20 Years of Memories!

Avenger 00

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What I remember most was playing W10, Fighting War with CTRL, My K46 villages were first major war target, Incomming attack counter was over 40,000 for six weeks, with 20-25 nukes at all 200 villages, it was tough, but learned so much from that experience. Found the game changes, the ups and downs were amazing.


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Spending 10k+ premium to start the world and get betrayed literally at the first chance.
go Tribal Wars! :)


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Consent! Participation requires your consent to follow the rules of this contest and to share your video with us. You do this by adding the written statement " I consent to the Terms and Conditions of the Contest and agree, that InnoGames can use and share this video as set forth in Art. 5 of the Terms and Conditions of the contest " in your post which contains your uploaded video.​
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Cassius au Bellona

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my fav memory is when jawjaw and jirki destroyed w120 where all all-star players played, and roughly 95% left tw after that, had a blast while 120 lasted


Non-stop Poster
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My first .net world and also my first win. w111 was by far the best endgame war ive seen on .net since that. A supergood world with a intense discord worldchat, several accounts flipping, shady shit and lots of memes. This is the story from one of the accs in the IKEA tribe that later came to win the world after merging with some NoName players, allying the huns and fighting what was left o NoName, DS and the koreans


Rainbow Rhythms

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For me it has to be starting tribalwars on world 11 with both my 2 older brothers and around 30 boys from our school year groups. Since we didn't really own phones back then, guys would instead bring actual photocopies of their villages showing off their new stone level 20 walls. The first guy to bring in a photo of their upgraded level 20 headquarters instantly became a legend. The fun that came with exploring the game for the first time really sets itself apart in my mind and the joy that came with discovering new things. Still to this day we chat about it.

bombs bad

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oops... i was actually trying to upload my video but my file size is too big... not sure how i can make it smaller


Awesomest CM Ever
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oops... i was actually trying to upload my video but my file size is too big... not sure how i can make it smaller

Is uploading to YouTube / dropbox / google drive and sharing it here an option for you? I'll check in the meantime if we can increase the size limit.

The Brazilian Koala

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I consent to the Terms and Conditions of the Contest and agree, that InnoGames can use and share this video as set forth in Art. 5 of the Terms and Conditions of the contest

I hope this is valid
Ps: I sent another video since I forgot to tell a story. I understand that just one video is valid for prizes, but you guys can choose whichever makes more sense for the Tribal Wars team or even both.
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The Brazilian Koala

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sending another because, in the previous one, I forgot tell a story, 1 minute is too short.
This is a way better video, and since we can send multiple videos, why not? Also I tried to delete the last post and couldn't :p

I consent to the Terms and Conditions of the Contest and agree, that InnoGames can use and share this video as set forth in Art. 5 of the Terms and Conditions of the contest

Ps: I'm from Brazil, but I live in UK. Therefore, I'm still able to participate.
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Contributing Poster
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Gosh has it been 20 years already ? time spent, will never get back and have absolutely no regrets