100 wants some hugs


Anyone else think 100 is going to smash north while these k54 tribes are distracted in k44? :)

Food for thought. Most likely food for 15 though haha

Skypes blowing up about 100 declaring on hugs just as I predicted. Looks like hot eagle might be getting saved here if these rumors are true. Any one from 100 or hugs care to confirm this declaration?


For the first time, 100 will face a competent tribe. Let's see what they got. It's such a shame to not honor that CD. I see other tribe joining to attack soon. :)


By recruiting Ex-creed members in the south rim side, at the back door of 100, I can see if 100 would be unhappy with them.

They don't want to be scissored


Non-stop Poster
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Let me say it this way.

They don't like us. Reason enough to war.
Things turned out badly, but the leadership tried to keep cool heads. Didn't work. More like delaying this for a while now.
They recruited amigo, we recruited creed, and both were cool with each other.
Whatever misunderstanding they had, was clarified, yet each and every small misunderstanding was used to provoke a war. Declaration was sad though with that utter shite poetry :(

All in all, That rim behind them was established with their permission. I would say RSE is a bigger problem if the rim reason is going to be used to justify this war. However, RSE is their underlings now, as far as i am aware.

This alliance fell the day 100 betrayed hugs by asking the rim tribes to take out our rim clusters. That day, it was clear we are bound to fight, and I guess both parties were just buying time to avoid this war.

Not the right time for hugs, but we don't back down from any challenge :)

After this post, they might flood this thread with what we did, and my guys will type what they did. Doesn't matter. You need two hands for a clap and this is all there is. Things could have worked out better, but quite frankly 100 had no such intentions for a while now.


The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
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Let me say it this way.

They don't like us. Reason enough to war.
Things turned out badly, but the leadership tried to keep cool heads. Didn't work. More like delaying this for a while now.
They recruited amigo, we recruited creed, and both were cool with each other.
Whatever misunderstanding they had, was clarified, yet each and every small misunderstanding was used to provoke a war. Declaration was sad though with that utter shite poetry :(

All in all, That rim behind them was established with their permission. I would say RSE is a bigger problem if the rim reason is going to be used to justify this war. However, RSE is their underlings now, as far as i am aware.

This alliance fell the day 100 betrayed hugs by asking the rim tribes to take out our rim clusters. That day, it was clear we are bound to fight, and I guess both parties were just buying time to avoid this war.

Not the right time for hugs, but we don't back down from any challenge :)

After this post, they might flood this thread with what we did, and my guys will type what they did. Doesn't matter. You need two hands for a clap and this is all there is. Things could have worked out better, but quite frankly 100 had no such intentions for a while now.


Well, we knew why you were asking ID for an alliance (and to backstab BM/AKA), and I'm glad this war is finally here. Ought to be fun!

While I have no specific hatred for HUGS, I do hope to see you fall quickly, but I do wish you the best of luck. GLHF!

Gwaihir aka Bluetomahawk

i joined HUGS acc to help out not 5 days ago. first thing i asked was what's with 100? people said it's cool, possible endgame alliance this and that. i answered i know scenario with alexs tribe, near him alexs friends, and backline tribe that isn't that big of anyones interest. no doubt it's cause bit cloud is there, so it was easier to agree on things for them. also think declaration was laughable, like, keep it real. although nice lyrics.


that's from this morning. i've missed with "barbling" was meant to secure clusters, had to mention it since it's going public.

also surprised that cody drops innocent comment on externals, like, please confirm. not :rolleyes:

also need to say, well played BM. sticking to your words once again.

no need to say it's going to be fun. best of luck to both.


Well, we knew why you were asking ID for an alliance
The same way we knew why you asked other tribes to noble our RIm when we asked you first for it .
let's not be smartasses on the external
gg may the bes tribe win the war

The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
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The same way we knew why you asked other tribes to noble our RIm when we asked you first for it .
let's not be smartasses on the external
gg may the bes tribe win the war

I'm not in 100, I feel like I need to point that out here because it seems you do not know.


Just a reminder Dennis, it's not wise for a leader to be leaking private conversations, it makes you seem untrustworthy. Not that you aren't and that it is not in ID policy to side with the winner, but I am just pointing it out.

Good luck to both sides.


Oh G you and SAGAR again tried riot tactic from jasper and smurf to ask my allies to backstabb me , but sorry ID are true allies and not backstabbers like TQL and you :D:D:D:D

So sad .... backstabber attempt vol 2.

Crocky The G ... Sagar styleeeee :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yeah Stefan, this is the reason it took them 48 hours to reply:)

They were thinking about it the same way I was thinking about it also. In the end of the day we both declined the offer. Why do you label me only as a backstabber though?

Either way the post is not about us so let's not spam here. If you trust these guys to be your real allies no matter what, bad for you.