A few Questions with the Top 5 tribes (07/31/17)

Age of Ultron

Rob had a outside sitter he got nobled simple and we dismissed those who are absolutely rubbish or just there for pp



This is the distance between darkgates villa and robrich's ex villa.As you can see it takes almost 9 hours to get from one village to another, and which is pretty much the time between when he was kicked and nobled.
So you mean to tell us that darkgates just happened to have a train sitting there and he didnt noble anyone?
And he just launched at robrich without even scouting first, or waiting for his farming troops to return or even thinking twice,and coincidentally Robrich decided to set a sitter at the same time when darkgates had a train ready to launch, cool story bro.
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Age of Ultron

3 New tribes, TBS, Fools and Inno are among the top 5/ close to top 5, maybe we could do an update on this thread?


Gencom sends one little fake at darkgates and suddenly the world goes mad :)

I warned the scrub not to mess with my friend, now he is down to 1 villa as a result of my interference and that of ashoka capitalizing on my fake.

All in all a lesson learned i suppose. So early in the world yet am already causing ripples:cool:

What will genesis do next?


Gencom sends one little fake at darkgates and suddenly the world goes mad :)

I warned the scrub not to mess with my friend, now he is down to 1 villa as a result of my interference and that of ashoka capitalizing on my fake.

He is down because of multiple reasons.

1)This is a team game.his mates ,atleast some of them stopped trusting him after robrich incident.
2)he couldnt tag a ram speed attack from 70 hours.he tagged it as noble.
3) i was making pp in a large family tribe with no intention to play this world after Dylan/Nemesis. refused my request to set a premade.Darkgates attacked me forcing me to retaliate.
4)Sending nobles on a split second on a 13 hour journey without scouting your target in early world.

Yes i capitalized on your fake attack ...posting further attacks will be added in due course to kill him..but any half decent player would have built his troops.lowered loyaly after all attacks were in air ,set recap and laughed at the destruction caused.

So it all depends on if you can only spend pp or play as well


So a scrub got nobled, many more scrubs are yet to be nobled before the last scrubs are standing.

Maybe darkgates asked me to co play him so I could correctly tag his 70 hour fakes in future :confused: