A Request For All of World 7.


This thread will be coming across as rather vague, but could lead to something particularly interesting on these forums that hasn't come around for a while.

In roughly two weeks time, I am going to make a thread on here, and I would like the input from as many key players that played some roll in this world as possible.

Here's where I ask that favor of those of you still here. If you have any contact information for those who have left, ask them to return to the forums if at all possible for one last huge thread. Mind you I don't intend this to be a flame fest, or a huge debate. I think we all certainly have had enough of that over all these years. Ideally this will be completely different.

Some people I would like to participate are as follows, but aren't limited to them. (spelling is off for some. It's been a while for a lot of them.)

Colpo, Ryan13yr, Jason-tehking-yea, irispeace, bwja, Kylan, JINXO, Gabros, Lethal Axe, and Pfleming.

Additionally any leadership from SOCOM, *I*, PTT, TFB, BarBar, Angels, MP, GODS, FxF, REF, TM, and any of the great tribes from any point since this worlds birth.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this, and am sincerely hoping for a good turnout.

You mention Irispeace as someone who could add something valuable, and completely miss out SF and -WE- in your great tribes list.

Been a while hey


Most certainly, my completely unbiased view, and from my experience; I know that the fighting TM/SF/AU did at the start was well above anything else in the game since in defence, offence, and well balls. Hell 30 players from that tribe I would pick in a line up of top 100 players. Coraggio being one of the first.

Fair point


if you hadn't noticed, this topic is just for noobs to say hi in and talk about crap nobody cares about