A tale about glory and victory. V V V War Declaration


I'm with Argyle on this one, Sciron did never really fell before he left and we had plans for them staying up longer. We all knew that it would be invites, well we wanted Sciron to stick together as a good side target. When Argyle left, more or less Sciron itself fell apart, quite an impressive move from VVV which none of us thought were possible. More or less people in sciron emptied their nukes before they joined VVV+. Argyle got my respect that he made a decision for himself without sending out all of his nukes then join another tribe.

Though as said, none of us never expected him to leave Sciron. Just that itself was enough for sciron to fall apart and I belive they would if he were the first one to leave as well.

Wow, high opinions of him? To say that him leaving caused SCIR0N to fall apart? I'm sure it had nothing to do with the other 10 leaders that left at the exact same time... not to mention they never would have left in the first place if hisexcellency and I hadn't left.

It's okay, you're entitled to your opinions, even though they're wrong :icon_rolleyes:

I just think it's very ironic that you're saying argyle leaving caused SCIR0N to collapse, when in fact, due to RL reasons, he hadn't even been active for months before that :p Only recently did he get back to normal playing time... So basically not being there is fine, the tribe is okay with it, but the second he leaves the tribe, even though he wasn't active preceding that, it falls apart? Wow, I wonder how your brain processes information, because that is some very messed up logic. :icon_rolleyes:


It's good to see that VVV is still as cowardice as ever, here I thought the inevitable time where they would be FORCED to fight and actually NOBLE red dots would be here and now, and yet again....recruiting over attacking, fabled tactic.

Man this world is lame.


You're crying already?

Argyle got a stronger roots than most of the others in Sciron, however of course some people are to worthless to understand what a key role is. If he were the first one to leave then he would without be able to talk therest over to his side as well.

However I dont see why You or VVV+ are even proud, you invited people who didn't want to be attacked. Or rather who knew they wouldn't make it in the long run.

Sciron wouldn't have fallen if Argyle stayed. I belive that none really is dumb enough to deny that. Taking in a what people called leadership from sciron did it's part but without Argyle they wouldn't be close to shatter sciron. So what're you proud over? Is there anything for you to really be proud about?

Of course we all play differently, will VVV+ send out invites later on to Sciova to cover ever spot up at 150? Will you be proud by inviting?


I must say that most of us around Tw got a higher opinion about Argyle that the rest of Sciron. not to mention that he was the only one who contacted people outside the tribe while thinking before he acts. So Argyle stands generally higher than the rest of you. Anyone would invite him if they had the chance.


Ok, I've complained about tribes recruiting before but that's because when they did so they took away all my targets. I see 6 K's strong in either Hoplon or Scir0n up there just waiting to be eaten. So.. what's the big deal about some invites? Most of them would've been invited by someone after all in the end, it really just matters on which they ended up choosing.


It's okay, you're entitled to your opinions, even though they're wrong :icon_rolleyes:

Just to further empasize my point... I really don't feel the need to argue about this any further, you can think whatever you want, I really cbf to care :icon_rolleyes:


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one.

Argyle was sent an invite.
He joined.
SCIRON fell.

Might be linked, might not.


Get over it.


Although some people have a tendency to start believing their own words/fantasies, as long as they keep repeating it over and over, what I wanted to point out is that SCIRON did not "fall" because of any action from any enemy.. There was no collapse, neither of morale, nor frontlines..

There are probably numerous reasons why things can go wrong with a tribe, and most lie in a far more distant past then ppl think about.. It can be an accumulation of a lot of incorrect small little deciscions/events or just aswell one BIG one (vvvk's move comes to mind here).

I'm pretty sure that SCIRON does not fall in the second category.. I'm not going to lay out my view/take on it, atleast not here on the pnp forums. Although my leaving to vvv might have had an impact (big or small -> I leave that open for discussion), I personally hope that it didn't..

My move was seperate to that of the rest of the tribe (and a couple of days earlier). I did come back from an "inactive" time, since I had other obligations in RL. I had already stepped down as a Duke some time before that(probably not known to everyone though)
I made the decision for myself to leave SCIR0N for personal reasons.. (and to make this clear, it had nothing (disagreements or arguments) to do with the Leadership Team or anyone within SCIR0N or the current state SCIRON was in) .
I was aware that some talks were going on in the council to determine the future path/strategy/etc, and I was hoping they would join VVV with me (if they had to pick a tribe), I never did actively recruit any players into VVV-fam. (I do believe that some did join because I moved there though, which can/could lead to further movements).

Xjezuzx, thanks for the compliments, but there were a lot of good, active players in SCIR0N that deserve (probably still a couple if they haven't thrown in the towl by now -> VVV did miss a couple of opportunities for inviting there) a lot of respect, and I'm very happy that most are with me in VVV-fam now. Not just because they are good players, but because of the person they are.

For me, the move to VVV has worked out pretty well.. I'm enjoying the game again and we'll see what happens.. Atleast I'm thankfull to VVV that they offered me a new home.

I know that this is the PnP forum, and bashing/flaming is a major part of it, but a lot of ppl take this game way to serious..
It takes a lot of effort, commitment and skill (not to mention patience and understanding) for any leader to run a tribe (and a lot of time for a active player to run his/her account), but I can only recommend to all to go out into the world, have some good food, Hug/kiss your loved ones, checkup on your friends/aunt&uncle/grandparents/.. you haven't seen recently since you were so busy with other things, enjoy all the little things life has to offer and be just merry!

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LOL Very nice post, very true also, it is just a game.

I can admit somtimes I push it, I take it serious somtimes, but not the game just the people that play the game LOL.


I though games were supposed to be fun though.

Whilst we are declaring wars on tribes that have already been ravaged I have decided to let the world know my intention to go to war with the mighty HEROES who hold the lofty rank of #34 :icon_redface:


thread hijacker! make your own topic for your war xD and best of luck ;)


I though games were supposed to be fun though.

Whilst we are declaring wars on tribes that have already been ravaged I have decided to let the world know my intention to go to war with the mighty HEROES who hold the lofty rank of #34 :icon_redface:

Lol good luck.


I could sit against heroes... so drop me a line if you get overwhelmed or something by them.


Argyle, you're an experienced duke and when you came back you tried to solve things. You might have lied or rather I knew the truth about the situations we disscussed. However, as a Duke or former duke you did something. In turn I postphoned the war untill a decided date. If you didn't come back then Sciron would have had a lot of more fronts and less would have been invited. You got more respect from people than you know.

I wanted more or less a none-invite area, a side war for several tribes to gain extra activity from. If you had come back before you might have been able to do something, however Naps and alliances would must likely be the reason for scirons fall. We warred lfkd and Sciron who both worked together. Not to mention Sciron were about 10 million ore a bit more smaller, however Sciron had much tighter clusters. Not to mention, many of our players didn't come back before the end of Jan-Feb.:p

Scirons problems in the end were that there was no people who did or could make good operations from inactivity or morale problems. There were a lot of discussions but it didn't feel like there was people who had good contact with the general amount of members.

You got a lot of influence and see things further than others. That's something a duke needs. We weren't in the best position when we warred Sciron, but it's always better to remove a problem before it grows or goes safe from harm. Well we wasn't in a bad position either, however situations always change as long that the enemy doesn't know.


I love you, but I kind of have to disagree with the last paragraph there jezuz. I personally think (and know from experience) that we were in as good a position as SCIRON to fight that war, but it needed to take skill/activity to win the front. In saying that, i'm aware that sciron fell for internal reasons, not for skill reasons... although im sure we would have won if we had longer to fight :icon_cool:


They fell because of both. It wasn't the whole tribe who fought them and we had lfkd right next to us. More or less we were in a bad position if there was any larger skill on either side against us. The only one succeded to gather people were 1zigz1, Sciron made one all-out with lfkd and got 11 villages then joined up with VVV. However the final blow was done by Andrew when he took Argyle over. Our front wasn't close to beeing as favorable, however we got good people around. So the reason why Sciron did fall was because of internal problems and half of them leaving.

But they would never have made it in the long run whatever the case might have been, that much we know.

WellI shouldn't be to mean. Sciron might have a good guy here and there but never had anyone to lead them or make them active. whatever leadership Sciron had it didn't had the activity/skill to do what was needed or gather people.
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Blah Blah Blah,

You know, I honestly was shocked to hear VVV declared on R0N.

1) I thought R0N was entirely dismantled.

2) R0N is so close to being DONE that it really does not require a declaration, sweep up the mess and call it a minor campaign.

SO - when the #1 Tribe actually posts a (lame) war declaration on basically NOBODY one has to wonder why they are "playing war"

Just attack them, and nobody will even notice, care, who knows.

VVV has earned my respect over the last 6mnths/year as having worked out their kinks, matured, and even though they are somewhat two-faced all in all they have come a long way.

Now this is like a 200lb body builder challanging a 125lb weakling to a fight and acting brazen - how childish and how small.

In OVA I voted against a war with R2 because:

1) SCIR0S can eat poo, they suck more

2) R2 never did a damn thing to anyone

3) MOST IMPORTANTLY - how small would it be for #1 (at the time) and R0S to tag team R2 who is smaller. If R0S can't win a war they shouldn't declare it. Everyone wants to say "we don't NEED OVA, we just compliment each other" and then R0S is begging for help like two-bit whiners.


Now I see V V V who has built respect, some prestige, has risen to the top - but you smear yourselves by some triffle war declaration on R0N?

Ok, Ok, I know.. it will do no real damage to your reputation, the world is established and certainly ~TSE~ is not going to call you out for distasteful actions, but come on. WTF.

At the very LEAST try declaring on someone even remotely active and able, or just save yourselves the mockery and STFU. :icon_razz:


why did sciron failed?

so many small reasons put togheter leaded to this.

When winds and shalini quit;when rossanob gone abbandoned;when TM07 and then hisexcelency moved to VVV+;when Argyle and perspicio steped down from duke position due to RL;when our merge whit hoplon has turned in an big mistake;when TDD changed from an close friend to more of an enemy;when our prime goal,war whit LFKd has turned in an pact whit the devil;and when finaly most council members decided to move togheter to VVV.
The war whit TSE seem such an small reason compared whit the others...


At the rate in which diplomacy is being handled in this world. All of the Top 10 tribes might as well not have any.


why did sciron failed?

so many small reasons put togheter leaded to this.

They say when a butterfly flaps its wings in China, it can cause a monsoon in Bermuda.


Take some structural supports from any infrastructure and test its strengths.

Remove some ribs on a guitar, and the timber is improved. Too many and it will be unusable.

Why is a doorknob round?