And The plot Thickens! ( muahaha )


The tribe would go real far under -Zod- 's LeadershiP! :x

The article in the W27 weekly about this topic and his interview just show that -BAN- will not go far in this world no matter what leadership its under.


I will never tell anyone who sends me info so stop asking others about it because they have no idea! Stop trying to bother nice people who i like and just because i put there name on my profile does not give you the right to bother them when you have issues with me because i released your plans to the public.

Im putting it back up just to annoy him "I LOVE YOU DARTSHIP!" lol

To -ZOD- Read my profile it says if a players name is not listen under PA's then i do not have a PA with them. Learn to read!

Anyways the saga continues and -BAN- continue to try and find the leak :lol:

-Zod- today at 05:33
wow suspicious, your starting to make me think that your tacops and he just has 2 accounts

Dartship today at 05:07
check again, kid.

I have better things to do that spy.

btw, since when did PAs make people spies?

-Zod- today at 03:59
do you see tacops personal text, he says that he loves you and yours it says your a PA of his too

Dartship today at 03:33
give me one good reason I would be a spy.

-Zod- today at 03:24
dont believe me that im not a lawyer too, sound just like tacops

-Zod- today at 03:14
already did

Dartship on 07.03. at 14:05
give me one reason that someone who still has yet to master the English tongue can be trusted to be an English lawyer.

Tell it to your leaders, I have little to hide.

-Zod- on 06.03. at 22:27
you see, if you've read his personal text he says that i claim to be a lawyer but really i am one, tacops just cant read right or something, not to be mean but anyways because of his personal text, for now i am suspecting that you are the spy, but imma have to get more evedence to prove that you are the spy. for now i have to tell this to our leaders

Dartship on 06.03. at 22:21
that is just a joke, we aren't PAs. trust me, Tacops would just as quickly rim me as befriend me. ask him yourself. we haven't confirmed PA status.

why, what are you suggesting?

-Zod- on 06.03. at 22:11
Don't touch Dartship he's mine! lol i love you dart! :D

thats wats in tacops personal text, are you sure that you are'nt his PA or maybe you guys might even know each other

Dartship on 06.03. at 19:57
we aren't PAs, just acquaintances from W13. first actually spoke to him on W27. why?

-Zod- on 06.03. at 18:45
How long have you and tacops been PA's?

-Zod- on 06.03. at 18:36
yes this is about who is the spy of our tribes or ban bana ban1 and tkp and our allies and stuff

Dartship on 06.03. at 01:36
about what?
(confidentiality in regards to any questions regarding Tacops is limited, and anything that threatens any personal alliances I have will be revealed to the public forums, so ask wisely)

-Zod- on 06.03. at 01:12
Hello, is it ok if i ask you some questions?

sincerely, -zod-
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I will never tell anyone who sends me info so stop asking others about it because they have no idea! Stop trying to bother nice people who i like and just because i put there name on my profile does not give you the right to bother them when you have issues with me because i released your plans to the public.

Im putting it back up just to annoy him "I LOVE YOU DARTSHIP!" lol

Anyways the saga continues and -BAN- continue to try and find the leak :lol:

It's so fun when you read such mails from top to bottom just to realize that they haven't been turned around. :icon_razz:


main reason I believe Tacops over him in regards to being a lawyer

I am a lawyer and is 27 years old


I mailed his Duke about this as well :lol:


Sad people get to this point when they can't find out who has turned on them.


I really thought my last post was clear enough to stop all of the madness of these accusations. I guess not. It's not even amusing anymore...