Inception of En-Game
The Original Idea
A fun conversation with an enemy (GE) with a troublesome agenda to cause world war. East VS West and possible forcing an early end to world 39. Things didn't really go as planned and you ended up being a devil. You stated at one point that that was one of the best tribes you've ever been apart of....I lol'd back then.
Smoking and Joking
That thought stuck with me for a long time. Frustrated with the ongoings within ~RAID~ trying to down size to 10 active accounts and eat the rest while on the verge of a war with NOB!!. Max (JOKER) and I chuckled at GE's idea of forming one tribe of active members to fight the last fight for this world.
1st Move
Little did I know Max contacted UBM and got the ball rolling. We had a serious issue with NOB!! so as a payback for a little spy placed within our tribe we strategically injected players into their accounts, unknowingly under our influence....sorry David. GE you dont count you cant be controlled or influenced. (Just to clarify we've never done anything to hinder Nob!! in their war but was a backup just incase) I recruited 3 accounts within TDE who wanted the good fight (NOT JEREMY)
Someone great once said "Tribal wars was like playing Chess" Hybrid.
We took that to heart and planned an entire year in advanced.
King Dragon's Ego
The biggest mistake KD made "was not capitalizing on the hostility and lack of respect between the long time allies; ~Raid~ and NOB!!.". David
This I completely agree upon. We would have gladly gone nuke for nuke and left ourselves wide open for TDE to swoop in and take us both out. Tensions within the tribes were that high.
Stage 2
We had a horde of empty and dead RX4U accounts that needed filling. We also had all out D on the Nob!! border expecting them to fire away at us at any moment. ~Raid~ Fought TDE/Devils with 8 active accounts and no Northern defense. UBM went to work bringing in the most important pieces to this victory.
EDGE was able to convince the Great Hybrid Soul and FOC to come back to this world. This fill the necessary voids within the tribe and Gave both ~Raid~ and NOB!! a common ground of respect to stand upon.
The most fitting code name ever. A 21 was formed and the rest is history........
I have to say a special thank you to a few players.
LightGod44..... You've been with me since day one in SIO. Thanks for believing in my leadership and sticking with me. I know you are currently deployed so I pray you make it home safely with all your parts in their correct places. Good luck mate.
Max (Joker) my prayers go out to you and your family. This win was for you. I thank you for the opportunity to prove myself in this world. The trust you put in me to run your account and Tribe from behind the scenes. Allowing me to work freely with no parameters and providing me with a supporting cast any Duke would dream of. I take my hat off to you and thank you for everything you taught me about Life, business, family, friendship and leadership.
GE from our epic external bouts to the in game LOL moments.
This being my first world I studied your attacking style. I loved everything you did with OMEN and it was fun fighting against you.
Littlebabyjesus (BIG BABY J) when we first meet I must admit i was a bit weary. I then saw your character and later your abilities. Max completely had faith in you so we decided to take you in.... This was one of the best decisions we've made on this world. Jack you have ran 3 of the biggest and most successful tribes this world have seen. V/Omen, Raid and now A 21. ALthough you might have not had the title of DUKE your work ethic both in game and managing our members was next to none. When ever there was anything that needed to be done you would make it happen without even being asked. You sir are the most Valuable player of this world. In the absence of leadership you were always there to keep the house in tact.
Rooki (Fabi-lous) I remember our first meeting. Joker and I had some dealing with a tribe that was being a thorn in NOB!! side. I planned the op and launched but needed a little D to cover my tail. You left my villages stacked up for two months. Thanks for helping me expand my influence in southern k62. You have always been a trusted part of our organization and aided with a lot of important decisions. You have lead by example and were never too big, too busy not to help even the smallest player. You showed us how to truly enjoy this game and the word loyalty defines you. Enjoy your quality time with the lovely lady....she's been patiently waiting for 4 years now so enjoy. (thats a good woman)
UBM be honest buddy your inactive arse haven't really don't much in game (keeping it real lol) Your quality comes in in your ability to influence others, infiltrate other organizations and your behind the scenes work ethic is next to none. You my friend are one hell of a PNP. Thank you for making A 21 happen.
Noff.... I... Told...You...I...Can...Snipe...(EPIC SNIPE) You know fighting a war against a tribe with the activity level of a TDE with 8 active accounts and nothing but dead accounts on your front lines. Running out of nobles to even take the big barbs within your territory. NOFF you and I sat multiple accounts all at once sniping and flaming TDE/Devils at a time where any lesser tribe would have rolled over, opened their legs and said enjoy. You pushed and challenged me to up my sniping level. You've made me a better player and kept us active members motivated enough to survive until ENGAME.
HS a man that commands respect from all whom happen to be blessed enough to cross your path. For you to even put us in the same atmosphere is a true honor. I'm happy you came back to choreograph this epic come back. It was a true pleasure getting to know you and I know Max (joker) spoke highly of you and your abilities. I know he would have been honored to work along side you as well.
Foc thank you for being you mate......Ride or Die so keep riding.
David James homie Jen and the rest of Nob!!....thank you for pointing your nukes in the correct direction lol. You guys are awesome. Warmongers and that's what this game is about.
The original members of have once again proved why you are the best in this game. Thank you for sticking around.
~RAID~(SIO)....I thank you all for sticking with me through it all.... A well deserved victory for you guys. The little tribe that was never afraid of going after the Number one spot.
V yes there is a couple of you apart of this.....thanks for coming for the ride.
The other players that came back we thank you for your participation.
To A-21 the greatest tribal system I've ever had the pleasure to be apart of. Please skype me if you ever need anything, be it business, game related or even advice.
Well done
You will always have a friend in me....