^^^ +1 Agreed, Nice PnP though :)
DeletedUser Guest Oct 6, 2012 #23 Goodluck to both sides. BTW i would like to say that it is good that on the rim small tribes are coordinating.
Goodluck to both sides. BTW i would like to say that it is good that on the rim small tribes are coordinating.
DeletedUser Guest Oct 8, 2012 #26 the bigger guys should remember that good players start late on the rim so its not as time consuming, and also the rim tribes have been known to play huge parts in late game, so those saying it is not interesting should think again.
the bigger guys should remember that good players start late on the rim so its not as time consuming, and also the rim tribes have been known to play huge parts in late game, so those saying it is not interesting should think again.
DeletedUser Guest Oct 8, 2012 #29 Winning your war and sniping the trolls on the externals, winning all round congrats