A whole tribe of meat ain't enough


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account played by 4 players and this happens lol


Dunno is it snipe or what, but tbh, not even close on "noob lvl" as not dodging incomings... I saw tons of reports where off is killed in village. Shame for experienced tw players. Even shame for average tw player...




Dunno is it snipe or what, but tbh, not even close on "noob lvl" as not dodging incomings... I saw tons of reports where off is killed in village. Shame for experienced tw players. Even shame for average tw player...

attacking with defense is just as worse as not dodging, bunch of bm scrubs l0l please stop talking to me like I'm riot please and thanks.

Deleted User - 10618707

Rather than meaningless reports. What' the stats.

Anyway, Chris deserves to lose for recruit sweet misery lol.


Non-stop Poster
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youre reaching now.. at least hes dodging, rather lose couple of levels than risk a 3/4 nuke dont you think?

a.K.a elmoo

Non-stop Poster
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attacking with defense is just as worse as not dodging, bunch of bm scrubs l0l please stop talking to me like I'm riot please and thanks.

Im not saying you are Riot, just comparing. You said you never send nobles with def? What if the closest villa is def, and you have only def to send with nobleman(s)? You just need a good antisnipe (I hope you know what is that) and nothing else. If people use brain more often, they would lose less off units while nobling and renobling villa


Im not saying you are Riot, just comparing. You said you never send nobles with def? What if the closest villa is def, and you have only def to send with nobleman(s)? You just need a good antisnipe (I hope you know what is that) and nothing else. If people use brain more often, they would lose less off units while nobling and renobling villa

he also had offense in the attack :X rip


Rather than meaningless reports. What' the stats.

Geez, it's been four pages since the last stats post already hasn't it. Four pages of pointless crap in 36 hours - how time flies :confused:

Side 1:
Tribes: Riot!, Impact, yoyo
Side 2:
Tribes: PCL, BM, -BM~, TQL, TQL., BRO, BRO1, BRQ, AKA

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 69
Side 2: 125
Difference: 56


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 8
Side 2: 10
Difference: 2



Hot Eagle why do you keep embarresing yourself like this. I for once will celebrate when you are gone ing but most of all from public forum

Is it not frustrating when Riot! are giving the ammunition by making bad gameplay mistakes.


omgf this constant spamm is starting to be annoying :D I gues mr eagle dont have much other than tw


Poor external forum showing from RIOT! I must say; practically begging Hot Eagle to quit posting their funny mistakes. I'm sure things will turn around for you RIOT! (simply too many quality players in there) but until then try to hold your head high, ok? You don't need berate poor little Hot Eagle to gain respect. Just play the game and have some fun.
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Age of Ultron

Poor external forum showing from RIOT! I must say; practically begging Hot Eagle to quit posting their funny mistakes. I'm sure things will turn around for you RIOT! (simply too many quality players in there) but until then try to hold your head high, ok? You don't need berate poor little Hot Eagle to gain respect. Just play the game and have some fun.
well the said player has claimed time and again that he's not from riot, seems kinda unfair to call him out and blame riot for" poor external forum showing".


well the said player has claimed time and again that he's not from riot, seems kinda unfair to call him out and blame riot for" poor external forum showing".

Plenty of people from RIOT! here too, Ajay. If you would like I'll remove the quote from my previous post.