you got evidence ? am i trying to betray anyone ? again, your throwing your arguments around like a one celled organism, want facts, heres fact, in NEW theres probably 8 active ppl, most of the ones that got targeted left the game that very day, ppl are not bothering to coordinate, not bothering to support, so yes you got a core group, and that core group is looking for a new home, do i need to hide that fact ? not at all, so your evidence as you call it, is worth null and nothing.
theres a limit for how long one can try and hold 50 members, where the majority are either new to the game or late to join.
so again il ask you, when will you try and produce a constructive argumentation against me ? and what are you trying to accomplish ?
amd i ashamed that i leave a dead tribe, with selfish ppl, (except the core group) behind me ? no not at all, am i a backstabber for the months i have tried and tried and tried to get NEW running ? no i dont think i am at all dear.
so one more chance now, and if your arguments are as dry and piss poor, as you have showed this far, il be forced to ignore you, thats the only way i can withstand the urge to bang my head against my wall, every time i read your garbage.