A True Story about [V].


So pretty much everyone thinks this world is over? or wut?

Noooooooooooooooooo, no where near over mate. this world got about a whole nother year left atleast.

look at all those villages that are still left lol


those villages got no life in them. There are no other tribes other than XVI or Dvader that control most aspects within the world atm. Its like if i were to cough and my neighbor over there were 2 sneeze xD

In my opinion the fate of the world is sealed... only a matter of time =]


The world is far from over. Extremely pre-mature to make that claim Vic :icon_eek:

We are in a strong position, and our largest rival [V] is in a very weak position that is the current state of the world. Even though they are losing villages and players fairly rapidly, [V] is not finished yet, not by a long shot. If the current trend continues though I will admit [V] will be gone, and would have left a pretty pathetic record for a rank 2 tribe.

I'm not convinced that [V] will fix their problems to be honest though and it has been a long period of decline for them. Players are still leaving, and if they are of the opinion that spies are the biggest problem facing [V], then I am all the more confident of a victory for us.
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I have just read this post.... and I must say... it's pretty low... even for an aussie


I have just read this post.... and I must say... it's pretty low... even for an aussie

Oh? It's pretty low? Really?

At least I have the nerve to talk smack about [V] in the public forum where you guys can see it, but your own leader hides his comments behind his tribe yet does absolutely nothing about anything except talk.


yup... call me a dreamer.... but i have my money on ths world ending before anyone else expects it... i smell a cowardly massdelete in a few months.


yup... call me a dreamer.... but i have my money on ths world ending before anyone else expects it... i smell a cowardly massdelete in a few months.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :icon_idea:

sounds intresting :D


Oh? It's pretty low? Really?

At least I have the nerve to talk smack about [V] in the public forum where you guys can see it, but your own leader hides his comments behind his tribe yet does absolutely nothing about anything except talk.

...so your beef is with the leader of V.... sooo why bring me into this. damn sheep...... yea you know what I'm talking about!
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...so your beef is with the leader of V.... sooo why bring me into this. damn sheep...... yea you know what I'm talking about!

I have no beef with Noreth, I clearly stated that I can say what I have to in front of everyone and not behind close doors as I have nothing to hide from. He, on the other hand, does with [V] as a 2nd ranked side has a very poor record since he took the reigns from OldMan and Ava, losing rather badly in both of their wars.
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I clearly stated that I can say what I have to in front of everyone and not behind close doors

Now this could be seen in a number of ways, Me Personally I see this as a attention seeking post, Whereas noreth was addressing some issues intribe before it turned into a 2way convo after you posted this on the externals, I still read the forums and i can see that your bait has clearly worked and pity those falling into it, Yet admire the way it has been acomplished.