A True Story about [V].


For the last few weeks since we have been at war with [V], I have made numerous posts proving how bad they are. Not only myself but the rest of DVADER have as well.

It was through this that these forums have the image of being 'DVADER Only', which isn't quite true. Obviously you guys are reading it.

And here is that evidence.

A few days ago, I made the following post in our Declaration of War thread.

I wonder what would happen if we let this place become the Dvader bum fest some people are dreaming of :icon_rolleyes:

Well, it would be a much better place, kind of like it is now that you're banned.

Numpt will

Save us time and do it for us.

I'll tell you what,

I'll carry on [V]'s side of the argument.

Can't argue with the quality of the [V] members attacking abilities. It's all pure gold!


Two 30 second 5 noble trains in 3 hours of each other, on the same village. To snipe them with nukes to allow him to over noble himself or not, that is the question. The dilemmas of a modern Tribal Wars player perplex even the greatest of minds.

And before anyone says they are fake trains, blah blah blah...

But in the mean-time.

You can enjoy yourself by looking in the mirror, and see that amazing TW player looking straight back at you.

That'll keep you occupied for a large amount of time.

Just like it does every morning when I walk into the bathroom. But really, there is no need as I just look at the [V] incomings to realize that.[/spoil]

Fair enough, I hit a nerve with Noreth who then went on to create a thread in the [V] forums. This is that thread after a couple days of allowing it to build up:


Clutching at straws much there Noreth? Just for you, since you want the information so bad, I will give you everything you will need at the end of this post. But first, lets break down this thread a little bit so there is no confusing left in the mind of Noreth and the slow people of [V].

Post 1: Noreth's opener.


Perhaps I don't have a noobish style of attacking, hence why it hasn't been displayed? But how can you talk about someone elses when you have yet to have yours tested at all either by us? Infact, your tribe as a whole hasn't even launched at us yet. Therefore, until you do, perhaps you should be more concerned on the Op you are trying to run on us that has resulted in terrible attacks and minimal incomings.

Posts 2 & 3: davidga and Noreth.


Interesting to see you talking trash against XVI, davidga. Considering the last 3 months, they are stomping all over [V].


As for your comments there Noreth, immaturity is pointing out your lack of leadership abilities, your tribes coordination abilities, your members abilities in all around game-play including but not limited to sniping and attacking? Wow, then you must be immature as well considering your attempting to do the exact same thing in your forum to appear like you have it under control to your members.

Post 4: Madara.


Really? That's interesting. Especially since he hasn't sent a single attack at me since he got on the power account a week ago. Secondly, I'm so scared that he is active next to me that a couple months I called out the much more highly skilled original owner to do something.

See that here: http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=203924

Post 5: davidga.


Exactly, that is entirely true. And that is why [V] members no longer talk on here for the last 4 or so months actively due to the progress XVI made back on them. And its exactly what we are doing to you as well.

Post 6 & 7: Noreth and davidga.


Now now now, Noreth. For starters the accounts name is JamieRed, not JaimeRed. As for having a report, it wont tell you very much except how many troops were in the village I attacked with. What you need to tell something are my timings, the villages I send from, blah blah blah.

Now onto the second part of your post that stats I am not the original and don't deserve what I have, fair call. I mean, I was on the council prior to my absense, so I shouldn't be on it now. I have lead top ranked tribes multiple times in multiple worlds. Baron of V-V-V on World 24, Duke of RIMJOB on W12. All top tribes. But I don't have the experience or ability to do so on W36 obviously according to you nor earned that. BUT I have never claimed to be leading DVADER.


You seem confused. You're probably sitting there thinking "But you have the JamieRed account so you must be the new leader of DVADER?!?!?". This right here, proves my point about how misinformed you clearly are over the set up of DVADER as I am not even a baron here, definately not a Duke anyway. I am merely a council member once again as I have been since the day I returned.

davidga, you seem to have amazing abilities if you can tell what is and what isn't a premium account as I can send the same attacks from one that has premium as I can without premium. But you will find that our sat accounts, do have premium still. We make sure of it.

Post 8: ldotzl.


Probably one of the 2 posts in this thread that is any good as he clearly understands how a war game works. Under-estimate me all you want Noreth, I'm only so happy to show you up.

Post 9 & 10: Noreth.


Okay Noreth, I will answer everything you want to know from this post right now.

  • Yes, I use Opera for everything game related, not only just for sending trains. Doesn't everyone? Get in the times man!
  • Yes, occasionally I do have sitters. But as I have a co-player, it generally isn't required.
  • Yes, you know what time-zone I am on and where I am from. Infact, everyone who reads this forum can see that. You don't however know the times I am on because it varies largely and your friend, cloudsfinalfantasy can attest to that.
  • Also due to having a co-player, my account is generally 24 hour coverage. Well more like 22 but close enough.

Now you know what you need to now. You have me on Skype, talk to me. You can ask me anything, I'm happy to answer anything you want to know. Going into IRL issues? That's cool... Once again proving you are infact hurt and rather immature.

Last but not least, Post 11: StewyHax.


My friend Stewy, you sir, deserve a pat on the back. Seems you were the only one who figured that when I got this information, it would find its way to the externals. Smart, but that's what I would expect from you as you are truly a good player and I do have a lot of respect for you.

Therefore, having displayed all of this one thread to the world to see, you can quite clearly see my work in PnP has done its jump. There is clear signs of butt-hurt in the ranks of [V]. Madara leaving the other day due to the lack of coordination shows there is also dissension as well.

Mission complete. Signing off...
Lord Haseo.




Reserved for comments.

Good PnP, [V] is embarrassed yet again :lol:. Well, mainly just Noreth.
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Short... sweet... perfect :p i like it. But why are they so desperate at getting reports on you haseo? I mean i got tons of reports on their members am I eligible to send it to noreth? For example i got 2 nuke trains incoming without support... and a 30 sec noble train X_x Cant we just play and enjoy the game?


i read my forums but have no idea what u use in some spoilers... 2nd,3rd,4th and 10th... other all r ok for me..


If you read the thread you will see. Count the posts as that is what they are clearly. Post 1, Post 2, Post 3 & 4 ect ect.


i mean ur 2nd,3rd,4th and 10th number spoilers not work for me...


They work fine for myself, and everyone else from the looks of it.


Don't suppose you want to tell us how you got all that info?! :p



Wow, skilled player i missed you !! :icon_biggrin:
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One thing id like to point out.. Dvader did not "Break V" If V is infact broken. We were broken by XVI and then Mr.Dvader took advantage of the situation to remove a #1 Contender from the world, Taking credit for the work of XVI which has ultimately been the only reason dvader have walked over V so easily is a embarrassment to yourselves.

That being said fair play you guys are giving us a ass whooping, But you cant argue had your declaration come while we were not being fisted by XVI the stats would have been very different, This is in no way a attack on dvader as its smart game play, But lets just keep it honest yees?

The information would obviously reach Dvader and in some way effect the PnP of both sides, Was a givvun considering how easily you can reach into our tribe, As you say yourself dont underestimate a opponent. Just because you can get any information you like at any time on them and because theyre not arguing with you doesn't mean they are crumbling or are ever going to go away. You will have to take every single one of V's 19016 villages before they are gone, Until then dont relax as you may get more than you bargained for.

As for V being embarassed and that being the reason for them not posting.. Booosheezle.

king dalt555

Lord H is not nearly as smart as he though he was. :icon_rolleyes:

I am sure you will know what i am talking about soon.


Lord H is not nearly as smart as he though he was. :icon_rolleyes:

I am sure you will know what i am talking about soon.

King, if you have not learned by now if you do not use your W36 account your post's are considered useless, grow some ball's and use your IG account if you wish to contribute. If not please refrain from posting your crap as no one want's to hear it.


King, if you have not learned by now if you do not use your W36 account your post's are considered useless, grow some ball's and use your IG account if you wish to contribute. If not please refrain from posting your crap as no one want's to hear it.

He is the co-player of Pain.Carbon.

Lord H is not nearly as smart as he though he was. :icon_rolleyes:

I am sure you will know what i am talking about soon.

Or maybe I'm overly smart and know how to throw suspicion around in a tribe that is already guessing, and hoping to find my spy? You must determine how real it is. You're all smart cookies. I mean, I do have photoshop after all so think before you start an op on this spy you think you have caught. ;)

Noreth on 23.07. at 21:00 Quote
If anyone has viewed Lord Haseo's (aka Jaimered) response in the externals, it's important to know the full details of what he's blithering about:

While I was on vacation last month, before the war with Dvader started, LH made it clear to me we had a leak. He also presented himself as the leader / decision maker of Dvader. My experience with the former account holder of Jaimered was the leader so why would I think differently?

Regarding the leak, who that is or how LH was getting the information wasn't clear so I began planting seeds everywhere seeing what would stick and bounce back to me. Tribal ops in mass emails have been, for the most part fake, while emails going to Select members, worded differently with different targets were sent out by me and only with my knowledge, again to see how LH responded.

He has done a brilliant job leaving me a trail of bread crumbs to his spy, because, as I said earlier, his ego won't allow him to just shut-up. We have had spies in this tribe since the beginning of the game, so has everyone else - it's just a part of tribal wars. KNOWING you have a spy gives you a tactical advantage so your enemy never really knows what info is real or not. This seems to have evaded Mr. Haseo and the main reason why we have not done a tribe wide assault on dvader. Yeah, you know about K37 and you are the main target, but are you really? Was this real, or was it a test to get you to post what you "know".....lame

I'm more than happy to oblige you in a tribe wide assault now that I have the info you so ignorantly supplied to me and the rest of Tribal Wars Externals.

Also, clearly you are no Leader of Dvader, Mr. Haseo. You threaten me in emails as if you are, but the loudest and most annoying bark by any dog comes from the frightened, tiny lap dog, not the confident leader of the pack. The point of putting " " around the word "leader" at the beginning of my post was intended to indicate one-who-thinks-of-himself-as but isn't really.

Additionally, since you can read our forums, it's much more fun talking to you here than in the externals where the mods may not allow some of our comments. For this reason I have not nor will post in the externals.

Personally, I'm done taunting you. I found out what I needed to know by your external post. I challenge you to simply drop this now and play the game and not try to have the last word....let's see if your ego will allow that.

Very Truly Yours,


As for Noreth, your post in your thread was rather amusing. You should really be posting that here. As my posts on this forum didn't tell nothing other than what I wanted you to know. Every little bit of it. As I have multiple leaks inside [V], you can't shut just one off. So enjoy the bread crumbs, because [V] sure isn't eating us much right now.

As for when I first spoke to you, I spoke to you on behalf of DVADER as is my job. You never asked and I never told what position I was. However I have said it quite a bit on here. Not my responsibility that you aren't aware of changes and such in possible threats nor until I posted otherwise yesterday. Great work there.

I do know about K37 and no, I dont think I'm a main target at all. My 80 incomings totally scare me. Great Op buddy! You deserve a medal if I am the main target. You know how I know though? It's because of people launching early mate, you should really tell them to control themselves a little more. When you have fakes landing in k47 and a few little nukes, but 90% of the real attacks are hitting k37, you know its a diversion.

But don't worry, you are clever too.

I'm more than happy to oblige you in a tribe wide assault now that I have the info you so ignorantly supplied to me and the rest of Tribal Wars Externals.

We have been at war for 3 weeks dude, and this is how we get action? I'm sorry but thats funny as hell.

I challenge you to simply drop this now and play the game and not try to have the last word....let's see if your ego will allow that.

Challenge not accepted. I know the impact Propaganda has my froiend on tribes, and it is doing its job.
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Multiple spies :p epic... i currently have 105 incomings mostly from asluke and im not even a main target... love the trains and nuke nobles ftw... will I be made #1 ODD? maybe i should mobile the mobile infantry corps?

Ok on topic.... so [V] has more than one spy... this war is being fought with troops and intelligence... but so far it seems [V] mostly Noreth is paranoid about spies. Once you start worrying about spies its worthless to do anything. If you make an op and you go through all claims and timings a spy should not affect as much. As ultimately it comes down to the one being opped and those participating. Defense is a luxury in my opinion and those pesky stacks are over-rated. So a spies role is largely shrunk if you come 2 think about it...


I'm glad you are enjoying life Steve, and I'm more than happy to chat with you any time that you want. I also which you the best as a father. Best thing in life mate.

Vic, spies always play a large part in any war at any stage of the game and I think you know that. ;)


hmm this is interesting :) for both sides.... i guess the "war" sorta depends on what R2D2's agenda is, lol sry ive been absent from the forums for awhile.... i know most dont care as many seem to find me quite annoying (vader) lol just speaking freely here.... no need to h8.... havent thought bout the war rlly till i saw this, jus been supporting a few of V and am a bit occupied with Wukes inactives.... swallow, swallow, swallow...... hahah wuke went down the drain :p sry i luv emmm but heyyyy free villages :) lol i get off topic.... well V ..... u should deal with your spies.... man.... im already wondering who it is.....


Vic, spies always play a large part in any war at any stage of the game and I think you know that. ;)

I know of nothing of which you refer to in that post :p All i know is im a pawn and i do as I am told. The voices in my head are getting angry xD

Wassup power have fun with yer kid dood... if u play tw there is no excuse for not being 24/7 on your acc :p your kid shall help u super farm xD

So pretty much everyone thinks this world is over? or wut?