milk choc ones.


Not a chance in hell philler. I'm done after W2, and there's only one way to change that. Besides, I really don't like most of the people who play this world, so why would I join them in a new one?

But Pizz, what about our telepathic Conversations? :icon_cry:

Doesn't that mean anything to you? :(


I'll prolly join the "no hauls" world and Pizz would have to join with me.


its true, pizz hates everyone, even santa. this one time when pizz was 4, he shot santa in the knee cap because he brought him a blue bike when he wanted a red one. pizz also brass knuckled the easter bunny because one yaer the easter bunny only brought pizz white chocolate eggs and no milk choc ones.

I also pulled Cupids wings off because the girl I wanted said no being my Valentine.