
  1. Duplicate Make diplomacy a binding agreement

    So I have come up with a brilliant idea Say you would able to agree on a NAP for a certain amount of time and the game would make it so you physically cant attack each other. Obviously both tribes would have to agree to this before it comes into action. This way diplomacy actually carries some...
  2. Duplicate More advanced diplomacy

    Might not be everyone's cup of tea but what about a way of making an agreement of sorts? If you want to ally with a tribe, you 'lock' it in for an agreed upon period and for that entire period you can support each other but not attack (no backstabbing), when the 'contract' expires, it can be...
  3. Lady Madelina

    Failed Vote Tribe Mergers

    Can we get an easy way to merge tribes without having to wait for everyone in the tribe to read the message, leave the tribe, then move to the other tribe, and in doing so, losing some of what one has worked to achieve? This is a particularly irksome issue in tribes where someone is being sat...
  4. Failed Vote More Impactful Diplomacy and Wars

    I was looking through the tribe diplomacy title and I read that "the settings are non-binding within the game". This made me wonder if a change/improvement could be made here. This may have been discussed in the past, if so, please excuse me for the redundancy. I had a couple of ideas of how...
  5. Failed Vote Shared diplomacy.

    I was wondering if a shared diplomacy feature could be installed similar to the shared noble planner. you can have it so that you share the 3 separate diplomatic status’s . example if you want to share all 3 with a tribe you can, or you can share only enemies. I think this would help when a...
  6. DaanRabih

    Duplicate Alliance/nap cooldown period

    I think it is time we make making NaP's and Alliances more binding. The idea is to make a tribe able to send an offer of alliance of NaP with certain settings and adding morale punishments for the tribe that breaks the alliance or nap -Too be able to send a diplomacy request - the option to...
  7. Duplicate Alliances and the Noble Planner

    When you add someone as a friend in the game, they have to accept the friend request before they become your friend. When they become your friend, you are automatically granted the ability to see when they are online. My idea, my suggestion, is similar in how it would work, which is why I...
  8. ChipCollector

    Failed Vote Shared Tribe Overview

    Good Day, The Tribe Overview is a well-down Place to keep yourself up to date. As you know you get a good summary of what has happened. There are those Categories yet, which are shown in the Tribe Overview: - Ennoblements - Diplomacy - Members - Misc I would like to suggest that you can...
  9. Duplicate Nap-Ally Feature

    Just like "accepting" a Noble-Planner or an invite to War etc , we can have an invitation to "Being allies" instead of just adding some tribes to our Diplomacy , even if we are not actual allies-NAP. Also , there can be an auto-"Announcement-Report" which informs the members of each tribe that...
  10. Dr.Bunny

    Rejected Tribe Diplomatic Agreement

    Can tribalwars add features for the tribes that wanna make agreements betwen eachother? Example : border line. Imagine Added up a feature in the tribe menu like Diplomacy agreements and you tap to get in to see agreements youve did with other tribes signed from the leader and diplomat of the...
  11. Ally/Nap Cancellation Timer - Cosmetic

    Yeah the title doesn't really help but couldn't describe it properly in 5 words. In some cases that an "Ally-NAP" relationship in between two tribes , or more , comes to an end we usually set a "period of no interraction , attacking each other" etc. For example , as soon as we set our...
  12. The Strategist

    Tribe Diplomacy deals

    I know in many worlds tribes set diplomacy with each other, one of importance to all is borders. Now i know there is currently warnings in place for when attacking someone of the same tribe or claiming them. And attacking other peoples claims. Could the same be done in terms of setting up a...