AAA Strikes.


As predicted, AAA has declared on New, but havnt gone and made a formal declaration on the externals, im almost hurt by this fact.
I wish both sides best of luck, and we shall see where it ends.

I will also urge all players to keep it civil, even tho i know it is easy to get carried away sometimes.

Kindest regards I Wantz Cookiez.


Not to hurt feelings, but this could be seen as AAA clearing their area. But am willing to eat my words if New show to put up a fight.

All seeing I

Who is this tribe Aaa is fighting anyway? Sounds like you are war stats. Nothing more. Fodder if you will.

Haters gonna hate


A war between two top 10 tribes then!

Good luck to both sides!


Why thanks, and AAA even named the war after me :) i feel honored about that fact^^


I fully expect this to end in a merge, but this at least has the potential to be an interesting war - best of luck to both sides.


I fully expect this to end in a merge, but this at least has the potential to be an interesting war - best of luck to both sides.

If it does, at least you called it before anything actually happened.

I hope apathy actually wars something soon aswell. ^_^


We're far too busy flaming people on the externals for not fighting, to actually do any fighting ourselves I'm afraid.

Dang, I figured as much.

Good luck to your flaming then. To each his own I guess. :p


I fully expect this to end in a merge, but this at least has the potential to be an interesting war - best of luck to both sides.

Well tbh this seems to be the way everyone plays the game now. What ever happen to pride in ones account. Point whoring, merges, and hugging it out seem to be what everyone does now.. Seems like after around w25 things just started to suck...All these aliases,spying,merges have took alot of fun from the game.
I can assure you that the only merge you will from us is the kind were we noble the red dots and "merge" them into us. Unlike every other tribe who seems to think its fun to recruit any threats.


Well if this does end in a merge I will atleast have something to critisize Styx for on skype, sick of having nothing to go back at her with :icon_cry:

Although knowing the members in the tribe that are now present I know that is unlikely. I predict AAA pulling away with this one and taking control of that part of the rim. However good luck to both sides.


I fully expect this to end in a merge, but this at least has the potential to be an interesting war - best of luck to both sides.

Expecting a few "NEW" members being recruited and the rest turned into food.


Would prefer this thread not to turn into 'another thread about Apathy' if you want people to know about you, make one. For now am looking forward to New, maybe to suprise us all and give a good fight.


Looks like some action between W~E and AAA happening as well. Should be interesting!


Should be interesting, both sides have some pretty good players, I'd like to see the test results as soon as possible!


Looks like some action between W~E and AAA happening as well. Should be interesting!

Not really ;) We have been munching on W~E for last few months. They are the only tribe left (apart from NEW) out of the 4 or 5 that tried to gangbang AAA. The overall stats are 303-52 (war started after the stats below evidently). W~E are the best of a bad bunch and have recruited members of the other tribes that disbanded. NEW have been a bit separate due to location and we never really fought them. Though now it will change.

Side 1:
Tribes: AAA
Side 2:
Tribes: W~E

Timeframe: Last 3 months - as dunno when we started eating them.

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 196
Side 2: 55
Difference: 141


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,699,945
Side 2: 497,899
Difference: 1,202,046
