Suffices to say I've been back through all pages to collect some quotes. First though let me clarify a few things: I have nothing against you. We had some good fun IG and I appreciate that your account never once rubbed it in our faces.
Second, I already admitted that the 'praises' was the wrong word to have used. I'll apologise now since that's what you're after, but I'm not sure what else you want me to say or do now. It doesn't make me an idiot, I study mathematics not English language and words have never been my strong suit. Doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
Finally, can you please stop addressing this situation as a "we think this.."? While I've read your posts and seen your acknowledgement that 100 were lazy, some of your tribesmates haven't shown such grace. It was those who I was initially addressing, not you.
Casual.. Didn't really try.. Perhaps I'm being picky but my account alone faced well over 300 trains over the course of 2 weeks - but of course, you didn't try.
BEAST obviously supported SLEEP, on what evidence exactly? Didn't happen.
And this one doesn't even deserve an answer.
Lets be clear, I have never begged. I saw a lack of respect being shown and commented on it. Don't exaggerate the matter more than it needs to be but I'm showing you instances where our efforts were undermined. While my points may go over your head, I don't think either of us are in the wrong here - but alas isn't that what good discussion is all about? I'm not twisting anything, just explaining my thoughts and feelings.
Explained with quotes above. God you sound like my English teacher back in high school
Did you miss the bit about me not being salty. We're just getting on with it IG - probably to be rimmed again but such is life. Highlighted in bold though is the whole point of MY argument. That isn't "all" you have been saying at all. Sure we've had some appraisal for strength of character, determination and what have you, but the undermining of our capabilities came with it - and I think the reason for this is that no one has quite grasped the situation we were in.
100 saw SLEEP as easy growth and I have maintained that you are absolutely right. Our southern border with 100 was quite frankly completely inactive. SLEEP council had made the decision over 2 months ago to keep accounts where the owners had left active in order to grow barbs for D on our coalition front and this is the reason SLEEP hadn't already been rimmed by the coalition - a war which we were already outnumbered 3-1. By the time 100 declared war, there were maybe 5 active northern frontline accounts left fighting the NW war (yes, 5 accounts fighting a 3-1 war). This is the basis of my argument. By the time 100 had eaten most of our empty backline D villages, there was nothing our active accounts could have done.
SLEEP didn't just fold because 100 declared. We held off for as long as we could first in 54, then 44 and then my own account in 43. It seems to have been forgotten that we were also facing constant nuking from the coalition's southern members during this time as well. We did not roll over, but the odds were too stacked against us. I have myself taken full responsibility for this because diplomacy didn't work out for us - despite G quitting the game to "better our profile. Am I still striking you as an blinded fool?
Unfortunately what happened to SLEEP just shows the way the world turns. Odds were stacked against us, but sh** happens and you move on. But when I see messages such as "didn't have to try..", "hardly a war" and "they had outside help" - quite frankly I just don't know what the hell you're talking about. That is where my argument is coming from and I hope I have clarified a little better. It took well over 3 months and odds of 7-1 to take SLEEP down, but sure - that was all determination, and nothing to do with ability or skill.
Okay? If you weren't being arrogant I'll again apologise for saying it publicly. While people may misunderstand people online it doesn't give cause for you to go around with pathetic name calling. My argument isn't baseless or salty - it's just different from yours and you'd do well to recognise that nothing I have said is wrong - because most of it is subjective and largely opinionated.
Like it or not, players in 100 HAVE undermined SLEEP players and their capabilities in this thread and that's a fact. What I saw was "we've given you praise" and then turning around and giving it the "oh but we didn't even need to try. Was easy". I'm not blinded by hate, bitterness or indeed idiocy - but I'll stand for what I think is right and what I think is that you missed out on recruiting the most active, most proven and best team that K44 had to offer at the time.
And I'll be trying my damned hardest to make sure it comes back and bites you in the ass
Hope this gives a better understanding of where I am coming from.