100 backstabed Chaos

Skill Issue

Skilled Soldier 2020
Reaction score
Sorry to disapoint you that we are not some kind of super-heroes that can do miracles against X tribes all together.

Would you be able to?

I suppose this question is for me, well I already said in the other thread, I attacked 3 days before declaration of both tribes, none of BEAST re-nobles didn't work out, at that moment there were no attacks/declaration from ODZ or anyone else from 100, correct me if I'm wrong? I didn't even call out BEAST here, neither wanted to blame anyone there, this was for my child Hot Eagle who had the need to make a Chaos (literally) on k44 just to get rimmed and create nonsense threads on the externals

No hate, all the best :)


We deserve higher praise than you have given us, and rest assured I will be back in 2 weeks to fight again.
Yes you did want the praise, as per your post prior. LOL people like you are always finding a hole else where to dig out of if getting called out on your BS.

No you are right, no one expected Sleep to come out on top. BUT that wasn't ever the argument was it you idiot,

1.The argument was on you saying 100 TRIED SOO DAMN HARD to break you but YOU WERE SOOOOOO AMAZING that you held us off for so long and deserve godly praise.

2. People like me then said no WE WERE REALLY SLOPPY and are complacent due to previous babies we had to steal candy off hence we took LONGER THEN NEEDED to take out sleep.

3, Idiots like you then responded then saying OHHH BUT YOU DID AN OP ON Kumadeha(Something along those lines) !! I Responded saying ok , we did two ops on him...... after the two ops he was gone.... Nothing to be ashamed of as there was little he could do but nothing to be begging for praise for (Since he got destroyed with two really average ops). I THEN proceeded to say we did not op any one else like we supposedly did on KUMODEha, and most of the other players Like Incompetent were just people sending random nukes n sending nobles when ever (Some were even like 5-10mins apart so you could imagine it isnt hard to snipe those) .

I hope I broke the argument down for you well enough because it seems like you have been crying too much salt to actually fully comprehend the argument. If we planned ops after ops you think you would have the troops to even shift about to defend/snipe over 300nukes and like 50 split trains? Stop making stupid arguments, it is very clear we took things for granted and didn't try. As you said we are so much larger than SLEEP, all we had to do was plan two coordinated ops as a whole tribe and SLEEP would of been mathematically impossible to defend. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND DIE IN A CORNER AND STOP BEING SALTY, i know its hard to relocate just to lose again.

Its not your fault you couldn't survive, no one was expecting you to, you could of held your head high but instead you come here talking salt. All most of us said was we should of taken out SLEEP sooner, and then ppl like you come jumping in implying "100 tried so hard, we are so good and made them work so hard for our villas, they are thrash.... blahblahblah" Get rimmed and shut up kid.

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Calling someone an idiot right before messing up then and than. Great banter!


Yes you did want the praise, as per your post prior. LOL people like you are always finding a hole else where to dig out of if getting called out on your BS.

No you are right, no one expected Sleep to come out on top. BUT that wasn't ever the argument was it you idiot,

1.The argument was on you saying 100 TRIED SOO DAMN HARD to break you but YOU WERE SOOOOOO AMAZING that you held us off for so long and deserve godly praise.

2. People like me then said no WE WERE REALLY SLOPPY and are complacent due to previous babies we had to steal candy off hence we took LONGER THEN NEEDED to take out sleep.

3, Idiots like you then responded then saying OHHH BUT YOU DID AN OP ON Kumadeha(Something along those lines) !! I Responded saying ok , we did two ops on him...... after the two ops he was gone.... Nothing to be ashamed of as there was little he could do but nothing to be begging for praise for (Since he got destroyed with two really average ops). I THEN proceeded to say we did not op any one else like we supposedly did on KUMODEha, and most of the other players Like Incompetent were just people sending random nukes n sending nobles when ever (Some were even like 5-10mins apart so you could imagine it isnt hard to snipe those) .

I hope I broke the argument down for you well enough because it seems like you have been crying too much salt to actually fully comprehend the argument. If we planned ops after ops you think you would have the troops to even shift about to defend/snipe over 300nukes and like 50 split trains? Stop making stupid arguments, it is very clear we took things for granted and didn't try. As you said we are so much larger than SLEEP, all we had to do was plan two coordinated ops as a whole tribe and SLEEP would of been mathematically impossible to defend. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND DIE IN A CORNER AND STOP BEING SALTY, i know its hard to relocate just to lose again.

Its not your fault you couldn't survive, no one was expecting you to, you could of held your head high but instead you come here talking salt. All most of us said was we should of taken out SLEEP sooner, and then ppl like you come jumping in implying "100 tried so hard, we are so good and made them work so hard for our villas, they are thrash.... blahblahblah" Get rimmed and shut up kid.

Perhaps praise was the wrong word to have used - but a little respect would have been appreciated. Unfortunately it seems you are incapable of showing any. Idiot this, idiot that..

shut up kid.

You are incredibly dense. For one I'm not even remotely salty about having to start-up again, god knows it ain't the first time I've been rimmed. Let's be clear that my account was the first to congratulate 100 on your triumph. Everything was chill and we were as gracious as we could have been in defeat, until the trolls came out to play - both on the externals and IG mails. I refuse to be called an idiot for defending my guys. I had no beef with 100 prior and we took the pounding head on. For all the "bad rep" SLEEP and BEAST have managed to earn themselves, one day ODZ will realise you're the most arrogant and the worst of the lot and I hope that day won't come too late for them.

I know exactly what my argument is and I understand it just fine, but I didn't go to university so I could be called an idiot repeatedly on an online forum by some two-bit internet troll who in their own mind is never wrong. This war is done, and my effort for talking to you is somewhat diminished. Good luck.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Perhaps praise was the wrong word to have used - but a little respect would have been appreciated. Unfortunately it seems you are incapable of showing any. Idiot this, idiot that..

You are incredibly dense. For one I'm not even remotely salty about having to start-up again, god knows it ain't the first time I've been rimmed. Let's be clear that my account was the first to congratulate 100 on your triumph. Everything was chill and we were as gracious as we could have been in defeat, until the trolls came out to play - both on the externals and IG mails. I refuse to be called an idiot for defending my guys. I had no beef with 100 prior and we took the pounding head on. For all the "bad rep" SLEEP and BEAST have managed to earn themselves, one day ODZ will realise you're the most arrogant and the worst of the lot and I hope that day won't come too late for them.

I know exactly what my argument is and I understand it just fine, but I didn't go to university so I could be called an idiot repeatedly on an online forum by some two-bit internet troll who in their own mind is never wrong. This war is done, and my effort for talking to you is somewhat diminished. Good luck.
Love you Karl, it was well fought from your side despite the odds.

Flexo too <3


Yes you did want the praise, as per your post prior. LOL people like you are always finding a hole else where to dig out of if getting called out on your BS.
Thanks for proving my point. Instead of arguing the points I have made you sway or change the subject the other way round when you know you got called out.

So first its
. We don't want your praises and never will, we don't care.
I proved you wrong By quoting you asking for a praise and seemed upset for not getting it.

Perhaps praise was the wrong word to have used - but a little respect would have been appreciated. Unfortunately it seems you are incapable of showing any
1. We gave you and acknowledge your determination since the arguement of you begging for a praise of your skills started. So yes we did give you the respect you deserved until you decided to come on here and argue points that to me makes 0 sense as to why you are even arguing it just for fishing for a praise. I have alot more instances where people gave your little group respect for playing till the end and having the determination to carry on. So don't try twisting things just because you have nothing to say and noticed you were wrong in this respect.

FYI all respect due to the accounts that fought to the end

I refuse to be called an idiot for defending my guys.
I probably missed it but if I did then explain aside from just saying crap with no backup like a real idiot. BUT defend your guys against what? All me and most of 100 has said this whole time was "well done and respect for fighting till the end instead of giving up", If you havent noticed already I've been very vocal on my own tribe being piss poor on taking down SLEEP due to our own laid back unbothered attitude. BUT THEN, Here comes the big salty SLEEP players stomping the floor saying along the lines of "100 tried so hard but because they were poor and sleep was so good we held them off...WE DEMAND RECOGNITION". Thats when this argument started. Which was stated in my previous post but it seems you totally ignored it to come up with your bs again (HENCE why i called you an idiot).

who in their own mind is never wrong.
Well..... I was stating how this argument all started and listed facts with prove , u just threw out words. Tell me where you think I was wrong. Surely it can't be the point where I said you were fishing for praise? Or is it when I showed prove I gave sleep members the respect they deserve? Or is it the fact that I said my tribe was really sloppy in taking out sleep.... Because the last time i checked Im in the tribe not you.....

No one was being arrogant, for the final time we were here saying we couild of done alot better, but the likes of you come jumping in telling us we tried really hard to fish for praise. None of us said you were noobs, but you just wanted praise so started talking crap, seems like you were the arrogant ones lol.

AND yes I think you are an idiot because you talk bs with no backup and when u get called out on your bs, u switch stories, ignore the points I've made (by not adressing them).



Suffices to say I've been back through all pages to collect some quotes. First though let me clarify a few things: I have nothing against you. We had some good fun IG and I appreciate that your account never once rubbed it in our faces.
Second, I already admitted that the 'praises' was the wrong word to have used. I'll apologise now since that's what you're after, but I'm not sure what else you want me to say or do now. It doesn't make me an idiot, I study mathematics not English language and words have never been my strong suit. Doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
Finally, can you please stop addressing this situation as a "we think this.."? While I've read your posts and seen your acknowledgement that 100 were lazy, some of your tribesmates haven't shown such grace. It was those who I was initially addressing, not you.

3. I'd hardly call your migrations "very smooth". SLEEP was hardly a war, and was treated as such. We casually nobled you. With the size difference there was no need to actually OP or really try tbh. I personally never even bothered to send fakes at you lol. But keep underestimating us... ;)

Casual.. Didn't really try.. Perhaps I'm being picky but my account alone faced well over 300 trains over the course of 2 weeks - but of course, you didn't try.

Good point, Cody. That means that Beast had to have supported them. That's how numbers work, buddy. Good observation! Supporting, sitting, holding their hands, it doesn't matter. We didn't even have to try and you couldn't save them.

BEAST obviously supported SLEEP, on what evidence exactly? Didn't happen.

Maybe they have higher standards than you and what they constitute as an OP is different to what you consider to be one?

And this one doesn't even deserve an answer.

1. We gave you and acknowledge your determination since the arguement of you begging for a praise of your skills started. So yes we did give you the respect you deserved until you decided to come on here and argue points that to me makes 0 sense as to why you are even arguing it just for fishing for a praise. I have alot more instances where people gave your little group respect for playing till the end and having the determination to carry on. So don't try twisting things just because you have nothing to say and noticed you were wrong in this respect.

Lets be clear, I have never begged. I saw a lack of respect being shown and commented on it. Don't exaggerate the matter more than it needs to be but I'm showing you instances where our efforts were undermined. While my points may go over your head, I don't think either of us are in the wrong here - but alas isn't that what good discussion is all about? I'm not twisting anything, just explaining my thoughts and feelings.

I probably missed it but if I did then explain aside from just saying crap with no backup like a real idiot. BUT defend your guys against what? All me and most of 100 has said this whole time was "well done and respect for fighting till the end instead of giving up", If you havent noticed already I've been very vocal on my own tribe being piss poor on taking down SLEEP due to our own laid back unbothered attitude. BUT THEN, Here comes the big salty SLEEP players stomping the floor saying along the lines of "100 tried so hard but because they were poor and sleep was so good we held them off...WE DEMAND RECOGNITION". Thats when this argument started. Which was stated in my previous post but it seems you totally ignored it to come up with your bs again (HENCE why i called you an idiot).

Explained with quotes above. God you sound like my English teacher back in high school ;)

Did you miss the bit about me not being salty. We're just getting on with it IG - probably to be rimmed again but such is life. Highlighted in bold though is the whole point of MY argument. That isn't "all" you have been saying at all. Sure we've had some appraisal for strength of character, determination and what have you, but the undermining of our capabilities came with it - and I think the reason for this is that no one has quite grasped the situation we were in.

100 saw SLEEP as easy growth and I have maintained that you are absolutely right. Our southern border with 100 was quite frankly completely inactive. SLEEP council had made the decision over 2 months ago to keep accounts where the owners had left active in order to grow barbs for D on our coalition front and this is the reason SLEEP hadn't already been rimmed by the coalition - a war which we were already outnumbered 3-1. By the time 100 declared war, there were maybe 5 active northern frontline accounts left fighting the NW war (yes, 5 accounts fighting a 3-1 war). This is the basis of my argument. By the time 100 had eaten most of our empty backline D villages, there was nothing our active accounts could have done.
SLEEP didn't just fold because 100 declared. We held off for as long as we could first in 54, then 44 and then my own account in 43. It seems to have been forgotten that we were also facing constant nuking from the coalition's southern members during this time as well. We did not roll over, but the odds were too stacked against us. I have myself taken full responsibility for this because diplomacy didn't work out for us - despite G quitting the game to "better our profile. Am I still striking you as an blinded fool?

Unfortunately what happened to SLEEP just shows the way the world turns. Odds were stacked against us, but sh** happens and you move on. But when I see messages such as "didn't have to try..", "hardly a war" and "they had outside help" - quite frankly I just don't know what the heck you're talking about. That is where my argument is coming from and I hope I have clarified a little better. It took well over 3 months and odds of 7-1 to take SLEEP down, but sure - that was all determination, and nothing to do with ability or skill.

No one was being arrogant, for the final time we were here saying we couild of done alot better, but the likes of you come jumping in telling us we tried really hard to fish for praise. None of us said you were noobs, but you just wanted praise so started talking crap, seems like you were the arrogant ones lol.

AND yes I think you are an idiot because you talk bs with no backup and when u get called out on your bs, u switch stories, ignore the points I've made (by not adressing them).

Okay? If you weren't being arrogant I'll again apologise for saying it publicly. While people may misunderstand people online it doesn't give cause for you to go around with pathetic name calling. My argument isn't baseless or salty - it's just different from yours and you'd do well to recognise that nothing I have said is wrong - because most of it is subjective and largely opinionated.

Like it or not, players in 100 HAVE undermined SLEEP players and their capabilities in this thread and that's a fact. What I saw was "we've given you praise" and then turning around and giving it the "oh but we didn't even need to try. Was easy". I'm not blinded by hate, bitterness or indeed idiocy - but I'll stand for what I think is right and what I think is that you missed out on recruiting the most active, most proven and best team that K44 had to offer at the time.

And I'll be trying my damned hardest to make sure it comes back and bites you in the ass;)

Hope this gives a better understanding of where I am coming from.
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Suffices to say I've been back through all pages to collect some quotes. First though let me clarify a few things: I have nothing against you. We had some good fun IG and I appreciate that your account never once rubbed it in our faces.
Second, I already admitted that the 'praises' was the wrong word to have used. I'll apologise now since that's what you're after, but I'm not sure what else you want me to say or do now. It doesn't make me an idiot, I study mathematics not English language and words have never been my strong suit. Doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
Finally, can you please stop addressing this situation as a "we think this.."? While I've read your posts and seen your acknowledgement that 100 were lazy, some of your tribesmates haven't shown such grace. It was those who I was initially addressing, not you.

Casual.. Didn't really try.. Perhaps I'm being picky but my account alone faced well over 300 trains over the course of 2 weeks - but of course, you didn't try.

BEAST obviously supported SLEEP, on what evidence exactly? Didn't happen.

And this one doesn't even deserve an answer.

Lets be clear, I have never begged. I saw a lack of respect being shown and commented on it. Don't exaggerate the matter more than it needs to be but I'm showing you instances where our efforts were undermined. While my points may go over your head, I don't think either of us are in the wrong here - but alas isn't that what good discussion is all about? I'm not twisting anything, just explaining my thoughts and feelings.

Explained with quotes above. God you sound like my English teacher back in high school ;)

Did you miss the bit about me not being salty. We're just getting on with it IG - probably to be rimmed again but such is life. Highlighted in bold though is the whole point of MY argument. That isn't "all" you have been saying at all. Sure we've had some appraisal for strength of character, determination and what have you, but the undermining of our capabilities came with it - and I think the reason for this is that no one has quite grasped the situation we were in.

100 saw SLEEP as easy growth and I have maintained that you are absolutely right. Our southern border with 100 was quite frankly completely inactive. SLEEP council had made the decision over 2 months ago to keep accounts where the owners had left active in order to grow barbs for D on our coalition front and this is the reason SLEEP hadn't already been rimmed by the coalition - a war which we were already outnumbered 3-1. By the time 100 declared war, there were maybe 5 active northern frontline accounts left fighting the NW war (yes, 5 accounts fighting a 3-1 war). This is the basis of my argument. By the time 100 had eaten most of our empty backline D villages, there was nothing our active accounts could have done.
SLEEP didn't just fold because 100 declared. We held off for as long as we could first in 54, then 44 and then my own account in 43. It seems to have been forgotten that we were also facing constant nuking from the coalition's southern members during this time as well. We did not roll over, but the odds were too stacked against us. I have myself taken full responsibility for this because diplomacy didn't work out for us - despite G quitting the game to "better our profile. Am I still striking you as an blinded fool?

Unfortunately what happened to SLEEP just shows the way the world turns. Odds were stacked against us, but sh** happens and you move on. But when I see messages such as "didn't have to try..", "hardly a war" and "they had outside help" - quite frankly I just don't know what the hell you're talking about. That is where my argument is coming from and I hope I have clarified a little better. It took well over 3 months and odds of 7-1 to take SLEEP down, but sure - that was all determination, and nothing to do with ability or skill.

Okay? If you weren't being arrogant I'll again apologise for saying it publicly. While people may misunderstand people online it doesn't give cause for you to go around with pathetic name calling. My argument isn't baseless or salty - it's just different from yours and you'd do well to recognise that nothing I have said is wrong - because most of it is subjective and largely opinionated.

Like it or not, players in 100 HAVE undermined SLEEP players and their capabilities in this thread and that's a fact. What I saw was "we've given you praise" and then turning around and giving it the "oh but we didn't even need to try. Was easy". I'm not blinded by hate, bitterness or indeed idiocy - but I'll stand for what I think is right and what I think is that you missed out on recruiting the most active, most proven and best team that K44 had to offer at the time.

And I'll be trying my damned hardest to make sure it comes back and bites you in the ass;)

Hope this gives a better understanding of where I am coming from.

You're not relevant anymore. Shhhh.
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